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Number of items: 172.

ALI, AB MALIK MARWAN BIN (2001) Immitance Study Of Polyblend PVA/PVP.

ALI, AB MALIK MARWAN BIN (2001) The role of plasticizers on PMMA-lithium salts complexes based polymer electrolytes.

RIDZUAN, ABDUL RAHIM BIN (2001) Testing the Evidence of Purchasing Power Parity for ASEAN-5 Countries using Panel Estimation. International Journal of Economics and Business Modeling, 9 (2).

OMAR, ABDUL RAHMAN (2001) Redesign of a hand pallet truck by integrating ergonomics analysis and quality function deployment. Asian Journal of Ergogomics, 56 (3). ISSN 0300-5283

MAJEED, ABU BAKAR BIN ABDUL (2001) Cost Of Putting New Drugs In Market â� Part 1.

MAJEED, ABU BAKAR BIN ABDUL (2001) Ubat Beta Agonist.

(DR), AHMED HUSSEIN ABDEL RAZEK (2001) Early Fluid Resuscitation in Major Burns, Ten Years Experience in Saudi Arabia. JUMMEC, 2 (1). ISSN 1511-998X

JAAPAR, AINI BINTI (2001) A Review on the Issue and Strategies of Stakeholders Management in the Construction Industry.

JAWAN, AJIMI BIN (2001) Kualiti Air Tasik Ladam di Sg. Kinabatangan, Sabah.

JAWAN, AJIMI BIN (2001) Manual Amali BIO250.

(DR.), AMBIGGA DEVI A/P S. KRISHNAPILLAI (2001) An audit of Adult Asthma Management in Public Primary Care Clinics. ISSN 1511-8614

ZAINUDDIN, ANIZAH BINTI (2001) The Management of SMEs' Human Capital From The Perspective of SECI Model: A Case Study in the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) Status Companies in Malaysia.

ADNAN, ARIZA BINTI (2001) Validation of Rapid Tests For the Identification of Escherichia coli in Microbiology Diagnostic Unit. The Malaysian Journal of Pathology.

HAMID, AZEMI BIN CHE (2001) Kajian persepsi Para Akademik ITM Cawangan Pantai Timur terhadap Keperibadian Pelajar Dari Sudut Akademik dan Sosial.

@ ISMAIL, AZHAN BIN HASHIM (2001) Effect of Sintering Temperature on the Synthesis of Bi2(Pb)Sr2Ca2Cu3Od High Temperature Superconductors by Sol-Gel method. Sci. Int. (Lahore), 3 (1).

AHMAD, AZIZAH HANOM BINTI (2001) Effect of LiI on The electrical Copnductivity of Li2WO4-Li3PO4 Compound. J. of Solid St. Sci. and Techno. Letters, 1 (1).

MAT, AZMAN BIN CHE (2001) Kata Sendi Nama Bahasa Arab: Satu Analisis Dikte. ISSN 0904-2515

MAT, AZMAN BIN CHE (2001) Persepsi Penggunaan Kaedah Transliterasi Untuk Pengajaran Bahasa Arab: Satu Kajian Kes.

ANUAR, AZYYATI BINTI (2001) Keusahawanan Ibu Tunggal: Jurang Digital dan Kemahiran. ISSN 0121-8126

HAN, CHAN CHIN (2001) On Thermodynamics and Conductivity of Solid Solutions of Polymer Salts. ISSN 0858-7027

(DATO')(DR.), CHE KHALID BIN HAJI YUSOFF (2001) Clinical features and contemporary management of patients with low and preserved ejection fraction heart failure: baseline characteristics of patients in the Candesartan in Heart failure-Assessment of Reduction in Mortality and morbidity (CHARM) programme. Eur J Heart Fail, 8 (1). ISSN 0128-7532

CHIK, CHEMAH BINTI TAMBY (2001) Proximate compositions and physicochemical characteristics of soybean waste in chicken patty. Current issues in hospitality and tourism research and innovations, 7 (1).

