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Number of items: 82.

MOHAMED, ZAINAB BT (1997) Mechanical Properties of Malaysian Rock. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (1997) The near point of Convergence and the amplitude of accommodation in young children. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (1997) The accommodative response curve in young children. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AHMAD, SANIZAH BINTI (1997) Math anxiety phenomenon in engineering education: American Degree Program/PPP/ITM case study. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), FAIZAH BINTI MD SALLEH (1997) Formation of Bi-2212 Superconductor by Pb and Cr Substitution. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), ISMAIL BIN AB. WAHAB (HAJI)(PROF. (1997) Pembiayaan Kewangan bagi Pengembangan Perniagaan Kecil & Sederhana di Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MANSOR, WAHIDAH BINTI (1997) Software Packages for Laboratory Automation. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MAJEED, ABU BAKAR BIN ABDUL (1997) Islam and Information Society. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AWANG, ZAIKI BIN (1997) On-wafer high frequency characterization of sol-gel derived bulk acoustic wave resonators. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AWANG, ZAIKI BIN (1997) Low frequency characterization of bulk acoustic wave resonators fabricated using sol-gel technology. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ZAKARIA, ZUHAINA BT HAJI (1997) Pilot Study: GPIB Control of HP54600A Digital Oscilloscope. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAMASAMY, KALAVATHY A/P (1997) Inhibitory effects of organic acids from three strains of intestinal Lactobacillus on E. coli and Salmonella. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAMASAMY, KALAVATHY A/P (1997) Fluorometric determination of the immunopotentiator 1,3 beta-glucan during morphogenesis in the reishi mushroom, Ganogerma lucidum. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AZIZ, NORHASIMAH BINTI ABDUL (1997) Economic Situation: Income Adequacy of University Degree Holders based on Occupational Sectors. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AZIZ, NORHASIMAH BINTI ABDUL (1997) A Factor Analysis of the Components of a Consumer Attitude Index for Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAHMAN, NORAZAH BINTI ABD (1997) Superconducting properties and hardness of DyBa2Cu3O7-δ-Ag composite. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), SUHAIMI BIN MUHAMMED (PROF. (1997) Penterjemahan Bidang Sains Gunaan - Aspek Teknologi Perkayuan. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), SUHAIMI BIN MUHAMMED (PROF. (1997) A Preliminary Survey of Agroforestry Practices in Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), SUHAIMI BIN MUHAMMED (PROF. (1997) Mechanical Properties of Oil Palm Fiber-Plastics Composite. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), SUHAIMI BIN MUHAMMED (PROF. (1997) Agronomy for Profitability and Sustainability: The Malaysian Perspective. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), SUHAIMI BIN MUHAMMED (PROF. (1997) Agroforestry Systems: A Study of Practices and Problems in Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), SUHAIMI BIN MUHAMMED (PROF. (1997) Variation in Mechanical Properties of Rubberwood from Three Clones and Two Age Groups. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), SUHAIMI BIN MUHAMMED (PROF. (1997) Variation of Some Wood Quality Indicators in Rubberwood. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), SHAHARUDDIN BIN BADARUDDIN (1997) Pengurusan Hal Ehwal Pelajar : Agenda Yang Belum Selesai. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), SHAHARUDDIN BIN BADARUDDIN (1997) Memperkasa Kepimpinan Dan Pembangunan Pelajar Menerusi Penubuhan Unit Perkhidmatan Komuniti. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), SHAHARUDDIN BIN BADARUDDIN (1997) Kepimpinan Asia Tenggara Masa Kini : Satu Refleksi Untuk Generasi Baru. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), SHAHARUDDIN BIN BADARUDDIN (1997) Managing the Varieties of Ideas : The Regional Muslim Perspectives. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), SHIREEN BINTI HARON (1997) Improving the quality of learning through videoconferencing. In: UNSPECIFIED.

OTHMAN, HASINAH BINTI (1997) Making Language Input Comprehensible - A Way. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (1997) Meeting the Information Needs of Postgraduate research in science and Technology in the Age of IT. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (1997) Library and Information Services in Multilingual and Multicultural Society in Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (1997) World Wide Web : the Dream, Hopes, Reality and Nightmare from the Perspectives of an Islamic State-Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (1997) The Role of Science and Technology Institutions in Malaysia in the collection, exploitation and Dissemination of Sci-Tech Information for Research and Resource Sharing. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (1997) Planning Human Resource Development for Information Societies: A Curriculum for an Information Societies: Educating & Training Information Professionals in Asia-Pacific Region. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (1997) Paradigm Shift in Library and Information Services and its Future Direction Towards the 21st Century. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (1997) Reflections on Reference and Information Service Effectiveness in Time of Transition. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SULAIMAN, SHAHAROM BIN (1997) Perbukuan Islam dan Kecenderungan Intelektualisme Di Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SULAIMAN, SHAHAROM BIN (1997) Peranan Pustakawan dan Perpustakaan Akademik Dalam Arus Pembangunan Negara. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SULAIMAN, SHAHAROM BIN (1997) Syed Syeikh Al-Hadi Tokoh Intelektual Melayu Pulau Pinang. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SULAIMAN, SHAHAROM BIN (1997) Cabaran Pengurusan Pusat Sumber Sekolah Menjelang Alaf Baru. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), RAHMAT BIN HASHIM (1997) Hotel Management Education - A Stakeholder Approach. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ABDULLAH, NABILAH BINTI (1997) Kepentingan Ketrampilan Matematik Bumiputera Dalam Menghadapi Cabaran Dimensi Kognitif Sains Dan Teknologi. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ABDULLAH, NABILAH BINTI (1997) Cabaran Kegelisahan Matematik Dan Saranan Mengatasinya � Satu Kajian Kes. In: UNSPECIFIED.

