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Number of items: 195.

MOHAMED, ZAINAB BT (2000) Potential Failure Behaviour of Rock Material subjected to Compression and Tensile Load.A laboratory study. In: UNSPECIFIED.

JAMALLUDIN, DAMANHURI BIN (2000) Construction Of Underpass In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

JAMALLUDIN, DAMANHURI BIN (2000) Mitigation Works Against Debris Flow And Repair Of Road Embankment Failure. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), KHAMARUZAMAN WAN YUSOF (2000) Identifying Optimum sites for Locating reservoirs employing remotely sensed data and geographical information systems. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2000) Tinjauan tentang program penyaringan penglihatan di sekolah rendah di Selangor dan Wilayah Persekutuan. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2000) An exciting discovery of the vergence system in young emmetropic children. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2000) Ujian Kemahiran Persepsual visual-ulangan di kalangan kanka-kanak sekolah rendah berbangsa Melayu. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2000) Tinjauan terhadap penjagaan penglihatan pediatrik. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2000) Kecekapan penglihatan pada murid-murid sekolah rendah berbangsa Melayu. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2000) Tinjauan tentang peranan optometris dalam penjagaan penglihatan pediatric di Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2000) Perbandingan perubahan parameter ocular selepas kerja berat di antaraemetrop dan miop. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2000) Effect of body posture on visual acuity, refractive error and binocular vision. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2000) Dioptric viewing distance with minimum heterophoria. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AZIZ, ROZAINUN BT AB (2000) Forecasting: Meeting 21st Century Challenges. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2000) Tinjauan tentang Program penyaringan penglihatan di sekolah rendah di Selangor dan Wilayah Persekutuan. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ISMAIL, MAZUKI IZANI BIN (2000) Multimedia Dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Arab. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2000) Clinical application of Developmental Eye Movement Test. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ISMAIL, KHUDZIR BIN (2000) Investigation On Desulphurisation and Microstructure Changes of Banjarmasin Hj. Ali-Aliansar Coal After Peroxyacetic Acid Treatments. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ISMAIL, KHUDZIR BIN (2000) Desulphurisation of Peroxyacid Treated Indonesian Coals By Organic Base. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), FAIZAH BINTI MD SALLEH (2000) Superconductivity in Ca and Ho Substituted (Ho1-xCax)(Ba2-xHox)Cu3O7-s. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SULAIMAN, SUZANA BT (2000) Impact and Implications of Internet and E-Commerce for Financial Controllers. In: UNSPECIFIED.

OMAR, AHMAD MALIKI BIN (2000) Comparative Study of Flyback Converter Simulation Using Pspice. In: UNSPECIFIED.

OMAR, AHMAD MALIKI BIN (2000) Ferrite Core Analysis For DC-DC Flyback Converter. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), JAMALUDIN BIN KASIM (PROF. (2000) Properties of moisture resistant particleboard from bamboo. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ZAINON, SAUNAH BINTI (2000) Learning Styles and Students Performance: UiTM Segamat Campus. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MAHMOOD, CHE FARIDAH BINTI CHE (2000) A Study of The Level of Motivation and Job Satisfaction of Lecturers at UiTM Cawangan Johor. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAHIM, ALHAN FARHANAH BINTI ABD (2000) fabrication and Electrical Characterization of Silicon Bipolar Transistors in a 0.5 um based BiCMOS Technology. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), ASHARI BIN ABDUL JALIL (2000) Comparison of three methods of quantitative evaluation of sapstain in rubberwood (Hevea brasiliensis). In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ FAIZAL WEBER, JEAN FREDERIC WEBER (2000) Pharmaco-chemistry of Malaysian timber trees. VIII. Heimiol A, a new dimeric stilbenoid from Neobalanocarpus heimii;. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ FAIZAL WEBER, JEAN FREDERIC WEBER (2000) Pharmaco-chemistry of Malaysian timber trees. VII. Synthesis of resveratrol analogues and  butyrolactones precursors of biologically active oligostilbenoids;. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ FAIZAL WEBER, JEAN FREDERIC WEBER (2000) Oligostilbenoids from Neobalanocarpus heimii,structures and biological properties. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ADAM, AISHAH BT (2000) Chemical elucidation and potential antioxidant property of Intsia palembanica(merbau). In: UNSPECIFIED.

