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Items where Author is "HONG, CHEN AI"

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HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Abstrak book for the First National Conference on Contact Lens. ISSN 1675-7009

HONG, CHEN AI (2009) Are there age differences in the AC/A ratio between 2 and 15 years old?

HONG, CHEN AI (2006) Clinical Modification of Howell Phoria Card. ISSN 0128-7729

HONG, CHEN AI (2004) Clinical application of Developmental Eye Movement Test. ISSN 1598-1398

HONG, CHEN AI (2007) Comparison of subjective refraction findings in two different levels of room illumination using three different types of letter chart. J. Korean Oph Opt Soc., 2 (3). ISSN 1394-1763

HONG, CHEN AI (2004) Comparison of suppression value and stereocuity on different types stereopsis tests. ISSN 0128-7729

HONG, CHEN AI (2008) Dioptric viewing distance with minimum heterophoria.

HONG, CHEN AI (2008) Dioptric viewing distance with minimum heterophoria.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Have local optometrists done a good job in paediatric vision care?

HONG, CHEN AI (2012) Job satisfaction among health care practitioners in government setting.

HONG, CHEN AI (2012) Job satisfaction among health care practitioners in private setting. ISSN 1662-8985

HONG, CHEN AI (2007) Kecekapan penglihatan pada murid-murid sekolah rendah berbangsa Melayu. ISSN 0379-6779

HONG, CHEN AI (2005) Kestabilan lapisan airmata pra-kornea semasa tugasan dekat dengan UPV dengan Tanpa UPV. ISSN 0126-9909

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Madaliti persepsual kegemaran (visual atau auditori) dan pencapaian akademik di kalangan kanak-kanak sekolah rendah.

HONG, CHEN AI (2008) Masalah Penglihatan dan Pendengaran di sekolah Tamil.

HONG, CHEN AI (2009) Ocular Function following short-term sustained near work with and without VDU.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Pengubahsuaian ujian kemahiran persepsual visual dan kesasihannya dalam penyaringan penglihatan di sekolah.

HONG, CHEN AI (2008) Perbandingan perubahan parameter ocular di kalangan dewasa dan kanak-kanak selepas kerja dekat. ISSN 1307-8046

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Perkembangan penglihatan binocular (system vergence) di kalangan kanak-kanak Melayu pra-sekolah di sekitar Lembah Klang.

HONG, CHEN AI (2008) Perkembangan penglihatan di kalangan kanak-kanak pra-sekolah di Lembah Klang.

HONG, CHEN AI (2001) Perubahan fungsi penglihatan selepas tugasan dekat dengan UPV dan tanpa UPV.

HONG, CHEN AI (2012) Pilot study: Comparison of risk of tripping in single vision and progressive lens design. ISSN 0126-6039

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Preferred percepsual modality (visual or auditory) and academic achievement among primary school children.

HONG, CHEN AI (2005) Prevalence of ocular problems in Indonesian and Malaysian children. ISSN 1446-8735

HONG, CHEN AI (2007) Refractive status of young children (below 7 years old) with squint. ISSN 0128-7494

HONG, CHEN AI (1979) Survey on pediatric vision care (based on parent's response).

HONG, CHEN AI (2009) Tinjauan tentang program penyaringan penglihatan di sekolah rendah di Selangor dan Wilayah Persekutuan. ISSN 1985-6512

HONG, CHEN AI (2009) VDU and its effect on contrast sensitivity among school children.

HONG, CHEN AI (2009) Vergence and accommodation system in Malay Primary School Children. The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences.

HONG, CHEN AI (2009) Vision and hearing problems in suburban primary school children:Part I-Tamil Schools.

HONG, CHEN AI (2008) Visual display units (VDU) reduced contrast sensitivity.

HONG, CHEN AI (2009) What is Behavioural Optometry? Its application in pediatric vision care.

HONG, CHEN AI (1981) What is the validity and repeatability of the modified push-up method for pre-school children?

HONG, CHEN AI (2009) The accommodation respons of pre-school children;free-space versus minus lens-induced response. ISSN 0128-7389

HONG, CHEN AI (2011) The changes of eye movement pattern and speed during reading. ISSN 2210-7703

HONG, CHEN AI (2008) A comparative study of three autorefractors with subjective refraction. ISSN 1985-6512

HONG, CHEN AI (2007) The contact lens related case reports in pediatric population: congenital cataract with divergent squint. Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society, 2 (3).

