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Number of items: 189.

JANI, ABD MUTALIB BIN MD (2002) Pembinaan penderia pH gentian optik pintar berasaskan reagen terpegun dan rangkaian neural tiruan (ANN). Jurnal Intelek, 15 (11). ISSN 1394-1763

NAWI, ABDOL SAMAD BIN (2002) International Trade and Price Mark-up: Evidence from the Malaysian manufacturing industries.


MAJEED, ABU BAKAR BIN ABDUL (2002) Research and development in biological science.

ZOOLFAKAR, AHMAD SABIRIN BIN (2002) The Acoustic and speech intelligibility quality using cengal timebr constructed room.

BAKAR, AHMAD YUMNI BIN ABU (2002) The preservation of Islamic faith. Elixir Management, 1 (1). ISSN 0128-7389



(DR), AMAR KUMAR CHATTERJEE (2002) Pregnant Mere's Serum Gonadotropin. III. Hemispaying and the Reversal of the Antifertility Faculty of Pregnant Mere's Serum Gonadotropin. Fertility & Sterility, 1 (1).

(DR), AMAR KUMAR CHATTERJEE (2002) Testicular atrophy in rats following epinephrine administration. Endokrinologie.

(DR.), AMBIGGA DEVI A/P S. KRISHNAPILLAI (2002) Cardiovascular risk scores among urban and rural Malays in Malaysia.

AZIZ, ARBA'IYAH BT AB. (2002) Mendekati Pemikiran dan Estetik dalam Kraftangan Melayu. INTI Jurnal Perintis Pendidikan, Fakulti Seni Lukis & Seni Reka, 19 (4).

AZIZ, AZLAN BIN ABDUL (2002) Integration of Non-verbal Audio in Educational Courseware. International JOURNAL on e-learning and Higher Education, 5.

MAT, AZMAN BIN CHE (2002) Aspek Terjemahan Penggunaan Kata Sendi Arab Melayu: Analisis Terjemahan Buku Arab Melayu â��Atlas Al-Qurâ��an Oleh Shawqī Abu Khalīl â��.

IBRAHIM, AZMI BIN (2002) Plastic shrinkage properties of concrete reinforced with oil palm trunk fiber.

IBRAHIM, AZMI BIN (2002) The Bond strength of concrete filled steel tubes(CFT)with tab stiffeners.


SAYIN, BAHARUDDIN BIN (2002) Pendidikan Tinggi Islam Cabaran.

DAS, BISWADEEP (2002) Similarities between Ischemic Preconditioning and 17B-Estradiol Mediated Cardiomyocyte Katp Channel Activation Leading to Cardioprotective and Antiarrhythmic Effects during Ischemia/Reperfusion in the Intact Rabbit Heart. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol, 1 (1).

ABDULLAH, BULAN BINTI (2002) A Study on Sintering Behaviors of Alumina (Al3O2) Reinforced Aluminium Matrix Composite and Its Properties. ISSN 0128-7389

@ DEALWIS, CAESAR DELWIS (2002) Language Choice of Bidayuh Jagoi at Home. Journal of Language Studies, 9. ISSN 1394-9330

(DATO')(DR.), CHE KHALID BIN HAJI YUSOFF (2002) Prehypertensive adults have adnormal lipid,metabolic and risk profile among malays in Malaysia. Abstract book- The Journal Of Hypertension, 46 (9). ISSN 0273-1223

(DATO')(DR.), CHE KHALID BIN HAJI YUSOFF (2002) Thrombin-specific anticoagulation with bivalirudin versus heparin in patients receiving fibrinolytic therapy for acute myocardial infarction: the HERO-2 randomised trial. Lancet, 22 (1).

PETRUS, CLOTILDA BINTI (2002) Designing wall with reinforced backfill.

HASHIM, DAYANG MARYANI BT AWANG (2002) Compatibility studies of polypropylene (pp)-sago starch (ss) blends using DMTA. Journal of Polymer Research, 3 (1).

(DR.), DR MUHAMED T OSMAN (2002) Probiotics and allergic diseases. ISSN 1394-8377

@ ABDUL RAHMAN, EFFAT BINTI OMAR (2002) Sarcocystis among wild captive and zoo animals in Malaysia. Korean J Parasitology, 37.4 (4). ISSN 0127-4937

USIR, EZLINA BT (2002) Students� Response On The Community Pharmacy Attachment.