HASAN, MIZATON BINTI HAZIZUL (2000) In vivo toxicity of the phenolic rich extract of Intsia palembanica(Merbau),Leguminosae. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ FAIZAL WEBER, JEAN FREDERIC WEBER (2000) Natural oligostilbenoid compounds,their occurence in timber trees and their total synthesis;. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ FAIZAL WEBER, JEAN FREDERIC WEBER (2000) Pharmaco-chemistry of Malaysian timber trees.VII.Synthesis of resveratrol analogues and Y-butyrolactones precursors of biologically active oligostilbenoids;. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HASSAN, MOHAMED IBRAHIM BIN ABU (2000) Current concept of Minimal Intervention in Restorative Dentistry. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HASSAN, MOHAMED IBRAHIM BIN ABU (2000) The effect of of overglazing of the flexural strength of ceramic. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HASSAN, MOHAMED IBRAHIM BIN ABU (2000) Dental Ceramics : Facts & Evidence, ,. In: UNSPECIFIED.

IBRAHIM, ABD AZIZ BIN (2000) Kajian Mengenai Keberkesanan Mata Pelajaran Asas Keusahawanan ETR 300 Dalam Memupuk Semangat Cintakan Bidang Perniagaan Sebagai Satu Kerjaya di Kalangan Pelajar UiTM Segamat dan Menilai Sejauhmanakah Perniagaan francais Difahami Oleh Pelajar. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAMLAN, MOHD NOOR BIN (2000) Physical Attributes of Bamboo. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAMLAN, MOHD NOOR BIN (2000) Oven dry density and Chemical Properties of Rattan Manau according to Age and Height portion. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAMLAN, MOHD NOOR BIN (2000) Physical and Chemical Properties of Bamboo. In: UNSPECIFIED.

WUI, WONG TIN (2000) Matrix pellets prepared by melt pelletization (ORAL). In: UNSPECIFIED.

WUI, WONG TIN (2000) Design of drug delivery system using non-aqueous methods. In: UNSPECIFIED.

WUI, WONG TIN (2000) Characterization of coated spheroids produced by rotary processing. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ FAIZAL WEBER, JEAN FREDERIC WEBER (2000) Pharmaco-chemistry of Malaysian Timber Trees. VI. Preliminary screening of Malaysian timber extracts in the isolated rat heart;. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ FAIZAL WEBER, JEAN FREDERIC WEBER (2000) Pharmaco-chemistry of Malaysian timber trees. V. Evaluation of the antitumour and antioxidant properties of some timber extracts. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ FAIZAL WEBER, JEAN FREDERIC WEBER (2000) Pharmaco-chemistry of Malaysian timber trees. IV. Studies in the synthesis of γ-butyrolactone analogues of ε-viniferin from malaysian dipterocarps. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ FAIZAL WEBER, JEAN FREDERIC WEBER (2000) Pharmaco-chemistry of Malaysian timber trees. III. Efficient extraction and isolation procedures for oligostilbenoid phenolics;. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ADAM, AISHAH BT (2000) Pharmaco-chemistry of Malaysian timber trees. II. Effects of a phenolic-rich extract of Intsia palembanica, Family Fabaceae. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MUSTAPHA(DR)(HAJAH), RAJA MUNIRAH BT RAJA (2000) Use of IT and Job Characteristics. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR), TITIK KHAWA BT ABDUL RAHMAN (PROF. (2000) Energy Efficiency Initiatives in UiTM. In: UNSPECIFIED.

KHUAN, LEE YOOT (2000) Automation of controller design for virtual laboratory. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), NOR'AINI BT HAJI ABD JALIL (2000) Multimedia Web-based Learning Methodology. In: UNSPECIFIED.

TAIB, MOHD NASIR BIN (2000) Software Methodology for Remote Monitoring and Control System. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ TIMOTHY EDWARD, OSWALD (2000) Teaching Adults : Incorporating The Concept of Self Instruction Into Conventional Teaching to Enhance Adults Motivation Towards Learning. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ TIMOTHY EDWARD, OSWALD (2000) Innovative Approach In Teaching Adult: Incorporating The Concept of Self-Instructions Into Conventional Teaching To Enhance Adult Motivation Towards Learning. In: UNSPECIFIED.

EFFENDI, TOMMY JULIANTO BIN BUSTAMI (2000) Self-Emulsifying Formulation of Vitamin E. In: UNSPECIFIED.