CHIK, CHEMAH BINTI TAMBY (2001) The effect of maltodextrin and additive added towards pitaya juice powder total phenolic content and antioxidant activity. Food Engineering and Biotechnology, 1.

HONG, CHEN AI (2001) Perubahan fungsi penglihatan selepas tugasan dekat dengan UPV dan tanpa UPV.

MUTHUSAMY, CHITTRA A/P (2001) Students' Attitudes Towards Texts and Teaching Methods Used in Literature Classes.

YAN, CHOO CHEE (2001) Vasorelaxant Activity of Cyclic Peptide, Cyclosquamosin B, from Annona squamosa. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. ISSN 0075-4242

@ ABDUL RAHMAN, EFFAT BINTI OMAR (2001) Paediatric intestinal pseudo-obstruction with hyperganglionosis: a report of 3 cases.

BUYONG, FAEIZA BT (2001) The used of aquatic wetland plant phylidrum lanuginosum to remove lead from aqueous solution.

DARUS, FAIRUS BIN MUHAMAD (2001) Budaya Penyelenggaraan Kemudahan Kolej di Kalangan Mahasiswa: Kajian Kes di Kolej Melati, UiTM, Shah Alam.

MOHAMAD, FAIZAH BINTI (2001) Variation in Acknowledgement Patterns of Ten Malay Degree and Master's Dissertations: A Preliminary Study.

FEROZ, FAREEDA (2001) Substituent Effect in Stilbene Dimerization.

ZAKWAN, FARIZ ASWAN BIN AHMAD (2001) Implementation and Assessment of Outcome Based Education (OBE) in the Faculty of Civil Engineering at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). ISSN 0128-5610

SULAIMAN, FATIMAH BT (2001) TEGAHAN PENGURUSAN HARTA-AL HAJR-Kajian Perbandingan antara Syariat Islam dengan Undang-undang Sivil.

KHENG, FOO KIEN (2001) Employability Skills: A Prelimary Study.

(DR), FUZIAH BINTI SULAIMAN (2001) Characterization and Fabrication of 90nm Strained Silicon PMOS using TCAD Silvaco. Int.Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems EResearch (IEESR). ISSN 1394-1763

SOON, GOH YING (2001) 28. Elangkeeran, S. & Goh, Y.S. (2008). Politeness and the Teaching of Chinese as a Foreign Language. Language.

SOON, GOH YING (2001) â��Vocational training center. (职业训练中心有何妨?).â��.

SOON, GOH YING (2001) Improving Students� Pragmatic Sense and the Teaching of Chinese as a Foreign Language.

DR.), GURURAJ AITHALA KODAVOORU(PROF. (2001) Typhoid fever in hospitalized children in Kelantan, Malaysia. Annals of Tropical Paediatrics (UK). ISSN 0128-2635

ZIN, HAIKAL HAMMAAD BIN (2001) Lexical and Grammatical Transfer by Malaysian Student Writers.

@ HJ MOHAMED, HAMIDAH BT MOHD SAMAN (2001) Sorptivity and surface absorption of rice husk ash (RHA) concrete.


YUSOFF, HASLINDA BINTI (2001) Status and Implication of Environmental Reporting for Improved Environmental Management in Malaysia. Journal of Cleaner Production, 7 (1). ISSN 983-40024-3-2

(DR), HAYDER M. A. ALI AL-ASSADI (2001) Backstepping Sliding Mode Controller Design for a Flying Quadrotor. ISSN 1394-2603

BASIR, HISHAM B MD (2001) Investigation on the Impact of IS-Business Alignment Practice on SISP Success: A Study using SEM Approach.

@ HUSAIN, HUSRUL NIZAM BIN HUSIN (2001) An Assessment for Safety Management for Construction Plant and Machinery in Malaysia. ISSN 0128-2635

(PROF.DR)(HAJI), IBRAHIM KAMAL ABD RAHMAN (2001) A Survey on the Management Accounting Practices in Malaysia Manufacturing Company.

(PROF.DR)(HAJI), IBRAHIM KAMAL ABD RAHMAN (2001) Japanese Management Accounting System as a Competitive Tool: A Case Study.

