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Items where Author is "RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN"

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RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2008) Biphasic nature of body growth in rats. Malays. Appl. Biol., 74 (1). ISSN 0032-0943

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2006) Cardiovascular and metabolic responses to isometric exercise of athletes and non-athletes. Med. J. Malaysia, 6 (2). ISSN 1812-5654

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1999) Change of fibre type composition in soleus muscle of male and female rats during postnatal development. Malays. Appl. Biol., 2 (4). ISSN 1028-8880

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2000) Cryopreservation of caprine spermatozoa using a tris-citric acid yolk extender: A comparative study of two freezing techniques. The Mal. Jour. Med Sc..

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN Cyclic nucleotides in normal and neoplastic growth - a review. Jurnal Perubatan UKM, 2. ISSN 1823-7347

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1998) Does honey improve in vitro embryo development in mice induced with stress? ISSN 0128-5610

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1995) Establisment of an in vitro fertilization procedure using oocytes of Katjang goats matured in vitro.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2005) Fetal resorption in corticosterone-induced oxidative stress in mice. Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism. ISSN 0128-2635

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2008) Fibre spiltting in soleus, plantaris and gastrocnemius of four colonies of male and female Lister Rats. ISSN 978-967-305-261-5

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2001) Influence of diabetis on the mRNA expression of IGF-2 ang IGF-2R in mouse fallopian tube and uterus. ISSN 1675-1302

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1992) Kulit, Rambut dan Kuku: Penyeri Kehidupan (Skin\ hair and nail: The decoration of life). ISSN 0127-1172

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2009) Pemakanan dan Kesihatan (Nutrition and Health). ISSN 2073-0578

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1991) Reproductive status of female Spague Dawley rats and uts relationship with the number, weight and sex of their litters. ISSN 0025-1348

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2009) Scanning electron microscopic studies confirm the nicotine induced damaged of the oocytes.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2004) Serum prolactin levels at different stage of menstrual cycle and during a 24 hour period in Malaysia women. Med. J. Malaysia, 2. ISSN 16759885

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2000) Supplementation with alpha lipoic improves the in vitro development of embryos in nicotine treated mice. Biomed. Res, 5 (3).

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2009) Ultrastructural studies of fresh and acrosome-reacted goat sperm. ISSN 17128056

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2008) Ultrastructural studies of fresh and frozen-thawed goat sperm. ISSN 1985-5079

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2007) Ultrastructural studies of fresh, frozen thawed and acrosome reacted goat sperm. Biomed. Res, 61 (4).

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2009) Ultrastructure of matured oocytes in nicotine treated mice.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2008) Urinary cotinine level following single, every alternate day and daily injection of nicotine on rats. ISSN 0972-2629

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1998) Vitrification of preimplantation murine embryos. A step towards preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD). ISSN 0128-5610

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2004) The effects of chronic tocotrienol pretreatment on the in vitro culture of the preimplantation embryos of nicotine treated-mice. ISSN 1447-9524

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1993) The effects of freezing on the ultrastructure of goat sperm.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2008) The effects of nicotine injection and cigarette smoke on rat soleus muscle fibre type. Jurnal Perubatan UKM.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2005) The effects of propylthiouracil and thyroxine administration on the serum thyroxine levels in monkey (Macaca fascicularis).

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2008) The effects of thyroxine treatment on slow-and fast contracting skeletal muscle contractions of the cat and their cyclic AMP level. Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. and Physiol., 7 (1). ISSN 1812-5638

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2006) The methanol extract of Plantago major L:inn on area of calcium exalate stone formation and crystal size in vitro. Malays. J. Pharm., 7 (1).

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2007) The role of insulin-like growth factor-1 in diabetic embryopathy. The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences, 36 (1).

Conference or Workshop Item

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2010) γ-Tocotrienol Supplementation Reverses the Nicotine-Induced Oxidative Stress in Mice. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2010) Cessation of Embryo Development in Nicotine-Induced Oxidative Stress and Its Possible Reversal by Tocotrienol Supplementation in Mice. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2007) Analysis of biopsied cryopreserved murine embryos. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2009) The Influence of Tocotrienol on Lipid Peroxidation in the Development of Preimplantation Embryos in Stressed Mice. In: UNSPECIFIED.


RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2006) Vitrification of preimplantation murine embryos. A step towards preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD). In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2006) Does honey improve in vitro embryo development in mice induced with stress? In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2006) Influence of diabetis on the mRNA expression of IGF-2 ang IGF-2R in mouse fallopian tube and uterus. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2005) Vitamin E reduced the ultrastructural changes in oocytes of nicotine-treated mice. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2004) Scanning electron microscopic studies confirm the nicotine induced damaged of the oocytes. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2003) Ultrastructure of matured oocytes in nicotine treated mice. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2003) Fresh and frozen-thawed sperm motility using computerized semen analyzer in different breeds of goat. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2003) Ultrastructural studies of fresh and acrosome-reacted goat sperm. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2003) Ultrastructural studies of fresh and frozen-thawed goat sperm. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2002) The effects of chronic tocotrienol pretreatment on the in vitro culture of the preimplantation embryos of nicotine treated-mice. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2002) Does tocotrienol suplementation improve fertility? In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2001) Palm vitamin E increses the rate of preimplantation embryo cleavage in a nicotine-treated rats. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2000) Urinary cotinine level following single, every alternate day and daily injection of nicotine on rats. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2000) Reproductive status of female Spague Dawley rats and uts relationship with the number, weight and sex of their litters. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1996) Meiotics status of developing goat oocytes in vitro. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1994) The effects of freezing on the ultrastructure of goat sperm. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1995) The role of goat oviductal epithelial cells on thr in vitro fertilazation of oocytes and subsequent culture of embryos in goats. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1993) Fine structure of goat oocytes matured in vitro. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1993) The effects of pregnancy on the peripheral prolactin levels. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1992) Relationship between follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (H) in pre-, peri- , and postmenopausal women, normal responders and poor respondersto ovarian stimulation. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1992) Serum thyroxine level in normal young, prepubertal, crab-eating monkeys Macaca fascicularis. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1991) The effects of propylthiouracil and thyroxine administration on the serum thyroxine levels in monkey (Macaca fascicularis). In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1991) Effects of ethelenediamene-tetraacetic acid on maturation of goat oocytes in vitro. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1991) Motoneurons supplying the levator palpebrae superioris muscle in hypothyroid monkeys. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1991) A time couse study of in vitro maturation of follicular oocytes in goats. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1991) Establisment of an in vitro fertilization procedure using oocytes of Katjang goats matured in vitro. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1990) Kesan amina simpatomometik dan tirotoksikosis eksperimental pada kontraksi otot skelet. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN Lokalisasi dan sebaran saiz motoneuron yang menyarafi otot levator paipebrae superiors pada Macaca fascicularis. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1985) The effects of chronic thyroxine treatment on cat soleus muscle fibre type. In: UNSPECIFIED.


RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2004) Nicotine reduced the rate of embryo development and damage the ultrastructure of the oocytes. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2003) Effects of supplementation of Garcinia atroviridis extract on the in vitro cultured preimplantation embryos in mice. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2001) Palm vitamin E improves the pregnancy and postnatal development of litters of nicotine treated rats. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2000) Surgical implantation of Dirofilaria immitis in cat. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1995) The effect of hyperthyroidism on motoneurons of extraocular muscle. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1991) The effects of huperthyroidism on the contractility of the levetor palpebrae superioris muscle in primate. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1991) Cross-sectional area of soleus muscle of hyperthyroid monkey (Macaca fascicularis). In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1991) The effects of thyroxine in fibre type of the soleus muscle in monkey (Macaca fascicularis). In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1991) In Vitro maturation of cumulus-free, disperse cumulus and compact cumulus oocytes in goats. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1991) Relation between follicle stimulating hormon, Leteinizing hormon and prolactin from young adult to postmenopausal women. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1991) Establishment of in vitro maturation of goats oocytes. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1991) Recovery of oocytes from ovaries of slaughtered goats. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1990) Effects of propylthiouracil on the muscle fiber of the levator palpebrae superiors muscle in monkey. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1988) Effect of nicotine on glutathione metabolizing enzymes in rat lung and liver. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1988) Effects of nocotine on some conjunction enzymes in rat lung and liver. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1987) Some effects of chronic exposure to cigarette smoke and nicotine injection in rats. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1986) The effects of chronic thyroxine treatment on slow-contracting mammalian skeletal muscle and cyclic AMP level. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1986) Recovery patterns from acute exposure to the smoking of two cigarettes. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1985) Effects of 4-methyl-2-thiouracil on skeletel muscle fibretype in rats. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1979) Junction between muscle fibers and the epimysium in rat soleus muscle. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1979) Fibre spiltting in soleus, plantaris and gastrocnemius of four colonies of male and female Lister Rats. In: UNSPECIFIED.


RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2006) Deria: Penghubung Manusia dengan sekitaran (Senses: communication to environment). UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1987) Fisiologi Berilustrasi. UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1995) Fisiologi Perubatan Semasa, Jilid 1. UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1998) Haid: Antara suka dan Duka (Menstruation: between like and dislike). UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2003) Hormon: Pengatur Kehidupan (Hormone: the regulator of life). UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1991) Kamus Perubatan (Medical Dictionary). UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1998) Kehamilan: Bermulanya Satu Kehidupan (Pregnancy: the beginning of life). UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1988) Konsep Asas Tubuh Manusia (Basic Concept of The Human Body). UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2005) Kulit, Rambut dan Kuku: Penyeri Kehidupan (Skin hair and nail: The decoration of life). UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1999) Payu Dara: Keyakinan Diri Wanita (Breast: The womens self esteem). UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1997) Pemakanan dan Kesihatan (Nutrition and Health). UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1997) Pemakanan dan Kesihatan (Nutrition and Health). UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2005) Pemakanan: Bermulanya Kesihatan (Diet: the beginning of health). UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1995) Pengenalan Sistem Tubuh dan Penyakitnya (Intriduction to body system and its disease). UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2008) Pernafasan: Penerus Kehidupan (Respiration: Continuity of Life). UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1990) Prinsip dan Amalan Perubatan Davidson, Jilid 3. UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1988) Prinsip dan Amalan Perubatan Davidson, Jilid 4. UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2002) Tabiat Makan Untuk Kesihatan (Food habit for health). UNSPECIFIED.


RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2005) PBL 10: Cervical Spine Lesion. UNSPECIFIED.


RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2006) PBL 8: Metabolic Syndrome. UNSPECIFIED.

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