BUNIYAMIN, NORLIDA BT (2000) A PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) controlled Biochamber For Micropropagation Of In-Vitrio Tissue Cultured Plants. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(IR), ZAINUDDIN BIN MOHAMAD (2000) Engineering Curriculum Development: Balancing Employer Needs And National Interest- A Case Study. Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

BUNIYAMIN, NORLIDA BT (2000) Science, Technology and Engineering: Discovery versus Innovation. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(IR), ZAINUDDIN BIN MOHAMAD (2000) Mission Oriented Curriculum � A Proposal. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(IR), ZAINUDDIN BIN MOHAMAD (2000) Development of Integrated Technologies for Efficient and Value Added Production for Banana Tissue Cultures. In: UNSPECIFIED.

BUNIYAMIN, NORLIDA BT (2000) Data Tracking System for Monitoring in-vitro Cultured Plants. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAMASAMY, KALAVATHY A/P (2000) performance and the serum total cholesterol in broilers. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAMASAMY, KALAVATHY A/P (2000) Effects of Lactobacillus-probiotic on the serum cholesterol and abdominal fat deposition in broilers. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(HAJAH), ZURAIMI BINTI ZAINUDDIN (2000) Kajian Kandungan Urin Bayi Lelaki Dan Perempuan Di Bawah Umur 2 Tahun Yang Menyusu Susu Ibu Sepenuhnya Dan Susu Formula. In: UNSPECIFIED.


ALI, ABDUL JALIL BIN MOHAMED (2000) Peranan Sektor Ketiga Dalam Pemikiran Politik Bahasa Melayu di Malaysia Menjelang Abad ke 21. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), RADIAH BT OTHMAN (2000) Perbandingan Tabung Kebajikan Dan Kewangan Pelajar Di IPTA. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), SHAHARUDDIN BIN BADARUDDIN (2000) The Role of Youth in Nation Building. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), SHIREEN BINTI HARON (2000) Teaching via the Web : Needs and Concerns of UiTM's instructors. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SULAIMAN, SURAYA BINTI (2000) Antimicrobial activities of some selected medicinal plants. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ZAIN, ZAIDI BIN MD. (2000) The Design and Fabrication of Top Secret - La Mouette's Rigid Hang Glider. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ZAIN, ZAIDI BIN MD. (2000) The Training of Malaysian Airlines(MAS) Technicians to Obtain the Diploma in Aerospace Engineering by Universiti Teknologi MARA(UiTM). In: UNSPECIFIED.

ZAIN, ZAIDI BIN MD. (2000) Facilitating Public in Understanding Science and Technology. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ZAIN, ZAIDI BIN MD. (2000) Kepentingan Asas Kukuh Kejuruteraan dalam Rekabentuk Berbantu Komputer. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(HAJAH), ZURINA BINTI MAHMUD (2000) Kajian Awal ke atas Potensi ekstrak Annona muricata, Piper betle dan Tinospora crispa sebagai racun botani dalam kawalan serangga pengorek batang pokok jagung-Ostrinia salentialis Snell. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAMLI, NOOR IDA BINTI (2000) Does an Active/Production Dictionary Really Help Students Write in English? In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (2000) Reference and Information Service : Revisited. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (2000) Competencies for Information Professionals in the Digital Era : Issues, Opportunities and Challenges. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (2000) Applying the Concept of Customer Service in the Context of E-Learning : The Faculty of Information Studies, UITM Experience. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (2000) Flexible Learning Through Internet : The Faculty of Information Studies, UiTM Experience. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (2000) Era Information Communication Technology (ICT) and Information Professionals. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (2000) Perubahan dan Peningkatan Peranan Pegawai Pusat Sumber Maktab Perguruan Sebagai Pengurus Maklumat Profesional. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (2000) Pusat Sumber Sekolah Sebagai Penyokong Kemahiran Maklumat : Pengenalan dan Konsep. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (2000) Status Penerbitan Elektronik Negara. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (2000) Pusat Sumber Sekolah : Fungsi dan Peranan Dalam Pendidikan. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (2000) Education and Training for Library and Information Services, Admidst the K-Economy. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (2000) Pembentukan Kemahiran Maklumat Dalam Kurikulum. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (2000) Perkhidmatan Penyediaan Maklumat Kesihatan/Teurepatik Di Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AHMAD, JURAIDAH BT (2000) The Undrained Shear Strength of Hard Soil from H-Ometer Test. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ OSMAN, NAFISAH BINTI MOHD ISA (2000) Studies on electrical conductions in Yb-doped barium zirconate. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ OSMAN, NAFISAH BINTI MOHD ISA (2000) A study on proton conductivity in Yb-doped BaceO3 at high temperature. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), RAHMAT BIN HASHIM (2000) Masakan Melayu- Khazanah and Warisan Bangsa. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SHUIB, ADIBAH BINTI (2000) Perception Vs. Performance- ADFP Case Study. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SHUIB, ADIBAH BINTI (2000) Students� Attitude Towards Learning And Instruction Using Computer Software For Mathematics: Smart Schools� Experience � A Case Study. In: UNSPECIFIED.