(PROF.DR)(HAJI), IBRAHIM KAMAL ABD RAHMAN (2001) Management Accounting in Malaysia - Has Relevance Been Lost? ISSN 0217-9687

(DATO'), IRMOHIZAM BIN IBRAHIM (HAJI) (2001) �ASEAN should expel Myanmar from its ranks�. ISSN 0127- 4937 PP735/2/2002

DR.), JAMALUDIN BIN KASIM (PROF. (2001) Fiber morphology and chemical constituents of sagu fronds. ACTA Horticulture, 6. ISSN 0128-5599

DAHLAN, JASLIN BT MD. (2001) Customer Relationship Management in Malaysian Private Hospitals. ISSN 000844960

JAAFAR, JASMEE BIN (2001) Addressing the problem of managing mobile river environment with a Geographic Information System.

ISMAIL, JUNAIDA BINTI (2001) Employee Attitudes Vs Employee Affective Commitment. Global Journal of HUMAN SOCIAL SCIENCE, 14 (6).

NORDIN, KAMARULZAMAN BIN (2001) Production Engineering in Furniture Manufacturing. ISSN 0142-9418

KASSIM, KAMSOL B MOHAMED (2001) Environmental management system and community's spillover behaviour. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering, 7 (1). ISSN 0128-7141

KAMARUDDIN, KARTINI BINTI HAJI (2001) Concrete as Construction Material.

KAMARUDDIN, KARTINI BINTI HAJI (2001) Utilisation of RHA and Foamed for Brick Production. ISSN 1513-0452

HALIM, KHAIRUL NIZAM BIN ABD (2001) A survey of smart card Application: A user Perspective. Jurnal Garding, 3 (1). ISSN 0-9627473-2-7


LING, KOH SOO (2001) Why foreign postgraduate students flock to our shores. ISSN 1511-9068

LENG, LEE WEE (2001) A Simple Multiplex PCR Method for the Concurrent Detection of Three CYP2C8 Variants. Clinica Chimica Acta, 4 (4).

YOUNIS, LUAY THANOON (2001) The Identification of Porphyromonas gingivalis & Tannerella forsythensis and Their Association to The Periodontal Status in The Three Main Ethnic Groups in Malaysia.

@ AWIS, MAHADIR BIN LADISMA (2001) Realiability Dimension as a Main Model Quality Service Performance for Research Universities (RU's) Libraries: Cas Study at USM. iCAST2010 Journal. ISSN 0128-2635

OMAR, MASTURA BINTI (2001) Hulu Langat ke Arah Eco-Perlancongan Malaysia. Journal Perintis Pendidikan - INTI, 3.

OSMAN, MAZLAN BIN (2001) Penyalahgunaan Internet Di Kalangan Mahasiswa: Satu Kajian Kes Di UiTM.

HAMID, MD YUSOF BIN (2001) Exploration of Usability Issues in Malaysia Public Hospital Spatial Design:Pilot Study. International Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 2 (1). ISSN 1511-998X

OMAR, MEGAWATI BINTI (2001) He Can Teach the Young.

PAHRORAJI, MOHAMAD EZAD HAFEZ BIN MOHD (2001) Perspektif Pelajar Terhadap Penyelenggaraan Fasiliti di UiTM Sarawak.

DR), MOHAMAD NOR BIN BERHAN (IR)(PROF. (2001) Design, develop and test software to study the rate of climb for GPS paraglide. IEEE Xplore release 2.5, 1 (1).

MAHMOOD, MOHAMAD RUSOP BIN (2001) A study of pulse laser deposition and modification of diamond-like carbon films. Science Links Japan, 7 (2). ISSN 1394-2204

MAHMOOD, MOHAMAD RUSOP BIN (2001) Novel Synthesis Method of Well-Aligned Zinc Oxide Nanorods Structure. ISSN 1151-8487

MAHMOOD, MOHAMAD RUSOP BIN (2001) X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Analysis on the Bonding Properties of Amorphous Carbon Nitride Films. Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan (Japan), 8 (1). ISSN 0128-7532


RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2001) Influence of diabetis on the mRNA expression of IGF-2 ang IGF-2R in mouse fallopian tube and uterus. ISSN 1675-1302

(DR), MOHD MURSYIDDIN BIN ABDUL MANAF (2001) Communicating Malay Denial Through Malay(sian) Film. ISSN 1410-7767

HAMID, MOHD NASIR BIN ABDUL (2001) Idealisma Perjuangan Pembaharuan Islam Abad Ke 20.

