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Number of items: 92.

MAJEED, ABU BAKAR BIN ABDUL (1999) Selamatkah Teknologi Pengklonan Manusia ?

DR.), ALAM SHER MALIK (PROF. (1999) Acinetobacter endocarditis in children: A case report and review of the literature. Infection. ISSN 0128-2635

(DR), AMAR KUMAR CHATTERJEE (1999) Prevention of carbon tetrachloride induced adrenal hypertrophy by the use ascorbic acid in rats. Endokrinologie. ISSN 0128-2635

AZIZ, AZIYAH BT ABD (1999) Preliminary formulation of culture media for the isolation and detection of Candidatus liberobacter.

BAKAR, BADARIAH ABU (1999) Strategi dan Kaedah Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran.

RAHIMULLAH, BIBI NORASIQIN BT SHEIKH (1999) Edisi Bahasa MalaysiaPeranti Elektronik dan Teori Litar.

DARUS, FAIRUS BIN MUHAMAD (1999) Memperkasakan Modal Insan: Peranan dan Cabaran Kolej Kediaman di Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam.

TAZIJAN, FARINA NOZAKIAH BINTI (1999) Youtubing to Language Perfection in a Culinary Environment. International Journal of e-Education,e-Business,e-Management and e-Learning, 6 (6).

@ JUNAIDI, FAUZIAH BINTI JERAI (1999) Application Of ULDF To Determine Maximum Drop Size Produced By Pneumatic Atomiser. Journal of Mechanical Engineering (JMechE), 64 (2).

AL-BAYATY, FOUAD HUSSAIN M.H (1999) Effect of Andrographis paniculata leaf extract on wound healing in rats. Natural Product Research: Formerly Natural Product Letters (4).

SOON, GOH YING (1999) A Month in Beijing.

SOON, GOH YING (1999) Budaya Rajin dan Usaha Usahawan Cina.

SOON, GOH YING (1999) Penguasaan Bahasa Mandarin sebagai Nilai Tambah Usahawan.

SOON, GOH YING (1999) Tan Sri Dato� Sri Dr. Teh Hong Piow dan Keusahawanan.

(DR), HAFIL BUDIANTO ABDULGANI (1999) IABP Deployment In Critical Care. Critical Care and Shock, 9 (1).

HAMID, HAYATI BT ABD. (1999) Job Related Motivational Factors Among Employees in Malaysian Manufacturing and Service Sectors � An Exploratory Study.

HAMID, HAYATI BT ABD. (1999) Office Management.

(DR.), HUANG CHING CHOO (1999) An Evidence- Based Taxonomy Of Intellectual Capital.

(PROF.DR)(HAJI), IBRAHIM KAMAL ABD RAHMAN (1999) A Study on Product Cost Measurement and the Role of Product Cost Information in Pricing Among Small & Medium Industries in Malaysia.

MA'AROF, ISMAIL BIN (1999) 3D Object Modeling Using Australis and Rhinoceros Software.

MA'AROF, ISMAIL BIN (1999) Remote Sensed Data and GIS Modeling in Soil Conservation Service (SCS) Model.

DR.), JAMALUDIN BIN KASIM (PROF. (1999) Oriented strand board (OSB) from fast growing leucaena leucocephala wood.

DR.), JAMALUDIN BIN KASIM (PROF. (1999) Strand size effects on properties of oriented strand board (OSB) from Leucaena leucocephala Wood. ISSN 0927-538X

KARIM, JAMILAH BINTI (1999) Assesing self-study manual on students' academic achievement in UiTM Penang Branch Campus. ESTEEM 1 Academic Journal, 21 (2). ISSN 0126-9399

ISMAIL, JUNAIDA BINTI (1999) Latihan Dalam Perkhidmatan:Aplikasi dan Kesan di dalam Pelbagai Sektor Pekerjaan di Malaysia. Voice of Academia: Academic Series of Universiti Teknologi MARA Kedah, 4 (1).