DARUS, FAIRUS BIN MUHAMAD (2002) Fern tree (Gleichenia Linearis) as metal sorbent for lead ions removal.

FEROZ, FAREEDA (2002) synthesis of Quinioxaline derivative and their rearrangement.

HASSAN, FARIDAH BT HAJI (2002) Assessment of United States of America,Brazil and Malaysia's Competitive Advantages in Fostering Halal Hub Value Chain Network. ISSN 1394-3065

SOON, GOH YING (2002) The honors for teachers In Expression of thoughts.

SOON, GOH YING (2002) â��Suitable yardsticks. (适合的准绳).â��.

SOON, GOH YING (2002) â��Wrong Behavior (心有屎)â��.

SOON, GOH YING (2002) Using Aesthetics Measurement Application (AMA) to Measure Aesthetics of Web Page Interfaces.

SOON, GOH YING (2002) Why Learn Mandarin.

HASHIM, HABIBAH BINTI (2002) Server Load Balancing in the Next Generation Internet.

MUSTAPHA, HAJJAH WAN NORLIZA BT WAN (2002) A Cognitive Approach to Teaching Reading for Academic Purposes. Social & Management Research Journal UiTM, 2.

@ HJ MOHAMED, HAMIDAH BT MOHD SAMAN (2002) Strength properties of Grade 30 rice husk ash concrete.

YUSSOF, HANAFIAH BIN (2002) Obstacle Avoidance in Groping Locomotion of a Humanoid Robot. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems (ARS), 17. ISSN 0128-4347

SINGH, HARBINDAR JEET SINGH A/L GURCHARAN (2002) Age-related changes in antioxidant enzyme status in the kidneys of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and normotensive (WKY) rats.

SINGH, HARBINDAR JEET SINGH A/L GURCHARAN (2002) Serum and urinary divalent cations and plasma renin activity in women with mild pregnancy-induced hypertension. Medical Journal of Malaysia, 1 (1). ISSN 1675-2414

ISMAIL, HASHBULLAH BIN (2002) Research Methodology in Sports Science.

HAMID, HAYATI BT ABD. (2002) Office Management. ISSN 1013-2295

CHUI, HO CHUI (2002) A Comprehensive Workbook for Preparatory English. ISSN 0892-1815

TERNG, HOE FOO (2002) Liu Shu (Prinsip-prinsip Tulisan Cina Dibentukkan).

WAHAB, IBTISAM BINTI ABDUL (2002) Palladium Complex In Heck Coupling.

AZIZ, INAYAH BINTI ABDUL (2002) Human Capital: Our Responsibilities.

AZIZ, INAYAH BINTI ABDUL (2002) My Teaching Experience: Unforgettable Moment.

(DATO'), IRMOHIZAM BIN IBRAHIM (HAJI) (2002) 'Crackdown a big blow to ASEAN�s credibility�. ISSN 0127-4937 PP735/2/2003

AHMAD, ISMAIL BIN (2002) Information Transmission Between The Islamic Stock Indexes In South East Asia. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 84 (3).

DR.), JAMALUDIN BIN KASIM (PROF. (2002) Strength and dimensionalproperties of urea formaldehyde particleboard fr. Kelempayan. Gading, 7 (1). ISSN 0128-5599

(DR), JAVAD KHADEMSAMENI (2002) Solubilization of Griseofulvin by pure and mixture of SLS and Tween 80. ISSN 0957-6061

DAS, JESMIN PERMALA DAS A/P LOHY (2002) Dosing information in a standard drug reference: Are pediatrics still therapeutically neglected? Pediatrics International, 7 (1). ISSN 0128-5599

DIAH, JEZAN BIN MD (2002) An Integration of Urban Transportation Network Model with Geographical Information System (GIS) in Shah Alam City. ISSN 0128-8393

JAI, JUNAIDAH BINTI (2002) Corrosion inhibitive behaviour of palm cooking oil waste on mild steel in 1M HCl solution. ISSN 0022-0388

AHMAD, JURAIDAH BT (2002) The Indirect Strength of Weak Rock Materials as Determined by H-Ometer Test in Diametrical Position. KKU Science Journal.

RAMASAMY, KALAVATHY A/P (2002) Cytotoxic Effect Of 3, 4-Dimethoxy-12-Benzyloxystilbene Against Human Breast Cancer Cell Lines.