HASBULLAH, MOHD NASURUDIN BIN (2001) Projek Pemetaan Fotogrametri Jarak Dekat Berdigit (FJDB) Digital Cloase-Range Photogrammetric (DCRP) Mapping Masjid Lama Kg. Kuala Dal, Padang Kangsar, Perak Darul Ridzuan.

YUSOF, MOHD NIZAM BIN (2001) Solid state fermentation of rice husks by white-rot fungi.

ZIN, MOHD ROSWODI BIN MAT (2001) A Perception Survey of Local People Towards Heritage Buildings in Ipoh Town.

ZIN, MOHD ROSWODI BIN MAT (2001) Kebudayaan Komuniti Portugis Di Melaka Sebagai Tarikan Pelancongan.

ZAHARI, MOHD SALEHUDDIN B MOHD (2001) Responsiveness of Restaurateurs toward the Implementation of Environmentally Friendly Practices. South Asian Journal of Tourism and Heritage, 62 (4).

SHARIF, MOHD SHAZALI BIN MD (2001) Hospitality Industry Attachment Experience: Views of the Undergraduate Students. ISSN 0040-6090

SULAIMAN, MOHD SUHAIMI BIN (2001) Single-Phased Remote On/Off Control Using PIC 16F877 Microcontroller. JOURNAL ACADEMIA UiTM Terengganu, 2 (1).

AHMAD, MOHD. ROZI BIN (2001) Development of Flexible Composites For Soft Body Armour Utilizing Natural Rubber Latex. Science Letters, 6 (1). ISSN 0128-5599

AHMAD, MOHD. ROZI BIN (2001) Some Properties of Composites Made From Local Cellulosic Fibres. Science Letters, 6 (1). ISSN 0128-5599

OSMAN, MUHAMMAD KHUSAIRI BIN (2001) 3D Object Recognition Using Multiple Views, Affine Moment Invariants and Multilayered Perceptron Network. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on SYSTEMS. ISSN 0075-4242

OTHMAN, MUHAMMAD MURTADHA BIN (2001) Application of Differential Protective Relay to 33/11kV Delta-Wye Transformer for Substation Automation. ISSN 0128-7141

@ OSMAN, NAFISAH BINTI MOHD ISA (2001) Preparation And Characterization Of Yb-Doped Barium Cerate Prepared By Pechini Method. ISSN 1394-2506

@ OSMAN, NAFISAH BINTI MOHD ISA (2001) Preparation Of Solid Electrolyte Based On Cerate-Zirconate By Sol Gel Method Using Acetate And Chloride Precursor. ISSN 1394-2506

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (2001) Sarawak's Development Hero.

KHALIL, NATASHA BINTI (2001) Septic Tank: Effluent Discharge in Compliance to the Standard Regulation. ISSN 01279696

SAIDON, NHAWAL AMINIE BINTI (2001) Effect of casein hydrolysate on development of somatic embryos of Hyoscyamus niger L. and the detection of hyoscyamine. ISSN 983-40756-0-X

ADNAN, NOOR LIZA BINTI (2001) Our Personality: Hardship is Rewarding.

ADNAN, NOOR LIZA BINTI (2001) Our Personality: Mess With Her!

ADNAN, NOOR LIZA BINTI (2001) Our Personality: Most Eligible Bachelor.

HASHIM, NOORAAIN BT (2001) Sterilization procedures of surgical equipments during laparoscopy surgery in goats. ISSN 1511-9300

NOOR, NOR ADILA BINTI MOHD (2001) Mechanism of al-wa'ad (promise): Teory and Application in Islamic Banking in Malaysia. Canadian Social Science. ISSN 1323 -6903

ADZMI, NOR ASLAH BINTI (2001) Grammatical Awareness of English Terminology: Are the Trainee Teachers aware? ISSN 0918-595X

RAHMAN, NOR HANIM BT ABD (2001) Setitis tinta dari ketua Pengarang 'Buletin JTMSK'.