HARUN, KURSIMAH BINTI HAJI (1999) Income, Expenditure and Financial Managemant of the Felda Settlers in West Malaysia. A Study Covering the States of Johor, Pahang and Negeri Sembilan.

GEE, LIM HENG (1999) Statutory Control of the Patentee's Exercise of His Exclusive Rights � Invalid Clauses in Licence Agreements. UiTM Law Review, 55. ISSN 0108-2701

GEE, LIM HENG (1999) The Implications of TRIPS to the Pharmaceutical Sector and Access to Medicine: Malaysian Experience. Asian Journal of WTO and International Health Law and Policy, 7 (2).

YAACOB, MAHAZRIL 'AINI BINTI (1999) Relationship between waste disposal and public satisfaction in local authorities in Kedah. Journal Canadian Social Science, 1 (1).

(DR), MANIAM A/L KALIANNAN (1999) The Use (and Abuse) of ISO 9000 Certification Marks in Promotional Materials in Malaysia. International Journal of Business and Managgement, 1 (1).

MOKHTAR, MARINA BT (1999) Microwave Radiation Effect-A Test on White Mice.

MOKHTAR, MAZLIN BINTI MOHAMAD (1999) Sexual and reproductive health knowledge, attitude and behaviour among young college students in one the states in Malaysia.

RAZLI, MEER ZHAR FAROUK BIN AMIR (1999) Faktor-faktor mempengaruhi pencapaian akademik yang rendah di kalangan mahasiswa/wi di UiTM Kelantan.

MOHAMADIN, MOHAMMAD ISA BIN (1999) Mixed-Valence Low Bandgap Photovoltaic Material: Cu(II)Cu(I)(R)3(RH)2L4.CH3COCH3 (R = C6H5COO; L = CH3COCH2C(OH)(CH3)2). Advanced Materials Research, 7 (1).

YAKOB, MOHD ASMADI BIN (1999) Dato' yusoff yaacob dan sumbangannya kepada majalah pengasuh. jurnal fikrah, 4 (3).

ISHAK, MOHD AZLAN BIN MOHD (1999) Adaption of Compact Callus of Pomelo (Citrus grandis) To Liquid Media as Potential Approach To Increase Growth.

ISHAK, MOHD AZLAN BIN MOHD (1999) Monitoring The Formation of Asphaltenes and Preasphaltenes Through Solvent Soaking During Liquefaction of Mukah Balingian Malaysian Coal via Semi-Continuous Solvent Flow High-Pressure High-Temperature Reactor System.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1999) Change of fibre type composition in soleus muscle of male and female rats during postnatal development. Malays. Appl. Biol., 2 (4). ISSN 1028-8880

RAMLAN, MOHD NOOR BIN (1999) Particleboard Properties from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch Fibers.

RAMLAN, MOHD NOOR BIN (1999) Preliminary Field Investigations on Soil and Forest Resources in Proposed ITM Campus in Negeri sembilan.

KHALID, MUHAMMAD FARID BIN ABDUL (1999) Dielectric Sheet Perturbation to Metallic Air-Filled Cavity -Technique of Microwave Non-Destructive Testing (MNDT).

TAHER, MUHAMMAD SAIFUL ISLAMI B. MOHD (1999) Ibn Al-Athir Al-Jazari dan Sumbangannya dalam Ilmu Gharib Al-Hadith. Voice of Academia, Academic Series of Universiti Teknologi MARA Kedah, 1. ISSN 0127-6441

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1999) New orientation for public sector management (hala tuju baru pengurusan sektor awam). ISSN 0128-2635

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1999) The warfare of politics & political war (Perang politik & politik perang).

RAMLI, NAZIRAH BINTI (1999) Suatu Alternatif Teknik Penyahkaburan. Jurnal Gading, 28 (1).