ARIFFIN, KAMISAH BINTI (2002) Superiority Claims in Advertisements: To Believe or Not to Believe?

AHMAD, KHAIRANI BT HAJI (2002) Ekonomi Binaan (Edisi Revisi). ISSN 16078926

HASHIM, KHAIRIL AFENDY BIN (2002) Photogrammetry 2.

KAUR, KIRANJIT (2002) Media Reporting on Refugees in Malaysia. UNEAC Asia Papers, No. 13, 2007 (refereed online publication), Website: www.une.edu.au/asiacenter/UNEACAsiaPapers13.html, 29.

METOM, LILLY AK (2002) Problems and Challenges in Learning English as a Second Language: A Survey of First Year Undergraduates at Universiti Malaysia Sabah. MANU: Jurnal Pusat Penataran Ilmu dan Bahasa, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, 16 (5).

TIK, LIM BOON (2002) Chemistry for matriculation 1 (2nd edition). ISSN 0959-9673

TIK, LIM BOON (2002) Chemistry for Matriculation 1 (3rd Edition).

(DR.), LWIN LWIN NYEIN (2002) Therapuetic efficacy of Eloquine (Mefloquine) 1500 mg in acute uncomplicated falciparum malaria. ISSN 16078926

MAXWELL, MAHANTHERAN A/L (2002) Filem Melayu:Suatu Catatan Sejarah Ringkas. Jurnal Skrin Malaysia,Fact, 7.

MAXWELL, MAHANTHERAN A/L (2002) Wayang. ISSN 1480-2422

AHMAD, MAHYUDIN BIN (2002) Factors Affecting Malaysian Interest Rate: Domestic vs. External. Economic Bulletin, 242.



OSMAN, MAZIANA BINTI (2002) Language and Ideology in the Media: Treatment of Gender in News Reports. ISSN 0128-1283

MOKHTAR, MAZLIN BINTI MOHAMAD (2002) Knowledge, attitude and practice in breastfeeding among mothers in the pre-baby friendly hospital initiative implementation at seven private hospitals in Malaysia. Knowledge, attitude and practice in breastfeeding among mothers in the pre-baby friendly hospital initiative implementation at seven private hospitals in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine, 1 (2). ISSN 1569-1568

(HAJI), MD IZUDDIN BIN ALI (2002) Mutiara Pelajar.

ZAN, MD MAHFUDZ B MD (2002) Egg Grading Using Image Processing Techniques.

HEMDI, MOHAMAD ABDULLAH BIN (2002) Clarifying the Effects of Human Resource Management Practices on Turnover Intentions: The Mediating Role of Employee Trust in Organization. TEAM Journal of Hospitality & Tourism, 1 (1). ISSN 1675-4077

HEMDI, MOHAMAD ABDULLAH BIN (2002) Investigating the influence of organizational justice on hotel employees� organizational behavior intentions and turnover intentions. Journal of Human Resource in Hospitality and Tourism, 99. ISSN 1091-6490

SAMSUDIN, MOHAMED MUNEER BIN (2002) The Effects of Teamwork towards Jobs satisfaction in Hotel Industry in Klang Valley, Malaysia. International Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences.

SEROJI, MOHAMMAD NAWAWI BIN (2002) A Simple Direct Frequency Control of AC/DC Three Phase Current Injection Series Resonant Converter (CISSR) (ISIEA 2009). ISSN 983-2328-53-5

ISLAM, MOHAMMED NASIMUL (2002) Histopathological studies of cardiac lesions after long term administration of Methamphetamine - Part II. Legal Medicine, 2 (2). ISSN 1511-8959

RANI, MOHD AFANDI BIN MAT (2002) Waqf Management and Administration in Malaysia: Its Implementation from the Perspective of Islamic Law. Malaysian Accounting Review (Special Issue), 1 (1). ISSN 1675-2414

YUSOFF, MOHD FAIRUS BIN (2002) Aluminium and Casting Prosess For Malaysian Craft Product Development. 6th IID 2009, From Research & Innovation to Wealth, 1 (2). ISSN 1511-9300

YUSOFF, MOHD HANAPIAH BIN MOHD (2002) Analysis of a low refractive index grating waveguide polarisation splitter based on resonant tunelling. Jurnal Akademi Sains Malaysia, 3 (1).