NOOR, NOORZAN BINTI HAJI MOHD (1997) Computational Data Analysis on ESP Corpora: Dealing with the Mass and Mess. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ISLAM, MOHAMMED NASIMUL (1997) More autopsy Revealed More Accurary : An Analysis of 1227 Cases of Sudden Death in Osaka, Japan. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YUSOF, JAMALUDIN MD (1997) Penukaran Teks ke Penuturan Bahasa Melayu Baku Melalui Pemetaan Suku Kata. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), JAMALUDIN BIN KASIM (PROF. (1997) Property enhancement of acetylated oil palm empty fruit bunch particleboard. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), JAMALUDIN BIN KASIM (PROF. (1997) Interior grade particleboard from some lesser known timber species. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), NAWAWI BIN HAJI MOHD JAN (1997) The Role of Information technology In Business Strategy And Performance. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), ROSLAN BIN ZAINAL ABIDIN (1997) Soil Erosion (Occurrrence, Features, Mapping, Guidelines & Control. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), ROSLAN BIN ZAINAL ABIDIN (1997) Soil Erodibility Potential In Relation To Erosion Risk - A Case Study. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), ROSLAN BIN ZAINAL ABIDIN (1997) Soil Erodibility Potential At Tragic Areas In Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(HAJI)(DR.), MUHAMAD ROSLI SULAIMAN (1997) Desulphurisation of coal by co-firing it with EVA co-polymer waste in a Fluidised Bed Combustor. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), CHAN SEI (1997) The ASEAN Engineer-concept, prospects and problems. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ AW HEE TENG (DR) (DATUK PROF.), OW CHEE SHENG (1997) New control strategies for fuel spray mixing in prot injecting SI engines. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ AW HEE TENG (DR) (DATUK PROF.), OW CHEE SHENG (1997) Two-dimensional two- phase flow analysia in port-injected spark ignition enginers. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.)(HAJAH), RASHIDAH BINTI A.RAHMAN (PROF. (1997) Computerised Accounting. In: UNSPECIFIED.


(DR.), VELLAYAN A/L SUBRAMANIAM (1997) The Role of Veterinary Medicine in Wildlife Conservation in Modernized Zoos. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MUSTAFFA, MUZAMIL BIN (1997) Tettigonid fauna from the Bangi Forest Reserve (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae). In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), AZEMI B SAMSURI (1997) Rheological properties of rubberized bitumen and its implication on processability. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), AZEMI B SAMSURI (1997) Effects of temperature of mixing and heat ageing on the physical properties of rubberized bitumen. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), AZEMI B SAMSURI (1997) Rubber crumbs - Production, characterization and properties. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ZAIN, ZAINI BINTI MOHD (1997) Effects of selected disinfectants on the survival of Salmonella enteritidis. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ZAIN, ZAINI BINTI MOHD (1997) Prevention against Salmonella Enteritidis infection in chickens by competitive exclusion. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAHMAN, MOHD KAMIL BIN ABD. (1997) �The Electrical and Optical Characteristics of Tapered Semiconductor Lasers�. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAHMAN, ZAMRI BIN ABDUL (1997) A First Course : Introduction to Engineering and problem Solving with Computer Application. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), LWIN LWIN NYEIN (1997) Artsunate suppository-Mifloquine Tablets ( Plasmotrim Rectocaps*, Mefloquine Lacteb* ) in treatment of severe falciparum malaria. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), LWIN LWIN NYEIN (1997) Artesunate suppository and mefloquine in the treatment of severe falciparum malaria. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), LWIN LWIN NYEIN (1997) An experience with Immunochromatographic Test ( ICT- malria Pf ) for detection of Plasmodium falciparum. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ZAILANI, RAMLAN BIN (1997) Effect of Reaction Parameters on Liquid Product Yield of Fast Pyrolysis of Oil Palm Shell. In: UNSPECIFIED.


TALIB, SUHAIMI BIN ABDUL (1997) Slope Instability: Selecting Remedial Measures. In: UNSPECIFIED.

TALIB, SUHAIMI BIN ABDUL (1997) Comparative Study on Infiltration Models on Residual Soil. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (1997) The potential of storing Hopea odorata seedlings with paclobutrazol for the continuous supply of planting stock. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (1997) The growth performance of the seedlings stored on the forest floor. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), VELLAYAN A/L SUBRAMANIAM (1997) The Role of Veterinarians in Wildlife Conservation in Zoos and Bird Parks in Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), VELLAYAN A/L SUBRAMANIAM (1997) Aspergillosis in the Black-Footed Penguin (Spheniscus demersus). In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), VELLAYAN A/L SUBRAMANIAM (1997) Prevalence of Gout in Captive Birds. In: UNSPECIFIED.

UNSPECIFIED (1997) Kronologi Fasad Rumah Kedai. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAHMAD, JUNAIDAH BT (1997) Opportunities, Issues And Challenges For Small Shipyards Through The Adoption Of Modular Shipbuilding Technology. In: UNSPECIFIED.


This list was generated on Mon Mar 17 12:00:25 2025 UTC.