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Number of items: 80.

ALI, AB MALIK MARWAN BIN (1995) Development of Biomaterials based polymer electrolytes for electrochemical systems.

ALI, AB MALIK MARWAN BIN (1995) Ionic Conductivity Studies Of PMMA Gel Electrolytes.

NAWI, ABDOL SAMAD BIN (1995) The impact of international trade on price mark-up in Malaysian manufacturing industries. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, ISI/SCOPUS, 7 (1). ISSN 0128-6455

HANAFIAH, ABDUL RAHMAN BIN AHMAD (1995) Nilai Moralisme Dalam Kesenian. Dewan Budaya. ISSN 0128-4460


ARSHAD, AHMAD KAMIL BIN (1995) Pavement Recycling: An Overview. Jurutera, 2 (3).

OMAR, AHMAD MALIKI BIN (1995) The Photovoltaic Monitoring Centre Portal: From Inception to Development and Maintenance.

SALIN, AHMAD SAIFUL AZLIN BIN PUTEH (1995) Global Corporate Governance Practices in Malaysia - Evidence from Directors' Remuneration.


ADAM, AISHAH BT (1995) Antioxidant activity of the ethyl acetate extract of Intsia palembanica (merbau).

(DR), ALI ABBAS HADI AL-SHAHAM (1995) PreOperative determination of placation distance in abdominoplasty. Medical Journal Malaysia, 1 (2).

(DR), ANUAR BIN TALIB (1995) Establishing the Architectural Definition/Inventory of the Perak Malay Kutai Houses (of the 1820's - 1900's) and its potential for the purpose of Restoration, Conservation and Tourism.

DR), ARSMAH BT IBRAHIM (PROF. (1995) Higher Order Homotopy Taylor-Perturbation Using Start-system For Multiroots functions.

ZAINUDDIN, AZIZAN BINTI (1995) Organizational Commitment among Employees in Food Manufacturing Industries in SMIs, Kedah. ISSN 0127-0699

AMINUDDIN, AZMI BT. (1995) Memilih Bekerjaya Selepas Lapan Tahun Bergelar Suri Rumah Tangga.

GHANI, BASRI BIN ABD. (1995) Pengurusan Ekonomi Islam. ISSN 0257-3490

OMAR, DASIMAH BT HAJI (1995) Designing Neighbourhood Green Spaces to Encourage Urban Wildlife: A Landscape Ecology Approach.

OMAR, DASIMAH BT HAJI (1995) Urbanisation and the Well Being of Female Headed in Malaysia: The Case Study of Lower Income Single Mothers in Five Urban Centres.

HASHIM, DAYANG MARYANI BT AWANG (1995) Differential Scanning Calorimetric Studies of Poly Methyl Methacrylate-Co-Styrene) (MMA-co-ST) Copolymers. Pakistan Journal of Applied Science. ISSN 0036-4762

DARUS, FAIZAH BINTI (1995) Corporate Directors Training Programme: The Success of the Training Programme in Creating Understanding and Awareness amongst Corporate Directors.

ALI, FALIZA BT MAHAMED (1995) The Best Coffeeshop in Town!Hai Peng..

@ KENNETH KEVIN AKEU, FIRDAUS ABDULLAH (1995) The development of HEdPERF: A new measuring instrument of service quality for higher education sector. ISSN 0128-2204

DR.), GURURAJ AITHALA KODAVOORU(PROF. (1995) Cerebral infarction in juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Clinical neurology and neurosurgery, 21 (1).

DR.), GURURAJ AITHALA KODAVOORU(PROF. (1995) Late infantile metachromatic leucodystrophy in two siblings. Indian pediatrics, 18 (1). ISSN 0126-6128

TERNG, HOE FOO (1995) Strategi Pengajaran Aspek Sebutan Bahasa Mandarin Di Kalangan Pelajar Universiti Teknologi MARA Shah Alam. ISSN 0128-8822

WAHAB, IBTISAM BINTI ABDUL (1995) Enhancing the Understanding of Halal Issues in Pharmacy Curriculum. ISSN 02179687

DR.), JAMALUDIN BIN KASIM (PROF. (1995) Urea particleboard from bambusa vulgaris schrad.


@ MOHD NOOR, JAZIRA BINTI ANUAR (1995) Accessing Hotel Responsiveness Towards Guest's Email Query: Cases in Malaysia. World Applied Sciences Journal, 2 (3).

KAMARUDDIN, KARTINI BINTI HAJI (1995) Teknologi Binaan Tingkatan 4 dan 5.

LING, KOH SOO (1995) Professions that inspire awe. ISSN 0142 0461

PUTIT, LENNORA BINTI (1995) Consumer�s Adoption of Technology: A Case of Internet Retail Transactions across Micro-ethnic Culture.

HASAN, MIZATON BINTI HAZIZUL (1995) Antioxidant activity of merbau crude extract.

HASAN, MIZATON BINTI HAZIZUL (1995) The acute toxicity of FRIM ID 7/07 standardized aqueous extract.

HEMDI, MOHAMAD ABDULLAH BIN (1995) Organizational justice and deviant behavior in the hotel industry.

HASSAN, MOHAMED IBRAHIM BIN ABU (1995) Evaluation of fracture strength of Turkom-Ceramic compared to two all-ceramic systems.

ARIS, MOHAMMAD JINDRA BIN (1995) An overview of amino acids crystallization.

ISLAM, MOHAMMED NASIMUL (1995) Leave Methamphetamine to be alive - Part II. Legal Medicine (3).

LATIP, MOHD FUAD BIN ABDUL (1995) Genetic algorithm based optimal on load transformer tap setting for loss minimization in power transmission system.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1995) Establisment of an in vitro fertilization procedure using oocytes of Katjang goats matured in vitro.