MADI, NERO AK (1999) Tax literacy among salaried individuals: Sarawak and Sabah's perspective. ISSN 0128-0155

FOONG, NG SET (1999) An overview of biased estimators. Journal of Physical Science, 5 (1). ISSN 983-40024-1-6

DR), NOORIZAN BINTI ABD AZIZ (PROF. (1999) Effect of Prestroke Use Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors alone versus combination with antiplatelets and statin on Ischemic stroke Outcome. Clinical DOI:10.1097/WNF.0b013e3182348abe. Clinical Neurolopharmacology (IF=1.578)(ISI), 735 (2).

MANAN, NOR ASHIKIN BINTI AB (1999) The Effects of Language Learning Strategy (LLS) Training on ESL College Students' Strategies Used. Gading UiTM Pahang, 47 (5).

MOHAMED, NORAZAMINA BINTI (1999) Politization Of Accounting Standard In Malaysia.

MOHAMED, NORHAYATI BINTI (1999) Towards Consumer Attitude Index for Malaysia.

OMAR, NORMAH BT HAJI (1999) An Empirical Study on Job Satisfaction, Job-Related Stress and Intention to Leave Among Audit Staff in Public Accounting Firms in Melaka. Journal of Financial Reporting & Accounting, 4 (3).

RAHMAN, NUR HAYATI BINTI ABD (1999) How Federal Government's Debt Affect the Level of Economic Growth? International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance.

JOO, OOI UI (1999) The Legal Status of Shipping Orders and the Shipping Manifest as Documents of Title Under the Hague Rules in Malaysia (2004) UiTM LR 1-22. UiTM Law Review, 3.

@ AW HEE TENG (DR) (DATUK PROF.), OW CHEE SHENG (1999) A Bimodal Droplet size distribution function. Kejuruteraan, 4.

RIAS, RIAZA PERVEEN BINTI MOHD (1999) 3-D versus versus 2-D Animation in Multimedia Application: Is the Extra Effort Worth it? International Conference on Digital Information Processing and Communications ICDIPC 2011, 2 (1). ISSN 1511-2802

MAHBUB, ROHANA BINTI (1999) Cross-national Research on Barriers to Construction Automation and Robotics Implementation in Australia and Japan. ISSN 0898-5952

TAKIM, ROSHANA BINTI (1999) Management Of Stakeholders : Needs and Expectations in the Development of Construction Project in Malaysia. Modern Applied Science Journal, 732 (1).

NOORMI, ROSLI BIN (1999) Optimization of callus induction medium for Hymenocallis littoralis (Melong kecil) using root and bulb explants. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 24 (2). ISSN 0260-2938

AZIZ, ROZAINUN BT AB (1999) Forecasting practice and the role of forecasting at a U.K. University : Pre-Modelling Results. ISSN 0884-6804

SHAURI, RUHIZAN LIZA BINTI AHMAD (1999) A Water Turbidity Measurement Using Fibre Optic and Neural Network.

SHAURI, RUHIZAN LIZA BINTI AHMAD (1999) Optical-Transmission Based Water Turbidity Measurement System.

AHMAD, SANIZAH BINTI (1999) Assessment of Preferred Learning Styles of Form Four Students from Various Schools in the State of Selangor and Federal Territory, Malaysia. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 16. ISSN 0127-5100

KECHIL, SERIPAH BINTI AWANG (1999) Series solution of flow over nonlinearly stretching sheet with chemical reaction and magnetic field. Physics Letters A, 7 (1).

DR.)(IR), SHAH RIZAM BT HJ MOHD SHAH BAKI (PROF. (1999) � Characterization of Zno and Zn:TiO2 Thin Films Prepared by Sol-Gel Spray-Spin Coating Technique. ScienceDirect ELSEVIER2012- Procedia Engineering 2012), 2. ISSN 1511-1113

(DR), SHAHARUDDIN BIN BADARUDDIN (1999) Pengglobalan Pemikiran Politik Islam dan Peranan Pertubuhan Sukarela Islam dalam Usaha Penterjemahan .

ARIS, SHARIPAH RUZAINA BINTI SYED (1999) A Study of Visual Ability Based on Gender Differences with First-Year UiTM chemistry Students.

PARAMASIVAM, SHEELA A/P (1999) Communication strategies to Empower ESL Learners in small group discussions.

