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Number of items: 73.

TAHIR, NOORITAWATI BINTI MD (1994) Lighting Efficiency for Energy and Cost Saving. In: UNSPECIFIED.

TAHIR, NOORITAWATI BINTI MD (1994) A Data Error Analyzer for Digital Mobile Radio. In: UNSPECIFIED.

TAHIR, NOORITAWATI BINTI MD (1994) Energy Demand Side Management: Lighting Efficiency in Existing Institutional Building. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MAHMOOD, CHE FARIDAH BINTI CHE (1994) Aliran Prestasi Keputusan Peperiksaan Pelajar-pelajar DIA Bahagian Satu dan DBS/DIB Bahagian 2 Dalam Matapelajaran Asas Pengurusan Bagi Tahun 1993. In: UNSPECIFIED.

WUI, WONG TIN (1994) Effect of counter ions on chitosan beads. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MAJEED, ABU BAKAR BIN ABDUL (1994) Developing appropriate biomedical communication systems: experience from a developing country. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MAJEED, ABU BAKAR BIN ABDUL (1994) The anti-anaesthetic effect of imipramine. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MAJEED, ABU BAKAR BIN ABDUL (1994) Theories of monoaminergic modulation of somatosensory transmission. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MAJEED, ABU BAKAR BIN ABDUL (1994) The anti-anaesthetic effect of 2-adrenoceptor antagonists. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ADAM, AISHAH BT (1994) Paraquat toxicity and control. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ADAM, AISHAH BT (1994) Effect of alpha-tocopherol and tocotrienol on acute carbon tetrachloride toxicity in rats. in Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 72: Suppl. 1, p. 593. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(IR), MOHAMAD ARIS BIN RAMLAN (1994) A Modified C-Dumped Inverter for Low-voltage Switched Reluctance Motor. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(HAJI)(DR), NGAH RAMZI BIN HAMZAH (1994) Determination of Air-Borne Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) from an Impulse Generator. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HAMZAH, MUSTAFAR KAMAL B (1994) IGBT Modelling in Pspice for Simulation Purpose. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HAMZAH, MUSTAFAR KAMAL B (1994) Simulation of Broken Rotor Bar in Rotor Induction Motor Under Load Condition. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HAMZAH, MUSTAFAR KAMAL B (1994) Development of a low-cost Blumlein High Voltage Generator for Low Voltage Applications. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MAJEED, ABU BAKAR BIN ABDUL (1994) The possible antidepressant effect of RX 781094. p.158. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MAJEED, ABU BAKAR BIN ABDUL (1994) The anti-anaesthetic effect of 2-adrenoceptor antagonists. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HASHIM, HABIBAH BINTI (1994) Sustainable Development Strategy: Educating Students on Utilising Energy Efficiently. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HASHIM, HABIBAH BINTI (1994) Development of a PC-based General Purpose Data Acquisition System. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MADYA), MOHD ZAKI BIN ABDULLAH (PROF (1994) Reactive Compensation by the Use of Static Harmonic Filter. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MUSIRIN, ISMAIL BIN (1994) The Use of Solid State Devices in Pulsed Generation System. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HAMZAH, MUSTAFAR KAMAL B (1994) Development of High Voltage Solid Pulse Generator Incorporated with Cockcroft-Walton Stack. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ABDULLAH, WAN NOR AININ BTE WAN (1994) Energy Efficiency for Air Conditioning System in an Office Building. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ABDULLAH, WAN NOR AININ BTE WAN (1994) Energy Demand Side Management: Lighting Efficiency for Energy and Cost Savings. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAHIMULLAH, BIBI NORASIQIN BT SHEIKH (1994) A Fast Linear Programming Algorith for Solving Active Power Rescheduling. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ZAN, MD MAHFUDZ B MD (1994) Egg Grading Using Image Processing Techniques. In: UNSPECIFIED.

