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Number of items: 113.

ABDULLAH, ABDUL JABBAR (2000) Tinjauan Umum Terhadap Penggunaan Laman Web dalam Perniagaan: Teori dan Amalan. ISSN 0126-9399

MAJEED, ABU BAKAR BIN ABDUL (2000) Cost Of Putting New Drugs In Market â� Part 2.

ADAM, AISHAH BT (2000) In vitro antioxidant activity of the ethyl acetate extract of Kaempferia galangal, Zingiberaceae.

DR.), ALAM SHER MALIK (PROF. (2000) Strategies used by Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences to achive its phase I objectives. Achive., 12 (2).

(DR), AMAR KUMAR CHATTERJEE (2000) Possible mode of action of clomiphene. I. Acta Endocrinologica (Copenh), 11 (6). ISSN 0954-4127

KAMALUDDIN, AMRIZAH BINTI (2000) Tax Literacy among salaried individuals in Sarawak.

HUSSIN, ANEALKA BT AZIZ (2000) A forensic study of vocabulary load and distribution in five Malaysian secondary school English textbooks (Forms 1 - 5). Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 6 (2). ISSN 1394-2204

NOOR, ANUAR BIN MOHD (2000) Traditional Malay Villages in Peninsular Malaysia: A Diminishing Signature of a Cultural Landscape. Traditional Dwelling and Settlements Working Paper Series, International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments, (IASTE), Center for Environmental Design Research, University of California, Berkeley. USA., 38 (1). ISSN 1388-0209 / 3804-0001

HAN, CHAN CHIN (2000) Thermal Properties and Morphologies of Poly(ethylene terephthalate) in Blends with Epoxidised Natural Rubber of 25 and 50 Mole of Epoxy Content. Materials Research and Innovations., 8 (2).

SARKAR, CHAYNA (2000) Mitochondrial KATP channel activation is importain in the antiarrtythmic and cardioprotective effects of non-hypotensive doses of nicorandil and cromakalim during ischemia/reperfusion: a study in an intact anesthetized rabbit model. Pharmmacology Research, 5 (3). ISSN 0128-5599

RAZALI, CHE HAMDAN BIN CHE MOHD (2000) Malaysia's policy towards its 1963-2008 territorial disputes. Journal of Law and Conflict Resolution, 2 (1).

SADEK, DAING MARUAK BIN (2000) Purchase Intention of Organic Food in Kedah, Malaysia; A Religious Overview. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 29.

OMAR, DASIMAH BT HAJI (2000) Communal Living Environment in Low Cost Housing Development in Malaysia. Asian Social Science, 12 (2).

ISMAIL, DZULKARNAEN BIN (2000) Services provided by Project Management Consultant in Malaysian construction industry.

GHANI, ERLANE K (2000) Composite Performance Measurement for Zakat Organisations. British Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences.

VASUTHAVAN, EVELYN SHARMINNIE A/P S (2000) Adolescent Instruction in the Esl Context: Situational Realism and Linguistic Realism in Material Selection. Academic Journal UiTM Johor, 11 (1). ISSN 1020-5586

RAHMAN, FARAH ADILLA BT AB (2000) Pembaharuan Pentadbiran: Satu Kajian Kes di Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia. ISSN 1511-1989

YUSOF, FARIDA ZURAINA BINTI MOHD (2000) A Preliminary Investigation on Mining the DNA Sequence for Similarities Pattern Between Races. ISSN 1394-7109

KHENG, FOO KIEN (2000) A Comparative Study on Statistics Competency Level Using TIMSS Data: Are We Doing Enough? Journal of Mathematics Education, 1 (1).

SOON, GOH YING (2000) Chinese Character Handwriting Recognition for Mandarin Learning.

SOON, GOH YING (2000) Incorporating Pragmatics into the Teaching of Chinese as a Foreign Language. Language.

DR.), GURURAJ AITHALA KODAVOORU(PROF. (2000) Epidemiological study of development and behavioural disorders in three year old children: A UAE study. Emirates Medical Journal.

