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Items where Author is "YING, TSAN FUI"

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Number of items: 55.


YING, TSAN FUI (2010) Desiccation tolerance of Eurycoma longifolia Jack seeds. ISSN 1712-8056

YING, TSAN FUI (2009) Fruit Production under Department of Agriculture Selangor, Malaysia. ISSN 1985-8620

YING, TSAN FUI (2010) Fruit Storage Effects on Seed Germination of Phaleria macrocarpa. ISSN 2231-7805

YING, TSAN FUI (2009) Germination of King Palm (Archontophoenix alexandrae (F. Muell.) H. Wendl. & Drude) seed.

YING, TSAN FUI (2009) Germination of Livistona rotundifolia Seed as Affected by Desiccation and Scarification.

YING, TSAN FUI (2009) Growth performance of Ficus microcarpa b. after the application of paclobutrazol.

YING, TSAN FUI (2011) Harvesting Standard Applied in Peat. ISSN 1985-8914

YING, TSAN FUI (2012) The Impact of Organic Fertilizer Application to Oil Palm Production in FELDA Maokil 7: A Case Study.

YING, TSAN FUI (2012) Infusion Fertilisation: A Full Nutritional Technique for Oil Palm Grown in Deep Peat for Clean Environment. ISSN 1675-4077

YING, TSAN FUI (2007) Preliminary Study on Bario Rice Production in Samarahan, Sarawak. ISSN 1985-2022

YING, TSAN FUI (2009) Preliminary studies on the growth inhibition of hedge plants by the application of paclobutrazol. ISSN 0128-7389

Conference or Workshop Item

YING, TSAN FUI (2008) Dormancy breaking in Chinese Fan Palm (Livistona chinensis) seed. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2007) Germination of Fiji Fan Palm (Pritchardia pacifica Seem. And Wendl.) seeds in relation to seed moisture content. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2007) Desiccation tolerance of Eurycoma longifolia Jack seeds. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2007) Vegetative growth inhibition of Etlingera elatior (Jack) R.M. Smith by the application of paclobutrazol. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2003) Controlling the growth of hedge plants by the application of paclobutrazol : some preliminary studies. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2006) A preliminary study on the survival and growth of Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum & Nakai) seeds after sub-zero temperature treatment. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2005) A preliminary study on the survival and growth performance of Cucumis melo L. var. reticulatus Naudin seeds after sub-zero temperature treatment. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2002) Preliminary studies on the growth inhibition of hedge plants by the application of paclobutrazol. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (1994) An improved technique for seedling growth study in laboratory. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (1994) Germination and seedling growth of stored Hopea odorata seeds. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2009) Growth and flowering response of bunga kantan (Etlingera elatior (Jack) R.M. Smith) to the application of plant growth regulators. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2008) Propagation of some tropical rare fruits species by stem cutting. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2006) Germination of King Palm (Archontophoenix alexandrae (F. Muell.) H. Wendl. & Drude) seed. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2006) Growth performance of Ficus microcarpa b. after the application of paclobutrazol. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2005) Growth response of Dryobalanops aromatica Gaertner f. and Dryobalanops oblongifolia Dyer seedlings to low light intensities. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2005) Controlling the growth and crown compactness of Syzygium campanulatum by the application of gibberellin inhibitors. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (1994) Effects of desiccation and freezing treatments on survival of seeds of three tropical fruit species. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2003) A Preliminary Study on Growing Tectona grandis L.f. in a Sandy Area in Malaysia : A Fertilizing Trial. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2002) Fertilizing trial on Tectona grandis in Sabak Bernam. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2002) A preliminary study on the storage of Shorea ovalis seedlings at a slow growth phase under low light condition in the nursery. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2001) Storage of dipterocarp seedlings in shade houses in the nursery. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2003) An Innovative Method of Production of Planting Stock of Hopea odorata, Hopea helferi and Hopea wightiana in the Shade Houses. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2003) Production of Hopea odorata Roxb. planting stock as slow growing seedlings. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2000) Storage of dipterocarp seedlings by the application of paclobutrazol. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (1998) An evaluation of the transplating technique for the H. odorata seedlings after storage on the forest floor. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (1998) The growth performance of Hopea odorata seedlings subjected to application of paclobutrazol at two ages. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (1997) The potential of storing Hopea odorata seedlings with paclobutrazol for the continuous supply of planting stock. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (1996) Stability of Shorea leprosula seedlings stored at slow growth phase for varying periods by means of surrogate measures. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (1996) Storage of forest planting material as slow growing seedlings — A method for the continuous supply of planting stock. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (1994) Effects of desiccation on seed germination and seedling growth of Hopea odorata. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (1997) The growth performance of the seedlings stored on the forest floor. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2000) Storage of dipterocarp seedlings at a slow growth phase as planting stock for plantation programmes. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2003) Experimental designs and their effectiveness. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (1998) Slow growth as a method to ensure continuous supply of planting material in recalcitrant species. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2003) The enrichment of species diversity in a succession of plant species on a degraded tropical ecosystem. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2005) Growth performance of Syzygium campanulatum treated with uniconazole. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2003) Paclobutrazol sebagai cara kawalan pertumbuhan pokok landskap. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2005) Plant growth regulators as an aid in reducing labour cost for plant maintenance in urban tropical landscapes. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2003) Maintaining Landscape Plants of Acalypha siamensis, Ficus microcarpa and Syzygium oleina by the Application of Paclobutrazol : A Non-mechanical Approach. In: UNSPECIFIED.


YING, TSAN FUI (2004) Advances in Plant Science. Transactions of the Malaysian Society of Plant Physiology, vol.13. UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2010) Introductory Agricultural Biotechnology Laboratory Workbook. UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2012) Proceedings of 2nd International Plantation Industry Conference and Exhibition. UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (1999) Recalcitrant Seeds: IUFRO Seed Symposium 1998: Proceedings of the Conference. UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2012) Transactions of the Malaysian Society of Plant Physiology vol. 20. UNSPECIFIED.

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