HONG, CHEN AI (2009) The effect of font size on the reading speed in pre-school children. ISSN 1985-6512

HONG, CHEN AI (2004) The effect of the color of light on the speed of reading. ISSN 1675 � 8994

HONG, CHEN AI (2009) An exciting discovery of the vergence system in young emmetropic children. ISSN 1985-6512

HONG, CHEN AI (2012) The preference of photochromatic or multicoat lenses selection based on gender and age. ISSN 0126-6039

Conference or Workshop Item

HONG, CHEN AI (2005) A comparative study of three autorefractors with subjective refraction. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2008) VDU and its effect on contrast sensitivity among school children. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2004) Visual display units (VDU) reduced contrast sensitivity. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Bagaimanakah pendedahan kepada komputer mempengaruhi daya pemfokusan di kalangan pengguna yang rabun jauh? In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Relating vision problems to academic achivement among primary school children. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2001) The effect of font size on the reading speed in pre-school children. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2000) Tinjauan tentang program penyaringan penglihatan di sekolah rendah di Selangor dan Wilayah Persekutuan. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2000) An exciting discovery of the vergence system in young emmetropic children. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2005) Causes of uncorrected refractive errors in urban and rural primary school children. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2004) Pemerhatian morfologikal ke atas kornea pemakai kanta sentuh miopik. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Effect of computer usage on non-invasive tear break-up time (NIBUT). In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Perkembangan penglihatan binocular (system vergens)di kalangan kanak-kanak Melayu pra-sekolah di sekitar Lembah Klang. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) A Survey of computer work induced symptoms among a population of computer users. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Kesan penggunaan unit paparan visual (UPV) Ke atas non-invasive tear break-up time (NIBUT). In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Comparison of antimicrobial and antifungal effect of several commercially available contact lens solution. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) A case report on 5-year-old unilateral aphakic boy with irregular pupil. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Kesan penggunaan unit paparan visual (UPV) ke atas stability lapisan airmata pra-kornea dari segi corak lapisan airmata. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Pemerhatian morfologikal ke atas kornea pemakai kanta sentuh miopik. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2002) The preferred perceptual modality (visual & auditory) and academik performance in primary school children. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2002) Tinjauan tentang tahap pendidikan ibubapa, status kesihatan dan pendidikan pra-sekolah di kalangan kanak-kanak sekolah rendah yang bermasalah dalam pembelajaran. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2001) Perubahan beberapa parametar ocular selepas kerja dekat bagi kanak-kanak myopia dan emetropia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2001) Visual acuity, refractive error and color vision in pre shool children. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2001) Korelasi antara pencapaian akademik dan skala penilaian guru kelas. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2001) Tinjauan tentang penjagaan penglihatan Pediatric (berdasarkan respon ibubapa). In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2001) Kekeliruan huruf b-d-p-q di kalangan kanak-kanak pra sekolah. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2001) Hubungan di antara pergerakan mata dengan sistem akomodasi-vergens. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2001) The effect of the color of light on the speed of reading. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2001) Binocular vision system:the influence of refractive error and race factors. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2001) Test of visual perceptual skills in Malay Primary School Children. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2001) A case report on contact lens complication for unilateral aphakic in infancy. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2000) Ujian Kemahiran Persepsual visual-ulangan di kalangan kanka-kanak sekolah rendah berbangsa Melayu. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2000) Tinjauan terhadap penjagaan penglihatan pediatrik. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2000) Kecekapan penglihatan pada murid-murid sekolah rendah berbangsa Melayu. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2000) Tinjauan tentang peranan optometris dalam penjagaan penglihatan pediatric di Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2000) Perbandingan perubahan parameter ocular selepas kerja berat di antaraemetrop dan miop. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2000) Effect of body posture on visual acuity, refractive error and binocular vision. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2000) Dioptric viewing distance with minimum heterophoria. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (1999) Vision and hearing problems in suburban primary school children:Part I-Tamil Schools. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (1999) Comparison between minus lens-induced and free space accommodation respons in pre-school children. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2005) Ocular Function following short-term sustained near work with and without VDU. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Learning Related vision problems & academic achievement in Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) The accommodation respons of pre-school children;free-space versus minus lens-induced response. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Ocular components in emmetropic & myopic Indian school children. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Refractive status of young children (below 7 years old) with squint. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Refractive status of pre-school children:record from a teachingclinic versus two vision sreening programs. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2002) School myopia and vergence-accommodation system. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2002) New insight inyo myopia in young children. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2002) Near Visual function in pre-school children. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2002) b-d-p-q confusion among pre-school children. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2002) Are there age differences in the AC/A ratio between 2 and 15 years old? In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2002) Visual orientation problems among pre-school children. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2001) Near point of convergence in young emmetropic children. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2001) The effect of myopia on viewing distance with minimum heterophoria. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2001) Viewing distance with minimum heterophoria. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2001) The visual system of pre-school children (free-space versus minus lens-induced accommodative response. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2001) Survey on pediatric vision care (based on parent's response). In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2001) What is the validity and repeatability of the modified push-up method for pre-school children? In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2001) Prescribing for infants and children. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (1999) Free-space accommodation response and minus lens-induced accommodative response in pre-school children. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (1997) The near point of Convergence and the amplitude of accommodation in young children. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (1997) The accommodative response curve in young children. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Kestabilan lapisan airmata pra-kornea semasa tugasan dekat dengan UPV dengan Tanpa UPV. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Perubahan fungsi penglihatan selepas tugasan dekat dengan UPV dan tanpa UPV. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Maintaining normal visual status and behavioural adaptation in using visual display unit (VDU) among school children. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Preferred percepsual modality (visual or auditory) and academic achievement among primary school children. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Identification & intervention of learning related vision problems among underachiever in primary schools. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2000) Tinjauan tentang Program penyaringan penglihatan di sekolah rendah di Selangor dan Wilayah Persekutuan. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2004) The effect of computer usage on the efficiency of the accommodation system. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Identification and intervention of learning-related vision problems among underachievers in primary schools. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Madaliti persepsual kegemaran (visual atau auditori) dan pencapaian akademik di kalangan kanak-kanak sekolah rendah. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Perkembangan penglihatan binocular (system vergence) di kalangan kanak-kanak Melayu pra-sekolah di sekitar Lembah Klang. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2002) Pengubahsuaian ujian kemahiran persepsual visual dan kesasihannya dalam penyaringan penglihatan di sekolah. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2002) The Preffered perceptual modality (visual or auditory) and academic performance in primary school children. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2001) Binocular vision system: the influence of refractive error and race factors. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2001) Corneal topograhy changes due to near task in myopes and emmetropes. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2001) The effect of the colour light on the speed of reading. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2001) Akuiti visual,kesalahan refraksi dan penglihatan warna di kalangan kanak-kanak pra sekolah. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2009) Perubahan beberapa parameter ocular selepas kerja dekat bagi kanak-kanak miopia dan emetropia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2009) Vision problems among Indian students. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2009) Clinical Modification of Howell Phoria Card. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2000) Clinical application of Developmental Eye Movement Test. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (1999) Comparison between minus lens-induced and free space accomadation respons in pre-school children. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2011) Validity of vision screening battery for young adults. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2011) The changes of eye movement pattern and speed during reading. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2011) study of road designs in Malaysia by comparing with the Australian satndard. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2011) Investigation on the correlation of Axial Length and Light- Adapted Electroretinal Function in Malaysian Population. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2011) The evaluation of COVD-QOL Questionnare as ascreening Tool for vision screening in children with learning disabilities. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2011) Comparison of electroretinal Function between Malaysian and Canadian population. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2011) Study of road sign design in Malaysia by comparing with The Australian standard. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2011) Comparison of refractive error and binocular vision problems between children with learning disabilities and normal children in primary school. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2011) Comparison between oral and silent reading using video oculography (VOG). In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2010) Lazy Eye (Amblyopia). In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2010) Testability of visual acuity, stereoscuity, stereoacuity and color vision tests in normal children and children with learning disabilities. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2010) Visual Acuity Test in Adults; A comparison of four chart designs. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2010) Refractive error among Sarawakian school children in Betong Division. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2009) The effect of letter charts and illumination on visual acuity measurements. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2008) VDU (Visual Display Unit) and its effect on contrast sensivity among schoolchildren. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2010) A Pilot Study: Sensitivity and specificity of vision screening battery in young adults. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2010) Comparison of electroretinal functions between Malaysian and Canadian Population. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2010) Study on type of number plates commonly used in Kuala Lumpur. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2010) Comparison between four visual acuity charts. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2010) Study of road sign design in Malaysia by comparing with the Australian standard. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2010) Video Oculography: Eye movement during reading. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2010) Optometry Students: Who are you? My point of view. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2005) VDU related task and accommodative response time. In: UNSPECIFIED.


HONG, CHEN AI (2001) Abstrak book for the First National Conference on Contact Lens. UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2000) Comparison of suppression value and stereocuity on different types stereopsis tests. UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2001) Identification of primary school children with learning problems. UNSPECIFIED.


HONG, CHEN AI (2000) Dioptric viewing distance with minimum heterophoria. UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2000) Effect of the body posture on visual acuity, refractive error and binocular vision. UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (1999) Efficacy of visual Perceptual Training. UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2000) Have local optometrists done a good job in paediatric vision care? UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2001) Masalah Penglihatan dan Pendengaran di sekolah Tamil. UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2001) Perbandingan perubahan parameter ocular di kalangan dewasa dan kanak-kanak selepas kerja dekat. UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2001) Perkembangan penglihatan di kalangan kanak-kanak pra-sekolah di Lembah Klang. UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (1998) Prevalence of ocular problems in Indonesian and Malaysian children. UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (1999) Prevalens masalah penglihatan dan pendengaran di kalangan pelajar luar bandar di Malaysia. UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (1999) What is Behavioural Optometry? Its application in pediatric vision care. UNSPECIFIED.

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