ADNAN, HAMIMAH BINTI (2000) Management of Safety for Quality Construction. Journal of Sustainable Development, 6 (2).

HAMID, HAYATI BT ABD. (2000) A Comparative Analysis for the Job Related Motivational Factors among Private, Government and the Privatised Government Corporation Employees in Malaysia � An Exploratory Study.

HAMID, HAYATI BT ABD. (2000) Ushawan Muslim Kaya Berkualiti.

(DR), HAYDER M. A. ALI AL-ASSADI (2000) An Adaptive Learning Algorithm for controlling a Two-Degree-Of-Freedom Serial Ball and Socket Actuator. ISSN 0128-6226

CHIN, HEO CHONG (2000) Insect succession on a hanging pig carcass in an oil palm plantation in Malaysia. Sains Malaysiana, 1 (1). ISSN 0127-08223

FUN, HO SOKE (2000) Comparison of Quantitative Shariah-Compliant Screening Methods. ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance,, 33. ISSN 1279696

(DR.), ISKANDAR RICHARD BIN ABDULLAH (2000) Adjunct Language Instruction: Modelling student perceptions. Richard Holmes and Megawati Omar. ITL International Journal of Applied Linguistics. ,, 5 (3). ISSN 0128-5599

DR.), ISMAIL BIN AB. WAHAB (HAJI)(PROF. (2000) Practices and Problems of Financing the Growth of Small Scale Industries in Malaysia. Akauntan Nasional, 6 (5). ISSN 0854-1380

HAMALI, JAMIL BIN (2000) Service Quality in Higher Education: A Review. Wacana PROFES, 13 (4).

(DR), JAVAD KHADEMSAMENI (2000) Polylactic co-Glycolic acid polymer as a biodegradable polymeric drug carrier.

(DR), JAVAD KHADEMSAMENI (2000) Thermal Analysis study of ascorbic acid and compatibility with excipients using DSC and TGA.

AMIR, JAZMAN SHAH BIN (2000) Hiasan Dalaman Asas(Tingkatan 4).

SIEW, JOHN SHIA KWONG (2000) Cell Targeting in Anti-cancer Gene Therapy. Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences, 17 (3). ISSN 0813-0183

ARIFFIN, JUNAIDAH (2000) Bed Sediment for Malaysian Rivers.

ABDULLAH, KAMARIAH BINTI (2000) Sustainable Land Use In Local Planning.

ISMAIL, KHUDZIR BIN (2000) Effect of In Situ Solvent Soaking and Heating Pretreatment On Coal Conversion and Oil Yield During Liquefaction of Demineralised Low Rank Malaysian Coal.

LING, KOH SOO (2000) Admission fever in UITM. ISSN 0127 7618

HAMID, KU HALIM BIN KU (2000) Catalytic converter for 4-stroke motorcycle engine: TGA analysis for catalyst on woven stainless steel substrate. ISSN 0128-7141

HAMID, KU HALIM BIN KU (2000) Catalytic converter for natural gas vehicles. ISSN 156072796-9

@ LEE THIAN LOCK, LEE TAN LUCK (2000) maximizing Excellence in Performance Achievement with Key Performarmance Index as Means of Corporate Social Reponsibility in Public Organizations. The Journal of Administrative Science, 4 (1).

(DR.), LWIN LWIN NYEIN (2000) An experience with Immunochromatographic Test ( ICT- malria Pf ) for detection of Plasmodium falciparum.

(DR.), LWIN LWIN NYEIN (2000) Efficacy of artesunate lactab and meloquine combination in two different regimens in acute uncomplicated falciparum malaria. ISSN 1022-9760

OTHMAN, MAHFUDZAH BINTI (2000) Implementing the Web-based Student Management System in Schools: A study of system usability its contributions to the school community.