RAHMAN, NOR HANIM BT ABD (2001) Setitis tinta dari Pengarang 'Buletin JTMSK'.

(DR.), NOR LAILA BINTI MOHD NOOR (PROF.) (2001) Inducting the Dimensions of Islamic Culture: A Theoretical Building Approach and Website Information Architecture Design Application. ISSN 0126-8635

YUSOP, NOR SHAHIDA BINTI MOHAMAD (2001) Requirement Analysis: Applying High-Level Constraint Language (HCL) and Unified Modeling Language (UML) in Textual Description for Use Case Model.

HARUN, NORAZMAN BIN (2001) Kajian Keperluan Pembangunan Tenaga Manusia, Usahawan dan Ruang Perniagaan Dalam Wilayah KETENGAH.

HUSIN, NORHUSNIYATI BINTI (2001) Commercialising UiTM's Inventions, Innovations and Design. ISSN 983-40756-0-X

DAUD, NORIZA BINTI (2001) Aspek Pemeri dan Nafi dalam Sintaksis Bahasa Melayu.

ALI, NORLI BINTI (2001) Performance of Islamic Banking among the Commercial Banks in Malaysia. Social and Management Research Journal., 6 (1). ISSN 0128-5599

HAMID, NORLIDA BINTI ABDUL (2001) Park-and-Ride Scheme: The Spatial Linkage Between Seremban Town and Kuala Lumpur City Centre.

ANUAR, NORNIZAR BINTI (2001) Fluidization behaviour of vibrated and aerated beds of starch powders. Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 6 (1).

SAMAT, OMAR BIN (2001) Working Capital Management Performance of Firms Listed on Bursa Malaysia. Social and Management Research Journal. ISSN 0128-2635

(DR), ONG TAH FATT (2001) Exercise Behavior of Malaysian Secondary Students: A Transtheoretical Model Approach. ISSN 1511-1989

DR.), PROF. DR. BAHAA MOHAMMED ABDULLATEEF (PROF. (2001) Determination of the specificities of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies to Neospora, Toxoplasma and Cryptosporidium by Fluorescent Antibody Test (FAT). Tropical Biomedicine, 9 (1).

DR.), PROF. DR. BAHAA MOHAMMED ABDULLATEEF (PROF. (2001) Food And Water-Borne Protozoal Diseases (FWBPD). Medical & Health Reviews, 2 (1).

DERIS, RAJA RAZUAN BIN RAJA (2001) Pyrolysis of oil palm trunk (OPT).

DR.)(HAJAH), RASHIDAH BINTI A.RAHMAN (PROF. (2001) Ethics in Malaysian Corporate Governance Practices. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2 (1). ISSN 1675-1302

SUBBAN, RI HANUM YAHAYA (2001) Structural and electrical properties of PVC-NH4CF3SO3-EC proton conducting electrolyte system. Advanced Material Research, 1 (6). ISSN 1511-2616

ARSHAD, ROSHAYANI BINTI (2001) Board structure, institutional pressures and corporate voluntary disclosures. Corporate Ownership and Control.

SUHAIMI, ROSITA BT HAJI (2001) Kajian Empirik Mengenai Hubungan Belanjawan dengan Faktor Politik dan Ekonomi. Jurnal Akademik, 1 (1). ISSN 1511-8959

JAMALUDIN, ROSLAN BIN (2001) Ethical Requirement In Quality Software Engineering Projects.

(DR), ROSLAN BIN ZAINAL ABIDIN (2001) 100 Ideas For Action to Support The Hyogo Framework For Action.

NOORMI, ROSLI BIN (2001) Screening of potential antimicrobial activity from Hymenocallis littoralis (Jacq.) Salisb. PharmacologyOnLine, 1 (1).

