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Number of items: 62.

MAJEED, ABU BAKAR BIN ABDUL (1997) Studies of brain monoaminergic modulation of urethane anesthesia. Progress in Anesthetic Mechanism. pp. 342-348.

HAMZAH, AHMAD SAZALI BIN (1997) Synthesis of 2,3-Dioxo-5-(substituted) arylpyrroles and their 2-Oxo-5-aryl-3-hydrazone Pyrrolidine Derivatives. Molecules, 3. ISSN 0127-6441

RAHMAN, AHMAD TAUFEK BIN ABDUL (1997) Verification of synchrotron microbeam radiation therapy using a purpose-built optical CT microscope. Journal of Physics: Conference Series (doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/250/1/012083). ISSN 0128 9675

MAESIN, ANIS BT (1997) Collaborative Practices Among University Language Lecturers.

@ ISMAIL, AZHAN BIN HASHIM (1997) Preparation and Characterization of Surface Magneto-Optic Kerr Effect (Smoke) in Strontium Ferrite (SrFe12O19) Via Sol-Gel Route. Prosiding Seminar Kebangsaan Sains, Teknologi dan Sains Sosial (STSS�02). ISSN 0128 9675

(DATO')(DR.), CHE KHALID BIN HAJI YUSOFF (1997) Palmvitee: Anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory effects in hypercholesterolaemia. (Poster Presenter, Gold Medal Award). ISSN 1394-8377

YAN, CHOO CHEE (1997) Acute toxicity studies of semi-purified extracts of schisandra chinensis. ISSN 0025 1283

YAN, CHOO CHEE (1997) Antimicrobial Activity of Lycopodium species.

BASRI, FAIRUZAH BT HAJI (1997) Tasawuf Tarekat Syeikh Abdul Rauf Singkel.

SOON, GOH YING (1997) Etika, Moral dan Nilai Keusahawanan Tao Zhu Gong.

NAIR, GOPALA KRISHNAN A/L SEKHARAN (1997) Cerita Anak-anak Gaza Buat Anak-anak Di Sini. ISSN 0128-7729

DR), GURNAM KAUR A/P GURDIAL SINGH (PROF. (1997) Malaysian Vice Chancellor and their Key Performance Indicator: Some Insights. The Journal of Administrative Science, 8 (1). ISSN 0128-6455 : 47-52

WAHAB, IBTISAM BINTI ABDUL (1997) Preliminary Investigation Of Pandanus Pygmaeus (Pandanaceae).

AHMAD, ISMAIL BIN (1997) An Exploratory Study Of Muslim Society�s Knowledge About Wassiyyah,. Journal of Muamalat and Islamic Finance Research (1). ISSN 0128-7850

AHMAD, ISMAIL BIN (1997) The Effects Of The Introduction Syariah Index To The Bursa Malaysia Stock Index And Bursa Malaysia Stock Index Futures. Journal of Muamalat and Islamic Finance Research. (1). ISSN 0128-7850

DR.), JAMALUDIN BIN KASIM (PROF. (1997) Manufacture of melamine urea formaldehyde particleboard from hujan panas. GADING, 1 (5).

JAAFAR, JASMEE BIN (1997) A Critical evaluation of potential of automated building height extraction from stereo imagery for land use change detection.

JAAFAR, JASMEE BIN (1997) Assessing the realibility of integrating map data, digital surface models and contour-derived digital elevation models for creating and visualising semi-urban environments.

@ YEW SOON YU, JU SOON YEW (1997) The Academic Staff�s Job and Life Satisfaction: A Case Study on UiTM Perlis. ISSN 0952-9136

@ YEW SOON YU, JU SOON YEW (1997) The Leadership Styles of State Civil Service: Transformational and Transactional.

OMAR, KHADIJAH BINTI (1997) Development of a microbial consortium capable of decolourising selected textile reactive azo dyes.

AHMAD, KHAIRUL ADILAH BINTI (1997) EDUX: A Collabarative Learning Framework.

(DR), LAI MING LING (1997) Towards Goods And Service Tax In Malaysia. A Preliminaty Study Global Business & Economics Anthology 2006, 1 (1).

METOM, LILLY AK (1997) The Cultural Life of the Iban: An Overview. MANU: Jurnal Pusat Penataran Ilmu dan Bahasa, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, 1 (1). ISSN 1394-1763

YUSUF, MAZILA BINTI MD (1997) The Long-run Impact of Bilateral Real Exchange Rate Volatility on Malaysia's Bilateral Trade Balance with Its Major Trading Partners.

HASSAN, MOHAMED IBRAHIM BIN ABU (1997) Hardness and colour change of denture base polymers after disinfection.

YUSOFF, MOHAMED NADZRI BIN MOHD (1997) Implementing Flexible Learning Mode in Health Science Programmes - A Malaysian Perspective: MARA University of Technology (UiTM) Experience.