@ BUKHARI (HAJI), MD FUAD BIN BAHARI (2000) Surface Characterization of ASSAB 718HH Machined with EDM Using Kerosene.

RAIS, MOHAMED ISHAK B BADARUDIN (2000) Teachers Perspective of Using English as a medium of Instruction in Mathematics and Science Subjects. International Journal of Instruction, 13 (1).

MOHID, MOHAMED NOOR BIN (2000) i. Politics and Planning â� â��A point to Ponder â� From a Perspective View of a Town Planner, For â��Bulletinâ�� Perancang, JPBW, UiTM Perak Campus: Oct 2006 ii. Writer and Presenter for â��Pasar Awam - Ke arah Mengembalikan Kegemilangan Sosio Ekonomi dan Kebudayaan Masyarakat Setempat.â�� for Seminar Kontemporari III at UITM Perak (co writer with En. Idrus Abd. Shukor and En. Aszhar Ab. Rahman.) From 20 hingga 21 February 2002 iii. Organiser, Writer and Presenter on â��Kawalan Perancanganâ�� - at Seminar Perancangan Negeri Perak for Local Government Officers of Perak, at Manjung 1995.

KAMARUDDIN, MOHAMMAD HALMI (2000) TerraSAR-X's Digital Surface Model Generation by SAR Interferometry. ISSN 0128-6013

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2000) Cryopreservation of caprine spermatozoa using a tris-citric acid yolk extender: A comparative study of two freezing techniques. The Mal. Jour. Med Sc..

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2000) Supplementation with alpha lipoic improves the in vitro development of embryos in nicotine treated mice. Biomed. Res, 5 (3).


MAMAT, MOHD NOR BIN (2000) Penulisan Berkualiti Sebagai Suatu Pendekatan Dakwah Yang Efektif. Jurnal FAKULTAS, 8 (1). ISSN 0218-3781

SALLEH, MOHD ZAKI BIN (2000) A Simple multiplex PCR method for the concurrent detection of three CYP2C8 variants. Clin Chim Acta 349 : 191-198. Clin Chim Acta, 11 (1). ISSN 0970938X

(HAJI)(DR.), MUHAMAD ROSLI SULAIMAN (2000) Removal of sulphur from coal using industrial polymer waste.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (2000) Nourishing memory (Mengasuh daya ingatan).

(DR), NAWAWI BIN HAJI MOHD JAN (2000) Bahan Sumber Pembelajaran Pengajian Keusahawanan Tingkatan 4. ISSN 01271172

KUDUS, NAZIMA BINTI VERSAY (2000) Inculcating Heritage and Cultural Awareness in English Language Learning: The Penang experience.

RAMLI, NAZIRAH BINTI (2000) Keistimewaan 'Pi'. Jurnal Gading.

RAZAK, NOR HIDAYATUN BINTI ABDUL (2000) Eksploitasi dan Inovasi Kemahiran Teknologi Dalam Menghasilkan Pembentangan Yang Berkesan: Menggunakan Program Powerpoint. ISSN 1823-0822

SEMAN, NORAINI BINTI (2000) Accoustic Pronunciation Variations Modeling for Standard Malay Speech Recognition. COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCE, Vol.1 No.4, Pages:112-120 (5). ISSN 01287656

ISMAIL, NORASHIKIN BINTI HAJI (2000) Earnings management and the regulation of IPOs.

JOHARI, NURRASHIDI BIN (2000) Social Marketing practice in Anti Drug campaign as an alternative of continuous improvement in public awareness. INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS, 6 (1). ISSN 1394-2204

FUAD, NURWAHIDA BINTI (2000) Correlation between Psychological Characteristics and Entrepreneurial Success: A Study of Malay Women Entrepreneurs. Esteem Academic Journal, 48 (3).


DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (2000) Importance of Records Management and Archives MAnagement for Work Efficiency and Preservation of Cultural Heritage : Departments Responsibilities. Jurnal Pengurusan Maklumat, 29. ISSN 0126-6039

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (2000) Information Technology Implementations in Libraries and Information Centers in Malaysia : Impact and Pitfalls. The Electronic Library, 27 (4). ISSN 0305-182X

TAJUDDIN, RAMLAH BT MOHD (2000) Development of Methodology to Establish the Sludge Volume to Power Generated in Utilising Sewage Sludge as a Biofuel. ISSN 0128-7389

TAJUDDIN, RAMLAH BT MOHD (2000) Renewable Energy from Biogas generated by sewage sludge � relationship between organic content and methane generation. ISSN 1394-407X

(DR.), RITA CHATTERJEE (2000) A Study of postpill amenorrhea. International Journal Gynaecology Obstetric.

(DR.), RITA CHATTERJEE (2000) Gastroprotective effect of neem ( Azadirachta indica ) bark extract : possible involment of H+-K+-ATPase inhibition and scavenging of hyroxyl radical. Life Sci, 22 (1). ISSN 0126-9399.

(DR.), RITA CHATTERJEE (2000) Treadmill running modulates endometrial decidualization in rats. Biomedical Research, 11 (4). ISSN 0954-4127

AHMAD, ROHANA BINTI (2000) A comparison of image enhancement techniques for dental xray image interpretation. Procedia Engineering, 26 (7).

NOOR, ROHAYA BINTI MD (2000) book-Tax Difference and Value Relevance of Taxable Income. Journal of Financial Reporting & Accounting, 48 (11).

HASSAN, ROSHIDI BIN (2000) Bridging The Digital Divide: Effort Towards Establishing The Real Impact of Information Technology to The Rural Community. Social And Management Research Journal, 1. ISSN 1394-7109

MUSA, ROSIDAH BINTI (2000) The Demand and Supply of a Homestay Program in the Vicinity of National Park, Pahang. ISSN 1511-7472

(PROF.DR.), RUHAYA BINTI ATAN (2000) Leadership Factors In Organizational Change Process: Observations From The Perspective Of Management Accounting. Journal Of Financial Reporting And Accounting, 68 (1). ISSN 0165-1765

AHMAD, SABARINAH BTE SH. (2000) Thermal Impact of Building Material on Low-Rise Residential Building in Tropical Climate.

(DR), SALMIAH BINTI MOHD ALI (2000) A Prospective Multicentre Study Of Pharmacist Initiated Programe Of �Medication Therapy Management� (Mtm) In Government Primary Health Clinic In State Of Selangor. Pharmacy World and Science.

ZAINON, SAUNAH BINTI (2000) Belanjawan Keluarga Mantapkan Kebahagiaan.

ZAKARIA, SHAIKH ABDUL KARIM YAMANI BIN (2000) Properties of urea Formaldehyde Particleboard from Particle of Mixed Timber Species. Gading, 5 (3).


ISMAIL, SHAIRA BT (2000) Shop Floor Capacity Planning and Scheduling Problems (UiTM).

(DR), SHIREEN BINTI HARON (2000) Principles of Public Administration. ISSN 0128-6730

DR), SITI HAWA BTE HAMZAH (IR) (PROF. (2000) Civil Engineering Studies Form 4.

ZAHARI, SITI MERIAM BINTI (2000) Modeling the Kuala Lumpur Composite Index (KLCI). European Journal of Scientific Research, 2 (1).

CHANDRAN, SUSEELA DEVI A/P S. (2000) Review: Understanding Terrorism Challenges, Perspectives & Issues. International Criminal Justice Review Journal, 14 (3). ISSN 0891-1762

MOHAMAD, SYED JAMAL ABDUL NASIR SYED (2000) Can Learning Style be Measured? The International Journal of Education Development, 19 (2).

MOHAMAD, SYED JAMAL ABDUL NASIR SYED (2000) Developmental Perspective in Relation to Media Effect. Jurnal Akademik GADING UiTM Pahang, 7 (1).