TAPSIR, RUZELA BINTI (2000) Right Perception On Mathematics: Is It Enough To Generate Right Attitude, Efforts And Learning Methods. In: UNSPECIFIED.

TAPSIR, RUZELA BINTI (2000) Revealing Mathematical Learning: Perspectives of Students From Two Distinct Background. In: UNSPECIFIED.

TAPSIR, RUZELA BINTI (2000) Mathematical Learning: Experience Of Brilliant Students. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (2000) Language & the politics of social change. In: UNSPECIFIED.

NOOR, NOORZAN BINTI HAJI MOHD (2000) Teaching and Learning for English Language Exams at Advanced Levels. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HASHIM, DAYANG MARYANI BT AWANG (2000) Viscoelasticity and compatibility studies using dynamic mechanical thermal analyzer (DMTA). In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), HARUN BIN BUDIN (2000) Stability Analysis of Competing Model under Constant Effort of Harvesting. In: UNSPECIFIED.

CHEN, LOO ERN (2000) Sexual harassment at workplace: an introductory study on employees in the banking and financial institutions. In: UNSPECIFIED.

CHEN, LOO ERN (2000) Sexual harassment phenomenon at workplace: a study of schools in Malacca. In: UNSPECIFIED.

JONIT, ROSINI BT (2000) Institusi Keluarga dan Penjanaan Budaya Besar atau Tinggi Dalam Masyarakat. In: UNSPECIFIED.

KENG, HO JUAN (2000) Taxonomy of tax educational objectives: an evaluation of examinations, assessment and performance. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), MOHAMED MANSOR BIN MANAN (PROF. (2000) Cyclosporin population pharmacokinetics. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), MOHAMED MANSOR BIN MANAN (PROF. (2000) Vancomycin population pharmacokinetics. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), MOHAMED MANSOR BIN MANAN (PROF. (2000) Amikacin neonatal population pharmacokinetics. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), MOHAMED MANSOR BIN MANAN (PROF. (2000) A retrospective study on the bioavailability of theophylline in neonates. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), MOHAMED MANSOR BIN MANAN (PROF. (2000) Pharmacoeconomic and therapeutic effectiveness of statins in hypercholesterolemia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), MOHAMED MANSOR BIN MANAN (PROF. (2000) Pharmacokinetic study of interindividual and intraindividual variation of amikacin. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), MOHAMED MANSOR BIN MANAN (PROF. (2000) Incidence of appendicitis: The role of inter-ethnic variations in dietary intake. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAHMAN, ZAMRI BIN ABDUL (2000) Equipment Health Monitoring and Prediction using the MAINSTAY Expert System Shell. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), ZA'FARAN BT HASSAN (2000) Ethical Values in Business: A Study on Malaysian Small and Medium Enterprises. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ AW HEE TENG (DR) (DATUK PROF.), OW CHEE SHENG (2000) Chiller CFC Recovery, Recycling and Reclaiming Project. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.)(HAJAH), RASHIDAH BINTI A.RAHMAN (PROF. (2000) Methods In Measuring Acquisition Performance. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.)(HAJAH), RASHIDAH BINTI A.RAHMAN (PROF. (2000) Corporate Acquisitions In Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.)(HAJAH), RASHIDAH BINTI A.RAHMAN (PROF. (2000) The Effect Of Corporate Acquisition On Performance Of Malaysian Companies. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MUSTAFFA, MUZAMIL BIN (2000) Lebah dan madu asli: pengajaran serta penawar kepada manusia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MUSTAFFA, MUZAMIL BIN (2000) Data management of insect collections and additional incorporated techniques: towards better understanding of insect diversity and conservation. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MUSTAFFA, MUZAMIL BIN (2000) Biodiversity auditing and management: a case study of pseudophylline bushcrickets in Peninsular Malaysia (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Pseudophyllinae: Pseudophyllini). In: UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMAD, SYED JAMAL ABDUL NASIR SYED (2000) Program Bahasa Melayu di Beijing Foreign Studies University. In: UNSPECIFIED.