RAHMAN, MOHD KAMIL BIN ABD. (2002) Efficient Er3+-Yb3+ Fiber Laser by 1062 nm Laser Diode Excitation. ISSN 0025-1348

RAHMAN, MOHD KAMIL BIN ABD. (2002) Hybrid 1-D and 2-D Array Photonic Band Gap 1 x 2 Power Splitter Based on Multimode Interference. ISSN 0128-7702

HAMID, MOHD NASIR BIN ABDUL (2002) Pemantapan Pengurusan Tabung Kewangan Masjid: Peranannya Dalam Meningkatkan Upaya Sosio-Ekonomi Masyarakat Islam.

TAIB, MOHD NASIR BIN (2002) Classification of Agarwood using ANN. Int. Journal of Electrical and Electronic Systems Research(IEESR).

ALI, MOHD NOOR BIN MOHD (2002) Professional Selling and the Effect on Customer Loyalty: Study Using the Oliver's Model. Voice of Academia-Academic Series of Universiti Teknologi MARA Kedah, 7 (1).

MAMAT, MOHD NOR BIN (2002) Development Assessment Instrument for Environmental Attitude Among Learners of Environmental Ethics. ISSN 0128-7478

ALI, MOHD RIVAIE BIN MOHD (2002) A comparative study of conjugate gradient method for unconstrained optimization.

ZIN, MOHD ROSWODI BIN MAT (2002) Pelancongan Di Malaysia: Tinjauan Corak Motivasi dan Ciri-ciri Perjalanan Pelancong Tempatan pada Hujung Minggu di Negeri-negeri Terpilih.

(DR), MOHD. HANAFI BIN ALI (2002) The Roles of Radiographers in Optimising Radiation Dose in CT Abdominal Procedures.

(DR), MOHD. HANAFI BIN ALI (2002) Trends in CT Abdominal Doses in Malaysian Practices: A Report of Progress.

AHMAD, MOHD. ROZI BIN (2002) Improving Songket Quality and Productivity Using Jacquard Technology. Science Letters, 7 (1). ISSN 0128-5599

HUSSIM, MUHAMMAD HAFIZ BIN (2002) First Principle Study on the Effect of BDC Linker to the H2 Binding Sites and Binding Energy in MOF-5. ISSN 1058 - 725X

OSMAN, MUHAMMAD KHUSAIRI BIN (2002) 3D Object Recognition System Using Multiple Views and Cascaded Multilayered Perceptron Network. ISSN 1024-8714

OSMAN, MUHAMMAD KHUSAIRI BIN (2002) 3D Object Recognition Using 2D Moments and HMLP Network. ISSN 28-2715

ZAIN, MUSTAFFA BIN MOHAMED (2002) CSR In Construction Industries. International Accounting Research Journal, 68 (4). ISSN 0032-0943

@ OSMAN, NAFISAH BINTI MOHD ISA (2002) Phase Formation and Chemical Stability Study of the Ba(Ce1-xZrx)0.95Yb0.05O2.975 System. ISSN 1394-3065

@ OSMAN, NAFISAH BINTI MOHD ISA (2002) The Effects of ZnO Addition on the Properties of Y3+ Doped BaZrO3 Prepared by Pechini Method. ISSN 1394-3065

@ OSMAN, NAFISAH BINTI MOHD ISA (2002) Thermal Decomposition of BaCe0.95Yb0.05O2.975 Prepared By Different Preparation Routes. ISSN 0014-3057

ABDILLAH, NASIRIN B (2002) English Courses for Diploma Students at UiTM Terengganu Branch: Relevance and Challenges.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (2002) An introduction to intellectualism (Intelektualisme: Pemikiran awal). Jurnal Akademik ITM Sabah, 3 (1).

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (2002) Views on land administration (Perbezaan fahaman mentadbir tanah).

FOONG, NG SET (2002) Regression analysis using a biased estimator. ISSN 1511-8614

(DR.), NIK MAHERAN BT NIK MUHAMMAD (2002) Investment Decision-Making Style: Are Malaysian Investors Rational Decision Maker. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business (IJCR).

MADZHI, NINA KORLINA BINTI (2002) Spectrophotometer Analysis Using MATLAB for Treated and Untreated Water. Scientific Research Journal, 7 (1).

ARSHAD, NOOR HABIBAH BTE HJ (2002) IT Outsourcing: An Exploratory Study Based on Transaction Cost Theory, Relational Exchange Theory and Agent Theory. WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications Journal, 14 (1). ISSN 1020-5586

ADNAN, NOOR LIZA BINTI (2002) From Our Columnist: What Exam Means...