AZIZ, ROZAINUN BT AB (2001) Managing Operational Risks in a Bank: An Applied Research in Malaysia. Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal. Malaysia. In-Press, 15 (3).

AZIZ, ROZAINUN BT AB (2001) Sustainability in Management Accounting � Modelling Profit Forecasting. Corporate Ownership and Control Journal.Ukraine. In Press, 77 (1).

(PROF.DR.), RUHAYA BINTI ATAN (2001) Environmentally Sensitive Companies Social Responsibility And Reporting.

LAIMAN, RUSDIN BIN (2001) Penjanaan dan Komposisi Sisa Pepejal di Mukim Melaka Tengah, Melaka.

TAPSIR, RUZELA BINTI (2001) Right Perception On Mathematics: Is It Enough To Generate Right Attitude, Efforts And Learning Methods. ISSN 0294-1260

KOLONEL), SAIFUL ANWAR BIN MD ALI (LT. (2001) Definisi Semula Hubungan Amerika dengan Sekutu. ISSN 1675-0292

RADZI, SALLEH BIN MOHD (2001) Environmental Variables and Peformance: Evidence from the Hotel Industry in Malaysia. International Journal of Economics and Management, 5 (3). ISSN 0128-5599



HASHIM, SARINA BINTI (2001) Kajian Biologi Spesies Langka Telosma cordata (Burm. F.) Merr. (Asclepiadaceae). ISSN 0125-9399

ZAINON, SAUNAH BINTI (2001) Mengenalpasti Kos Membuat Keputusan dan Kos Kawalan.

DENI, SAYANG BINTI MOHD (2001) A comparative study of extreme rainfall in Peninsular Malaysia: with reference to partial duration and annual extreme series. Sains Malaysiana, 4 (2).

DENI, SAYANG BINTI MOHD (2001) Comparing the Severity of PM10 using Functional Descriptive Statistics: A Case Study in Klang Valley. Journal of Statistical Modeling and Analytics, 14 (11). ISSN 1394-1763

DENI, SAYANG BINTI MOHD (2001) Probability models for wet spells in Peninsular Malaysia during the periods of 1940s-1976 & 1977-2004. Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis, 1.

SULAIMAN, SHAHAROM BIN (2001) Buku dan Pendidikan: Ke arah penghayatan membaca.

SINNAKAUDAN, SHANKER KUMAR A/L (2001) An Appraisal of Suspended Load (SL) Equations Performance for Selected High Gradient Rivers in Malaysia.

SINNAKAUDAN, SHANKER KUMAR A/L (2001) Performance Test for Selected Total Bed Material Load Equations with High Gradient River Data.


DR.), SUHAIMI BIN MUHAMMED (PROF. (2001) The Gas Phase Treatment of Rubberwood. Jurnal Gading, 7 (1). ISSN 0128-7141

MALIK, SULAIMAN BIN ABDUL (2001) Measurement of Wood Grain Angle using Free-Space Microwave Measurement System in 8-12GHz Frequency Range.

SENIN, SYAHRUL FITHRY BIN (2001) Groundwater Flow Model Using Numerical Methods.

MOHAMAD, SYED JAMAL ABDUL NASIR SYED (2001) Pendidikan Dewasa: Satu Kajian Kes Terhadap Program Pemulihan di Rumah PENGASIH. Jurnal Akademik GADING UiTM Pahang, 11 (1).

MOHAMAD, SYED JAMAL ABDUL NASIR SYED (2001) Pengajaran Bahasa Melayu Sebagai Bahasa Kedua Berdasarkan Pendekatan Natural dan Deduktif. Jurnal Akademik GADING UiTM Pahang, 6 (1).

DOM, SYED MAZLAN BIN SYED MAT (2001) Ambil bakat baru tingkat mutu bola sepak. ISSN 1511-9300

CHOO, TEY HWEI (2001) The Relationship of Academic Self-Efficacy to Academic Performances of UiTM Freshmen.

HWA, TING KIEN (2001) Urban Air Environmental Health Indicators for City of Kuala Lumpur. Sains Malaysiana.