YUSOF, MOHD ISA BIN MOHD (1997) Superconductivity and Elastic Properties of MgO-added Tl0.5Pb0.5Sr1.8Yb0.2CaCu2O7 Ceramics. Journal of Solid State Science and Technology Letters, 18 (2). ISSN 1058-0476

MAMAT, MOHD NOR BIN (1997) Major Problems of New Converted Hindu Muslim. Jurnal Tasawwur Islam (1). ISSN 0971-1023

DR), MOHD YUSOF B ABD RAHMAN (HAJI)(IR)(PROF. (1997) Laboratory Evaluation on Moisture Effect of Superpave Designed Asphaltic Concrete Mixtures.

DR.), NAFEEZA BINTI MOHD ISMAIL (PROF. (1997) Phytonurient: Effects on Lipid Peroxidation in Experimental Gastritis Induced by Restraint Stress. International Journal of Pharmacology, 34 (4). ISSN 1077-5048

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1997) Excellent Learners (Pelajar Cemerlang). ISSN 0128-5599

YUNUS, NOOR AZLINA BINTI MOHAMED (1997) The Relationship between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction at a Telecommunication Company in Malaysia. International Journal of Customer Service, 6 (1). ISSN 1020-5586

ADNAN, NOR AIZAM BINTI (1997) MATLAB Approach Oil Content Estimation of Oil Palm Fruit.

ISMAIL, NOR HADIANI BTE (1997) Apoptosis Induction and Cell Cycle Arrest in T-lymphoblastic Leukemic Cells. Yoshinori. Publisher: Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Neth. p 473-478.

ISMAIL, NORASHIKIN BINTI HAJI (1997) Earnings Management And Forecast Error In Initial Public Offerings (IPOs): A Case Of Malaysia.

MOHAMED, NORAZAMINA BINTI (1997) Teaching ethics In Accounting Education : Obstacles Vs Benefits.

(DR), NORLIDA BINTI KAMALUDDIN (1997) Glosari korporatBahasa Inggeris-huraian-Bahasa MelayuBahasa Melayu - Bahasa Inggeris. ISSN 0128-6455

RAHMAN, NORSHIMAH BINTI ABDUL (1997) Merger and Timeliness of Audit Report. Jurnal Intelek, 5.

YUSOF, OTHMAN BIN MOHD (1997) Automatic filtering of far outliers in multibeam echo sounding dataset using robust detection algorithms. ISSN 0420-2090

(DR), RAZIDAH BT ISMAIL (HAJJAH) (1997) Keberkesanan Kem Motivasi Matematik (PMR) ke atas pelajar Tingkatan Dua sekolah luar bandar di Negeri Selangor. BRC Journal, ITM, 8 (1).

SOHARI, RITA ROHAIZAH (1997) Screening of Human Eye Shape Gene Polymorphism by Polymerase Chain Reaction. Indian Journal of Biotechnology.

HASSAN, ROHANA BINTI (1997) Shear and Bending Performance of Mortise And Tenon Connection Fastened With Wood And Steel Dowel. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 6 (1).

RAHIM, ROSLI B ABDUL (1997) Enthusiasm For Work Among Universiti Teknologi MARA Lecturers In Shah Alam: An Investigation Into The Level Of Burnout.


MUDA, SALWA BINTI (1997) Social and environmental reporting of local governments in Malaysia: A research opportunity.

SINNAKAUDAN, SHANKER KUMAR A/L (1997) Development of an Embedded Hydraulic Model In Geographic Information Systems For Flood Risk Assessment.

ALIMAN, SHARIFAH BINTI (1997) Our Municipal Council Majlis Daerah E-Enabled? Comparison Of Web Sites. ISSN 01288520

TALIB, SUHAIMI BIN ABDUL (1997) ISO Standard for Water and Wastewater Services â� the used of Performance Indicators. 2005) p14-17. Bulletin Ingenieur, 3.

SULAIMAN, SUZANA BT (1997) NafMA as a Value Creation Tool: The Case of Malaysia Company.

DR.), SZARINA ABDULLAH@SAINGTONG MAHAVERA(PROF. (1997) Developing Information Literacy Measures for Higher Education.


HOON, TEOH SIAN (1997) Model Exam Paper for Matriculation Mathematics 2 (2006 update version). ISSN 0127-0699

(DR.), VELLAYAN A/L SUBRAMANIAM (1997) Wildlife Conservation in Peninsular Malaysia.

NORI, WAN MOHD NAZIF BIN WAN MOHD (1997) Kerjaya Dalam Bidang Perakaunan. ISSN 0128-2670

YAAKOB, YUSLI BIN (1997) Numerical Analysis of Natural Convection in Differentially Heated Enclosure.

(DR.), ZAINUL AMIRUDDIN BIN ZAKARIA (1997) Anti-inflammatory and Antinociceptive Activities of the Resinous Aqueous Extract of the Trigonopleura malayana in Experimental Animal Models. Methods in Findings in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology, 45 (8). ISSN 0031-9422/97

AHMAD, ZAKIAH BTE (1997) Non destructive evaluation of oil palm trunk fiber reinforced concrete.

TARMUDI, ZAMALI BIN HJ (1997) A New Fuzzy Decision Making Model for Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Options. ISSN 1394-2204


UNSPECIFIED (1997) Pengurusan Dan Perancangan Strategik.

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Service Quality and property management services: A Conceptual Framework.

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