OMAR, AHMAD MALIKI BIN (1994) A Comparative Study on the Performance of IGBTs in High Frequency ZCQR Converter. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), SHAHARUDDIN BIN BADARUDDIN (1994) Wawasan Kepimpinan Pelajar Cemerlang : Peranan Penasihat Dalam Membentuk Organisasi Pelajar Berkesan di IPT. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), SHAHARUDDIN BIN BADARUDDIN (1994) Membentuk Kerangka Islam Dalam Gerakan Kesatuan Sekerja di Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), SHAHARUDDIN BIN BADARUDDIN (1994) Kearah Masyarakat Penyayang. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), SHAHARUDDIN BIN BADARUDDIN (1994) The Impact of Islam in the Malaysian Government Policy. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (1994) The Rise and Future of the Online Database Systems and Networking Infrastructure in Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (1994) A Paradigm Shift Towards Specialization in the Education and Training Programme in Library and Information Science in Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (1994) Growing Importance of Strategic Information Services, Amidst Government's Privatization Policy in Malaysia: New Roles of Special Libraries and Information Centers. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (1994) Records Management in Malaysia and its Impact on the Education and Training. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (1994) The Training of Oral Historian in Malaysia and a Case Study of the Process in the Kedah Region North-West Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (1994) Application of IT in Libraries and Information Centers and its Impact on Management and Users. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (1994) Multiculturalism and Multilingualism in Malaysia: A Challenge to the Information Service and Profession. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (1994) Ke Arah Peribumi Yang Berbudaya Maklumat dan Berpemikiran Kritikal : Peranan Modul Kemahiran Sistematik Maklumat Dalam Kurikulum. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (1994) The Importance of Performance Measures in Library Services with Examples of Evaluation/ Measurement Models. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(PROF.DR)(HAJI), IBRAHIM KAMAL ABD RAHMAN (1994) Strategi Ke Arah Penerapan dan Peningkatan Budaya Penyelidikan dan Perundingan : Satu Cadangan. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (1994) The Significance of Social Science Research on Development : Towards Equitable Research Emphasis. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (1994) OPAC and CD-ROM Services in Libraries : Need for User Studies and Evaluation. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (1994) New Challenges in Acquisition and Collection Development for Libraries. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (1994) Importance of Systematic Records Management. In: UNSPECIFIED.



DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (1994) Understanding of Oral History and some of its Programmes in Malaysia with Special Reference to the State of Kedah. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (1994) Records and Archives Management : It's Siqnificance to the Information Profession. In: UNSPECIFIED.

NOOR, NOORZAN BINTI HAJI MOHD (1994) EPC Strategies for Academic Interactions: Process-Oriented, Student-Centred, Thematic Organization. In: UNSPECIFIED.

NOOR, NOORZAN BINTI HAJI MOHD (1994) EPC in the Academic Scenario: Genre Analysis for Inter-Discourse Communication. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ZAKARIA, SHAIKH ABDUL KARIM YAMANI BIN (1994) Oil palm empty fruit bunch for particleboard manufacturing. In: UNSPECIFIED.

KADIR, SHARIFAH AISHAH SYED ABDUL (1994) Predictions of heavy fuel oil spray combustion and particulate emissions in a cylindrical combustor. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ AW HEE TENG (DR) (DATUK PROF.), OW CHEE SHENG (1994) Theoretical and experimental studies on square and pentagonal geometries of the marine growth preventer. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), JAMALUDIN BIN KASIM (PROF. (1994) Empty fruit bunch for particleboard manufacturing. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ZAKARIA, SHAIKH ABDUL KARIM YAMANI BIN (1994) Particleboard manufacture from oil palm empty fruit bunch. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ AW HEE TENG (DR) (DATUK PROF.), OW CHEE SHENG (1994) sustainable development in the fire protection industry. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), JAMALUDIN BIN KASIM (PROF. (1994) Fiber morphology and chemical constituents of metroxylon sagu rottboel fronds. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), JAMALUDIN BIN KASIM (PROF. (1994) Soda anthrquinone pulping of sago palm fronds. In: UNSPECIFIED.

WISNOE, WIRACHMAN (1994) Installation and Integration of Synthetic Aperture Radar on CN235 Aircraft: Preliminary Study. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1994) The effects of freezing on the ultrastructure of goat sperm. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ZAILANI, RAMLAN BIN (1994) Characterisation of Organic Solid Wastes for Thermal Conversion to Liquid Fuel. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ZAILANI, RAMLAN BIN (1994) Characteristics of Pyrolysis Oil From Scrap Tyres. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ZAILANI, RAMLAN BIN (1994) Pyrolysis of Some Agricultural Residues to Liquid Fuel. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (1994) An improved technique for seedling growth study in laboratory. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (1994) Germination and seedling growth of stored Hopea odorata seeds. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (1994) Effects of desiccation and freezing treatments on survival of seeds of three tropical fruit species. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (1994) Effects of desiccation on seed germination and seedling growth of Hopea odorata. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), VELLAYAN A/L SUBRAMANIAM (1994) Intestinal Protozoan and Helminth Parasites of Primates and The Effect of Albendazole. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SHAARI, SULAIMAN BIN (1994) Climatic design parameters for energy conscious buildings: a revised look. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SHAARI, SULAIMAN BIN (1994) Optimisation of insolation measurements in tropical countries. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), GABRIELE RUTH ANISAH FROMMING (1994) Biosynthesis of Platelet-Activating Factor (PAF) in rabbit alveolar macrophages after stimulation with lichrospher and lyso-PAF. In: UNSPECIFIED.

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