ADNAN, NOOR LIZA BINTI (2002) Gaining Competitive Advantage Through Mass-Customization: A Closer Look at Dell Computer.

ADNAN, NOOR LIZA BINTI (2002) My Teaching Experience.

ADNAN, NOOR LIZA BINTI (2002) Our Personality: The All-Rounder.

ADNAN, NOOR LIZA BINTI (2002) Our Personality: The Quality Lady.

HASHIM, NOORAAIN BT (2002) Interests to take up science among 15-year-old students. A case study in Pahang. ISSN 16078926

HASHIM, NOORAAIN BT (2002) River Water Quality in Malaysia- A Review. ISSN 16078926

YAHAYA, NOORDIN B (2002) The Effects of Various Modes of School Formality Culture and Student Learning Style with Secondary School Students Academic�s Achievements. International Journal of Psychological Studies.

TAHIR, NOORITAWATI BINTI MD (2002) Integrated Circuit (IC) Identifier for Object Singulation and Extraction Based on Image Processing Approach.

TAHIR, NOORITAWATI BINTI MD (2002) Lighting Efficiency for Energy and Cost Saving.


FADZILLAH, NOR AZLINA BT AZIZ (2002) User manual (Lab Session) ; A Guideline To design Basic Programming Using Java language.

ISMAIL, NOR HADIANI BTE (2002) Secondary Metabolites from Borneo Cryptocarya nigra (Lauraceae).

MANSOR, NOR HAFIZAH BINTI ABD (2002) Tax Compliance Costs of Bumiputera Small and Medium Enterprises in Northern Malaysia. International Journal of Management Studies, 14. ISSN 0217-9687

RASHID, NORIZZAH BINTI ABD (2002) Effects of Blending and Chemical Interesterification on the Rheological Properties and fat Crystal Network of Palm Stearin. ISSN 1675-2414

HAMID, NORLIDA BINTI ABDUL (2002) Consumers' Satisfaction Towards Inter-Urban Stage Bus Services: A Case for Shah Alam Commuters'.

HAMID, NORLIDA BINTI ABDUL (2002) Utilization Patterns of KTMB Park-and-Ride Facilities at Shah Alam and Seremban Station.

OMAR, NORMAH BT HAJI (2002) Accounting in Organization Undergoing Change: Should We Emulate the Japanese?

OMAR, NORMAH BT HAJI (2002) Corporate Reporting On Minority Shareholders Information And Its Implication On Shareholders Activism In Malaysia. National Accounting Research Journal, 242.

YA'ACOB, NORSUZILA BINTI (2002) Improving Ambiguity Resolution for Short and Medium Baseline with an Accurate Ionospheric Modelling. The Online Journal on Electronics and Electrical Engineering (OJEEE), 8 (1). ISSN 1394-2204

DAUD, NORZAIDI BIN MOHD (2002) Effectiveness Of The Extended Mean-Variance Model Using Fuzzy Approach For Portfolio Selection In Malaysian Stock Marke. Business & Management Quarterly Review, 4 (1).

RAHIM, PUTERI ROHANI BINTI MEGAT ABDUL (2002) A Survey of Reading Habits Among Students of Two Faculties in UiTM Perak.

ADNAN, RAMLI BIN (2002) Robust Trajectory - Adaptive Zero Phase Error-tracking Control.

DOURADO, RITA MARIA (2002) Getting Students to Talk.

JAMALUDIN, ROSLAN BIN (2002) A Review of Lightweight Methodologies. ISSN 1513-0452

RAHIM, ROSLI B ABDUL (2002) Employers� Attitude Towards Hiring Persons With Disabilities In Selangor And Federal Territory And An Investigation Into The Barrier-Free Environment At Workplace. ISSN 0953-1424

KASSIM, ROSNI BINTI ABU (2002) Development of a General Purpose Data Acquisition and Process package.

SETIA, ROSZAINORA BINTI DATO' HAJI (2002) Be our own decision maker. ISSN 1058 - 725X

SETIA, ROSZAINORA BINTI DATO' HAJI (2002) Let's be an academician with a soul. ISSN 1058 - 725X

AZIZ, ROZAINUN BT AB (2002) Strategic Adaptation and value of forecasts: conceptual framework for a case study in Malaysian downstream petroleum industry.