EFFENDI, TOMMY JULIANTO BIN BUSTAMI (2001) Are drug release mechanisms from polymeric matrices predictive for in vitro-in vivo correlation?

(DR.), VELLAYAN A/L SUBRAMANIAM (2001) Risky diet. ISSN 1511-7472

AZIZ, WAN ASRI B WAN AB (2001) Health Management System Performance: Human Resources Factors and Perceived Occupational Safety. JM International Journal of Management Reseach (JMIJMR), 9 (1). ISSN 0218-3781

(HAJI), WAN FAUZI BIN WAN MAMAT (2001) Research Methodology(QMT 120).

ZAIN, WAN NOR I'ZZAH BINTI WAN MOHAMAD (2001) Antioxidative properties of Pandanus odorus sp.

(DR), WAN SHABUDDIN BIN WAN ALI (2001) Properties of palm shell based activated carbon prepared using carbon dioxide as the activating agent. ISSN 0128-6013

(DR.), WEE ENG HOE (2001) The effects of imagery styles on the performance of basketball free-throw.

WISNOE, WIRACHMAN (2001) Installation and Integration of Synthetic Aperture Radar on CN235 Aircraft: Preliminary Study. ISSN 0128-7389

WUI, WONG TIN (2001) Isolation of particulate factors governing the dissolution behaviour of nifedipine in interactive mixture and solid dispersion.

(DR.), YIN CHUN YANG (2001) Review of modifications of activated carbon for enhancing contaminant uptakes from aqueous solutions. Separation and Purification Technology.

@ OSMAN, ZADARIANA BINTI JAMIL (2001) Optimization of phototrophic hydrogen production by Rhodopseudomonas palustris PBUM001 via statistical experimental design. Int. J Hydrogen Energy, 5 (2). ISSN 0128-7949

ZAKARIA, ZAHERAWATI BINTI (2001) Malaysian Voter�s Perception in Bukit Selambau on Teaching and Learning Science and Mathematics in English. Canadian Social Science, 14 (8).

HAIYEE, ZAIBUNNISA BINTI ABDUL (2001) Kestabilan kurkumin di dalam kompleks rangkuman oleoresin kunyit/ β- siklodekstrin terhadap haba dan cahaya.

HAIYEE, ZAIBUNNISA BINTI ABDUL (2001) Simultaneous extraction and clean-up of chlorpyrifos from spinach (Spinacia oleracea) using pressurised liquid extraction (PLE). ISSN NONE

MOHAMED, ZAINAB BT (2001) Penstabilan tanah menggunakan Abu Arang Terbakar Berdasarkan Kajian Komposisi Fiziko-Kimia dan Mikrostruktur Cerun Laterit. Journal KUiTTHO, 57 (35).

(DR.), ZAINUDIN BIN AWANG (2001) The Significance of Corporate Image of a University.

ESHAK, ZOLKAPLI BIN (2001) Anti-proliferative effect of Tinaspora crispa (L.) Hook. F. & Thomson and Gelam (Melaleuca sp.) honey on several cancer cell lines.

ZAKARIA, ZUHAINA BT HAJI (2001) Development of Fuzzy Controller For A Direct Current Servo Drive.


UNSPECIFIED (2001) An Insight into the mathematical thinking of the Malay songket weavers. ScienceDirect : online at www.sciencedirect.com, 3 (2). ISSN 1059-9231

UNSPECIFIED (2001) ENVIRONMENT SENSITIVE POLYMERS FOR OPHTHALMIC DRUG DELIVERY. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 24 (2). ISSN 1511-3701

UNSPECIFIED (2001) Environment sensitive polymers for opthalmic drug delivery. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 7 (1). ISSN 1394-2204

UNSPECIFIED (2001) Investigating Corporate Intranet Effectiveness: A Conceptual Framework. Information Management & Computer Security, 1.

UNSPECIFIED (2001) Modelling of Impact Energy Generated by Free Falling Ball. ESTEEM Academic Journal UiTM Pulau Pinang.

UNSPECIFIED (2001) Prosiding Seminar Wanita Dan Undang-undang.

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