NATARAJAN, VALLIYAPPAN DAVID A/L (2000) Real-Time Monitoring of Small Drilling Operation using Acoustic and Vibration Signals. In: UNSPECIFIED.

NATARAJAN, VALLIYAPPAN DAVID A/L (2000) Ultrasonic Characterisation of Rubber Wood Reinforced Polyester : Effect of Fibre Diameter and Volume Fraction. In: UNSPECIFIED.

NATARAJAN, VALLIYAPPAN DAVID A/L (2000) Effect of Silane Coupling Agent on the Mechanical Properties of Oil Palm Frond Fibre / Polyester Composite. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR), MOHAMAD NOR BIN BERHAN (IR)(PROF. (2000) The Training of Malaysian airline Technicians to obtain the Diploma in Aerospace Engineering. In: UNSPECIFIED.

JAAFAR, JASMEE BIN (2000) Assessing the realibility of integrating map data, digital surface models and contour-derived digital elevation models for creating and visualising semi-urban environments. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ASMAT, ARNIS BINTI (2000) Mapping of phytoplankton distribution in South China Sea in relation to fish forecasting. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SULAIMAN, SHAHAROM BIN (2000) Kebudayaan Hiper dan Ekspresi Gaya Hidup Remaja dalam Era Siber. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ZAIN, ZAINI BINTI MOHD (2000) Survival of vancomycin-resistant enterococcus in some disinfectants routinely used in duck farms. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ZAIN, ZAINI BINTI MOHD (2000) Effect of competitive exclusion on the recrudescence of vancomycin-resistant enterococcus in poultry. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ALI, AB MALIK MARWAN BIN (2000) �Ionic Conduction of Chitosan Doped with Zinc Acetate�. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAHMAN, MOHD KAMIL BIN ABD. (2000) �The Dependency Stokes Signal on EDFL Lasing characteristics of a Hybrid BEFL�. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAHMAN, MOHD KAMIL BIN ABD. (2000) �Multiple wavelength twin-cavity Brillouin/erbium fiber laser�. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAHMAN, MOHD KAMIL BIN ABD. (2000) �Output Characteristics of Erbium-doped Fiber Laser with Wide Tuning Range�. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAHMAN, MOHD KAMIL BIN ABD. (2000) �Fiber Laser Source for Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexed System�. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAHMAN, MOHD KAMIL BIN ABD. (2000) �Multiple Stokes Generation at Brillouin-Shift Frequency Using Twin-Cavity Brillouin/Erbium Fiber Laser�. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAHMAN, MOHD KAMIL BIN ABD. (2000) �Dual-cavity Brillouin/erbium fiber laser for DWDM�. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAHMAN, MOHD KAMIL BIN ABD. (2000) �Brillouin/erbium-doped fiber laser source for DWDM application,�. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAHMAN, MOHD KAMIL BIN ABD. (2000) �Tunable Erbium-doped Fiber Laser with Optimized Cavity Configuration�. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAHMAN, MOHD KAMIL BIN ABD. (2000) �Optical Field Profile of Narrow Stripe Semiconductor Lasers�. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2000) Urinary cotinine level following single, every alternate day and daily injection of nicotine on rats. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2000) Reproductive status of female Spague Dawley rats and uts relationship with the number, weight and sex of their litters. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2000) Surgical implantation of Dirofilaria immitis in cat. In: UNSPECIFIED.

LATIF, FAMIZA BINTI ABD (2000) Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate as an ionic conductor in water-soleble chitosan-based electrolyte. In: UNSPECIFIED.

LATIF, FAMIZA BINTI ABD (2000) Elektrolit polimer Filem Kitosan Larut Air dan Larut Asid Asetik. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), LWIN LWIN NYEIN (2000) Evaluation of two serological screening tests for detection od HbsAg. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HASHIM, NOORAAIN BT (2000) River Water Quality in Malaysia- A Review. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), WAN SHABUDDIN BIN WAN ALI (2000) Characterization of chars produced from oil palm shells. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ ISMAIL, AZHAN BIN HASHIM (2000) Comparative studies on the superconducting properties of Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2Ca2Cu3Oy system prepared via different methods. In: UNSPECIFIED.