LING, TAN YAN (2000) On The Relationship Between Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty : Application Of The GARCH Family Models. Sains Malaysiana, 8 (1).

HOON, TEOH SIAN (2000) Detecting and Correcting for Heteroscedasticity. ESTEEM Academic Journal UiTM Pulau Pinang, 1 (1). ISSN 0128-8396

HOON, TEOH SIAN (2000) Mathematics for Matriculation 2 (Third Edition). ISSN 0128-7141

HOO, TEW YOU (2000) Management Accounting Practices of Small and Medium Industries (SMI) in Malaysia: A Preliminary Study.

HWA, TING KIEN (2000) PhD Thesis Abstracts.

IGUEGBE, UMELO ALOYSIUS (2000) Method of quantitation for paraquat herbicide and monitoring of its levels in selected Malaysian rivers. Journal of Industrial technology, 17(1),2008,169-180, 4.

(DR.), VELLAYAN A/L SUBRAMANIAM (2000) Foreign Bodies found during Post Mortem of Animal at Zoo Negara, Malaysia and their implication. ISSN 0126-6705

(DR.), VELLAYAN A/L SUBRAMANIAM (2000) The Changing faces of Zoo Veterinary Medicine in Malaysia: The Journey and the Destination. ISSN 0126-6705

KUNTJORO, WAHYU (2000) Development of A Low Cost Lightweight Box Structure for Student Eperiment. JSTA, 35 (12).

YAHAYA, WAN AIDA BINTI WAN (2000) Gandhi and Sardar: The Ironman of India- Problems in the representation of history in Historical Epics. Jurnal Skrin Malaysia, 6 (1).

(HAJAH), WAN HANISAH BT WAN ISMAIL (2000) Membudayakan Bahasa Inggeris Dalam system Pendidikan di UiTM, satu Cadangan. ISSN 0128-5599

HOOD, WAN JOORIA BINTI (2000) Formulating Eco-Tourist Satisfaction Strategies for Taman Negara National Park (TNNP) Malaysia: Application of Importance�Performance Analysis (IPA). ISSN 1511-7472

ZAIN, WAN NOR I'ZZAH BINTI WAN MOHAMAD (2000) Determination of antioxidant activity and total phenolic content of turmeric�s leaves (fresh, boiled and boiled water.

ZAIN, WAN NOR I'ZZAH BINTI WAN MOHAMAD (2000) The Histological Effect of Cola nitida Aqueous Extract on Hepatocarcinogenesis Induced Rat Liver.

DR.), WAN YUNUS BIN WAN AHMAD (PROF. (2000) Durability and Energy Coefficients of Automotive Seating Fabrics. Science Letters, 5 (1).

(DR.), WEE ENG HOE (2000) Personality analysis as a coaching strategy.

YUSOFF, ZAHARAH BINTI MOHD (2000) The Crime Ecology: Ambient Temperature vs. Spatial Setting of Crime (Burglary). Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences.

HAIYEE, ZAIBUNNISA BINTI ABDUL (2000) Inclusion complex of turmeric oleoresin with g-cyclodextrin.

MOHAMED, ZAINAB BT (2000) A study on the fine sand column on the reduction of soft clay settlement: An Oedometer Test Approach. Journal KUiTTHO, 63 (12).

TARMUDI, ZAMALI BIN HJ (2000) Pemilihan Sistem Pelupusan Sisa Pepejal Perbandaran Menggunakan Model Dwikabur Konflik. Sains Malaysiana.

(DR.), ZUBIR BIN AZHAR (2000) Ethics in Malaysian accounting profession: perceptions of accounting practitioners. ISSN 1511-7472

SANUSI, ZURAIDAH BINTI MOHD (2000) Effects of Goal Orientation and Task Complexity on Audit Judgment Performance. Malaysian Accounting Review, 6 (6). ISSN 0128-8396

UNSPECIFIED (2000) Impak Pembelajaran Kursus Pendidikan Islam Di UiTM: Satu Kajian Kes.

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