HASHIM, RUGAYAH BTE HAJI (2002) Evaluating e-Procurement Readiness in Municipalities and District Offices in Selangor. Journal of Administrative Science, 9 (1).

HASHIM, RUGAYAH BTE HAJI (2002) ICT Implementation Issues in the Selangor Local Government: An Emergent Framework.

AHMAD, SABARINAH BTE SH. (2002) Innovative Use Of Atria for Daylight Performance in Office Building Under Tropical Skies.

SULTAN, SADIA (2002) 1. Sultan, S.; Shah, S.A.A.; Sun, L.; Ramasami, K.; Cole, A.; Blunt, John.; Munro, M.; Weber, J.F.F.; Bioactive Fungal Metabolites of 9PR2 Isolated From Roots of Callophyllum Ferrugineum Int. J. Pharm. Sci. 2011, 3, Suppl 1, 6-9 (Scopus indexed IF2010 = 0.38). Int. J. Pharm. Sci., 8 (2).

KOLONEL), SAIFUL ANWAR BIN MD ALI (LT. (2002) Insignia dan Kemegahannya. PERAJURIT, 2 (1). ISSN 1540-1200

(DR), SARINA BINTI MUHAMAD NOOR (2002) Quality practices as a moderator in technology transfer performance. International Journal of Business and Management.

ZAINON, SAUNAH BINTI (2002) Usahawan Kompeten Antara Cabaran dan Harapan.

NIZAMANI, SHAFI MUHAMMAD (2002) Penetrating tracheal injury - A case report. Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 7 (1). ISSN 0128-5599

SULAIMAN, SHAHAROM BIN (2002) Mengajarkan Islam di Amerika.

SULAIMAN, SHAHAROM BIN (2002) Terorisme global dan pengganas agama : cabaran hidup beragama pada alaf baru.

BAHARI, SHAHRIL ANUAR BIN (2002) Analysis on springback percentage (sp) of bent laminated bamboo strips lumber (blbsl) using different pressing methods. ISSN 1511-2802

SINNAKAUDAN, SHANKER KUMAR A/L (2002) Surface-Based Sampling Techniques for Sediment Transport Measurement in High Gradient Streams.

AGIL, SHARIFAH KHADIJAH BINTI SYED (2002) A Mixed-Method Study on the Socio-Psychological Aspect of Human Behavior Underlying Design and Formulation of Code of Ethics.

HUSAIN, SHARIFAH SHAHNAZ BT SYED (2002) Accelerate: Enhance Your English.

CHRISTABEL, SHELIA (2002) Proceedings For A Correlative Study of Learning Styles, Motivation & Performance, (IRDC).

(DR), SIM LAI HAR (2002) The Effect of Molecular Mass of PEO and the Salt Content on Its Isothermal Crystallization Behaviour for PEO:LiClO4 Electrolyte. ISSN 1675-2414

TALIB, SUHAIMI BIN ABDUL (2002) Electron Acceptor Utilization Rate In Municipal Wastewater Under Anoxic Condition. In Water & Environmental Management Series â� Sewer Networks and Processes within Urban Water Systems.

TALIB, SUHAIMI BIN ABDUL (2002) Electron Transfer Rates And Energy Releases During Denitrification Of Municipal Wastewater. In Water & Environmental Management Series â� Advancement on water and wastewater Application in the Tropics, 46 (9). ISSN 0273-1223

DR.), SUHAIMI BIN MUHAMMED (PROF. (2002) Physical Properties of Rubberwood (Hevea brasiliensis) from Different Clones and Age Groups.

DOM, SULAIMAN BIN MD (2002) visualization of uric acid renal calculi using computed radiography.

DR.), SYED NOH B SYED AHMAD (PROF. (2002) Income Statements Transparency and Firms' Characteristics of Companies Listed on the Bursa Malaysia. American Journal of Applied Sciences, 1.


HOON, TEOH SIAN (2002) Influential Parameters For Sediment Transport Prediction in Headwater Streams (Hws).

(DR.), VELLAYAN A/L SUBRAMANIAM (2002) Animal Welfare in Zoos: A Perspective of Veterinary Ethics and Responsibilities. ISSN 0126-513X

(DR.), VELLAYAN A/L SUBRAMANIAM (2002) Raillietina (Raillietina) Celebensis: A First Record for Peninsular Malaysia in a New Post, Rhizomys Sumatrensis. J. Vet. Malaysia, 1 (1). ISSN 1511-9033

HO, VOON BOO (2002) The Relationships of relationship Orientation, Cultural Intelligence and Customer Satisfaction in Multicultural Sarawak. ISSN 1675-199x

MANSOR, WAHIDAH BINTI (2002) Universiti Teknologi MARA Into The Next Millenium As A Smart Institution.