ARIFFIN, MOHD HISHAM BIN (1995) Preliminary study of continuing professional development among Malaysian Registered Quantity Surveyors. ISSN 0127-9092

(DR), MOHD KHAIRUL BIN MOHD SALLEH (1995) Side-coupled Dual Mode Ring Resonator for Bandpass Filter Applications.

RAMLAN, MOHD NOOR BIN (1995) Properties of Three-Layer Particleboard from Bamboo.

AZIZ, MOHD NORAFIZAL BIN ABD (1995) The Implementation Of Database Management System To Cater Student's Records In School: An Introduction to Web-Based Applications.

MUIS, MUJIBU BIN ABD (1995) Politik Permuafakatan: Satu Analisa Terhadap Amalan Politik di Negara-negara Bermasyarakat Majmuk. Voice of Academia, 14 (1).

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Practicing accountability (Mempraktikkan akauntabiliti). ISSN 0126-8589

SAAD, NOR HAYATI BINTI (1995) Development of A Fibre Optic Anemometer.

BABA, NORHAYATI BINTI (1995) Self-Directed Learning Readiness And The Relationship Between Personality Traits among Students In A Malaysian University. ISSN 0128-2999

OMAR, NORMAH BT HAJI (1995) The Role of Accounting in a Privatised Organisation: A Case Study of One Malaysian Company.

ANUAR, NORNIZAR BINTI (1995) Experimental and theoretical agglomerates determination in a vibrated fluidized bed. ISSN 0126 - 1962

SHAZALI, NURLIYANA BINTI MOHD (1995) Ethics in Public Administration: A Reference To Efforts Made by UK and Malaysian Government.

@ AW HEE TENG (DR) (DATUK PROF.), OW CHEE SHENG (1995) Updates of ASHRAE Standards for Energy Efficiency. ISSN 0128-6455

(HAJAH), PUZLAH BINTI MOHD (1995) Corporate Attention to Social Responsibility Disclosures: A Study of Malaysian Companies.

(DR), RAZIDAH BT ISMAIL (HAJJAH) (1995) Modeling of Superheater system using a State Space Representation. ISSN 0304-9701

ROSLIN, ROSMIMAH BT MOHD (1995) Attaining Competitive Advantage through Effective SCM of SMEs in Malaysia. International Journal of Arts and Sciences, 14 (2).

HASHIM, RUGAYAH BTE HAJI (1995) Political Issues in ICT Implementation in Local Government.

DR.)(IR), SHAH RIZAM BT HJ MOHD SHAH BAKI (PROF. (1995) To Design and Develop An Integrated Digital Controller For Improve Performance Of DC Drives.

SULAIMAN, SHAHAROM BIN (1995) Pesona Pencipta Buku. ISSN 0025-1348

DR), SITI HAWA BTE HAMZAH (IR) (PROF. (1995) Ultimate Behaviour of PSSDB Wall Panels With Various Butt-Joint Positions On Dry Boards.

LATIP, SITI NOOR HAJJAR BINTI MD (1995) Genetic Diversity in Cultivated Tea (Camellia sinensis) at Boh Plantations using RAPD Markers.

LATIP, SITI NOOR HAJJAR BINTI MD (1995) Glossary for Entomology.

ABDULLAH, SUKARNUR BIN CHE (1995) Novel Method of Grading Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) of Oil Palm Fruit.

SHAARI, SULAIMAN BIN (1995) Performances characteristics of an amorphous-based solar photovoltaic system in Malaysian field conditions.

MOHAMED, SYAZILAWATI BINTI (1995) Intelligent Voice-based Door Access Control System for Building Security.

DR), TITIK KHAWA BT ABDUL RAHMAN (PROF. (1995) Evolutionary Programming Approach for Solving Economic Dispatch in Power System.

EFFENDI, TOMMY JULIANTO BIN BUSTAMI (1995) Lymphatic transport contribution towards the systemic exposure of orally administered pH-sensitive nanoparticles loaded with a model hydrophilic peptidomimetic drug.

EFFENDI, TOMMY JULIANTO BIN BUSTAMI (1995) Studying The Effect Of Cryoprotectants On Blank And Cefotaxime-Loaded L100 Eudragit nanoparticles.

HO, VOON BOO (1995) Voices of Students: A Customer-Focused Approach to Continuous Service Quality Advancement in igher Education. ISSN 0128-2204

SALLEH, WAN ANISABANUM BINTI (1995) Maternal Sacrifice. ISSN 0127-1172

ENDUT(DR.)(HAJI), WAN JAAFAR WAN (1995) Kajian Daya Keusahawanan Penduduk Wilayah KETENGAH.

ZAIN, WAN NOR I'ZZAH BINTI WAN MOHAMAD (1995) Antioxidant and Antiproliferative Activities of Essential Oil from Murraya koenigii Leaves.

(DR.), WEE ENG HOE (1995) Personality analysis as a coaching strategy.

BON, YONG CHUA (1995) The Effect of Butt Joint Positions on Dry Board In PSSDB Wall Panels With Window Opening.

OTHMAN, ZAINAB BT (1995) Efficient Record Management via SSMSS : The concpet, Development and Future Planning. ISSN 0128-3545

(HAJI), ZAINAL BIN MAT SAAT (DR) (1995) Pembentukan Competative Index.

AHMAD, ZAKIAH BTE (1995) Failure Modes in Flatwise bending of Laminated Veneer Lumber Manufactured from Tropical Hardwood Species.

JANIN, ZURIATI BINTI (1995) MATLAB Approach Using Spectrophotometric Analysis of Treated and Untreated Water.

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Menjana Pemikiran Reflektif Di Kalangan Pensyarah.

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Pengantar Asas-asas Islam.

UNSPECIFIED (1995) Research in accounting.

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