YOKE, SOO KUM (1999) Acquisition of Third Person Personal Pronouns by L1 Malay Speakers. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 5 (1). ISSN 1394-2506

(DR), SUNEET SOOD (1999) Carcinoma of the thyroid: Differential behaviour in solitary and multinodular tumours. British Journal Surgery, 5 (1). ISSN 983-40024-1-6

DR.), SZARINA ABDULLAH@SAINGTONG MAHAVERA(PROF. (1999) Effective Strategic Leadership - A Boon for Successful Organizations.

DR.), SZARINA ABDULLAH@SAINGTONG MAHAVERA(PROF. (1999) Helping Faculty to Make the Paradigm Shift from On-Campus to Off-Campus Teaching at Institut Teknologi MARA, Malaysia.

(DR.), TENGKU SAIFUDIN BIN TENGKU ISMAIL (1999) Effects of antioxidants on coronary risk markers in patients with hypercholesterolaemia in the high and moderate risk categories. (Excellent Presenter and Scientific Paper Award). ISSN 1394-2204

(DR.), VELLAYAN A/L SUBRAMANIAM (1999) Ultrasound in Veterinary Physiotherapy. -, 7 (1).

HO, VOON BOO (1999) Customer Demographics and Service Evaluation: A Critical Incident Analysis.

ZAIN, WAN NOR I'ZZAH BINTI WAN MOHAMAD (1999) Determination of Vitamins A, C, E and Minerals of Clausena excavata. ISSN 1511-0443

ZAIN, WAN NOR I'ZZAH BINTI WAN MOHAMAD (1999) Leaf Surface Morphology and Elemental Analysis of Chemama (Clausena excavata).

DR), WEE CHONG HUI (PROF. (1999) Formal Education as a Strategy for Economic Redistribution in Malaysia. ISSN 1394-2204

WAH, YAP BEE (1999) A Comparison of Logistic Regression and Discriminant Function in Classification of Observations. Buletin Kuantitatif Institut Tadbiran Awam, 1 (34). ISSN 0126-1962

YENG, YEE LEONG (1999) True Type Font Files â� Writing Pinyin in Microsoft Window Documents.

AWANG, ZAIKI BIN (1999) Design of microstrip circuits for cellular communications applications.

AHMAD, ZAKIAH BTE (1999) Structural Application of Laminated Veneer Lumber: ENgineering Properties.

TARMUDI, ZAMALI BIN HJ (1999) Development of Multi-Criteria Decision Making Model for Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Selection.

@ BAHARUM, ZARITA BINTI AHMAD (1999) PROPERTYQUAL: A Service Quality Instrument in Property Management of Purpose Built Office Buildings in Malaysia. Journal of Built Environment, 11 (2).

DR.), ZUBAIDAH BT ZAINAL ABIDIN (PROF. (1999) The Applications of Management Accounting Techniques in Malaysian Companies: An Industrial Survey.

LATIF, ZULKIFLEE BIN ABD (1999) Deriving Spatial Inputs for Forest Microclimate Modelling Using Remote Sensing Techniques. International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research, 54 (4).

(HAJAH), ZURAIMI BINTI ZAINUDDIN (1999) Laporan Maklumbalas Pelajar Terhadap Pengajaran Pensyarah (November 2006).

(HAJAH), ZURAIMI BINTI ZAINUDDIN (1999) Laporan Maklumbalas Pelajar Terhadap Pengajaran Pensyarah (November 2007).

(HAJAH)(DR.), ZURIAH BT ABDUL RAHMAN (1999) Family Takaful: Its role in social economic development and as a savings & investment instrument in Malaysia � An Extension. Jurnal Shariah, 9 (1). ISSN 1020-5586

JANIN, ZURIATI BINTI (1999) Classification of Treated and Untreated Water Using Fuzzy.

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Islam Hadhari.

UNSPECIFIED (1999) Jurnal Akademik MINDA ITM Perak. Jurnal Akademik MINDA ITM Perak, 2 (2).

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