(HAJI), WAN FAUZI BIN WAN MAMAT (2002) Women Leadership:A Muslim Malaysian Perception.

DR.), WAN MANSOR B WAN MAHMOOD (PROF. (2002) Determinants of Capital Structure for Listed Construction Companies in Malaysia. Journal of Applied Finance & Banking, 1 (1). ISSN 1675-4077

DR.), WAN MANSOR B WAN MAHMOOD (PROF. (2002) Interrelatedness of Malaysian foreign exchange markets: Comparing two different regimes. The ICFAI Journal of Applied Economics, 31 (4). ISSN 1743-2898

RAHMAN, WAN MOHD NAZRI BIN WAN ABDUL (2002) Effects of Age and Tree Portion on Chemical Properties of Leucaena Leucocephala Wood. Jurnal Gading, 1 (1). ISSN 0128-5599

(DR), WAN SHABUDDIN BIN WAN ALI (2002) Production of charcoal using self-burning kiln. ISSN 0128-6013

ISMAIL, WAN ZURIEA BINTI WAN (2002) Spectators Safety Awareness in Outdoor Stadium Facillities. Procedia Engineering, 1 (7). ISSN 0128-5599

HENG, WONG SOON (2002) Combating Plagiarism in the Classroom. Voice of Academia: Academic Series of Universiti Teknologi MARA Kedah, 6.

WUI, WONG TIN (2002) Design of drug delivery system using non-aqueous methods.

AWANG, ZAIKI BIN (2002) A novel fabrication technology for microwave acoustic devices: Part 1 â� Thin film acoustic filters and resonators. Telekom Journal, 68 (7). ISSN 0032-0943

(HAJI), ZAINI BIN HAMZAH (DR) (2002) In-Situ Measurement of Selected Water Quality Parameters in Ringlet�s Lake, Cameron Highlands. Malaysian Journal of Chemistry, 2 (2).

AHMAD, ZAKIAH BTE (2002) Characterization of natural fiber concrete using destructive and non destructive testing methods.

AHMAD, ZAKIAH BTE (2002) Comparative study on tensile strength between full scale structural lumber and small clear specimen.

TARMUDI, ZAMALI BIN HJ (2002) Perbandingan Keputusan Multi-Atribut Berasaskan Beberapa Teori Set. Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis, 42 (6). ISSN 0377-7464

KASIRAN, ZOLIDAH BT (2002) Facial Expression Recognition as an Implicit Customer�s Feedback. Advances in Human Computer Interaction, 13 (2). ISSN 0970938X

LATIF, ZULKIFLEE BIN ABD (2002) Soil erosion modelling of Cameron Highlands using GIS techniques.

(HAJAH), ZURAIMI BINTI ZAINUDDIN (2002) http://www.taaherah.blogspot.com.

(HAJAH), ZURAIMI BINTI ZAINUDDIN (2002) Kenangan Lama Mengusik Jiwa.

(HAJAH), ZURAIMI BINTI ZAINUDDIN (2002) Kisah Alang Dan Perlawanan Catur.

(HAJAH), ZURAIMI BINTI ZAINUDDIN (2002) Laporan Maklumbalas Pelajar Terhadap Pengajaran Pensyarah (April 2007).

(HAJAH), ZURAIMI BINTI ZAINUDDIN (2002) Ron Wyatt. ISSN 1394-8377

(HAJAH), ZURINA BINTI MAHMUD (2002) Study on the Chemical COnstituents of Piper betle L. in Relation to their Possible Insect Attractant Property. Malaysian Journal of Science, 1 (1). ISSN 1321-7348

UNSPECIFIED (2002) Kepupusan Bahasa Jawa Sebagai Warisan Melayu: Kajian Kalangan Remaja Di Johor. ISSN 1394-7109

UNSPECIFIED (2002) Relating Management Control System (MCS) to Accountability Outcomes in Local Goverment in Malaysia. ISSN 0128-5599

UNSPECIFIED (2002) The Quality Of Pharmacy Educational Service: A Comparison Between Two Batches Of Pioneering Students.

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