TALIB, SUHAIMI BIN ABDUL (2000) Characterization Of Wastewater In Sewer In Hot Climate Countries Using OUR. In: UNSPECIFIED.

TALIB, SUHAIMI BIN ABDUL (2000) Laboratory Procedure For Oxygen Utilization Rate In Characterizing Municipal Wastewater. In: UNSPECIFIED.

TALIB, SUHAIMI BIN ABDUL (2000) Sewer Design : A Shift From The Conventional View. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ARIFFIN, JUNAIDAH (2000) A pilot Study on Flood Forecasting for Selangor River Basin. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2000) Storage of dipterocarp seedlings by the application of paclobutrazol. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2000) Storage of dipterocarp seedlings at a slow growth phase as planting stock for plantation programmes. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ANUAR, NORNIZAR BINTI (2000) Entrainment of fines group C particles from fluidized bed. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AHMAD, ZAKIAH BTE (2000) Structural Application of Laminated Veneer Lumber: ENgineering Properties. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AHMAD, ZAKIAH BTE (2000) Flexural strength behaviour of laminated veneer lumber for selected tropical timber. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AHMAD, ZAKIAH BTE (2000) Potential Application of laminated Veneer Lumber in Construction Industry. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), VELLAYAN A/L SUBRAMANIAM (2000) Anaesthesia of A Californian Sea Lion (Zalophus californionus)at Zoo Negara. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), JAVAD KHADEMSAMENI (2000) Modification of wood fiber with MA for WF-TPNR composite. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), JAVAD KHADEMSAMENI (2000) Surface modification of wood fibers with Benzyl chloride and Maleic anhyride. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), VELLAYAN A/L SUBRAMANIAM (2000) Tick Infestation on Lions ( Family: Felidae ) in The Zoo Negara, Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SHAARI, SULAIMAN BIN (2000) Architecture of a PC-based monitoring system for a grid-connected photovoltaic installation. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SHAARI, SULAIMAN BIN (2000) Unsur tenaga keterbaharuan dalam kurikulum bersepadu sekolah menengah: Kes bagi tenaga fotovoltan suria. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SHAARI, SULAIMAN BIN (2000) Post Tenau solar photovoltaic home system. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SHAARI, SULAIMAN BIN (2000) Stand-alone solar home system for rural electrification: An application in Orang Asli settlement. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SHAARI, SULAIMAN BIN (2000) PV systems modelling for Malaysian applications. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HAIYEE, ZAIBUNNISA BINTI ABDUL (2000) Mechanical fermentation:It�s effect on the acidic and fermentation level of cocoa beans. In: UNSPECIFIED.

TARMUDI, ZAMALI BIN HJ (2000) Kecemerlangan pembelajaran Matematik: Aspek dorongan agama dan potensi diri. In: UNSPECIFIED.



ARIS, SHARIPAH RUZAINA BINTI SYED (2000) Feedback from Physics and Chemistry Lecturers on Computer Simulated Laboratory Experiments at University of Technology Mara. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ARIS, SHARIPAH RUZAINA BINTI SYED (2000) Penggunaan Peta KonsepDalam Menjawab Soalan yang Berlainan Aras Kognitifdalam Pembelajaran Konsep Mol. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ARIS, SHARIPAH RUZAINA BINTI SYED (2000) Informal koperatif dalam mengenalpasti masalah miskonsepsi di kalangan pelajar pra-sains. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ARIS, SHARIPAH RUZAINA BINTI SYED (2000) Kajian Longitudinal Terhadap Pelajar Pra-sains sesi Dis 1999-April 2000, UiTM Shah Alam. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ZAIN, WAN NOR I'ZZAH BINTI WAN MOHAMAD (2000) Antiproliferative activity of pure lycopene compared to both lycopene extracts and juices from watermelon and papaya on human breast and liver cancer cell lines. In: UNSPECIFIED.

OTHMAN, NOR'AIN BINTI HAJI (2000) The Impact of Internet in Travel Business. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AHMAD, SHAHARUDIN BIN (2000) CASLOS � A Computer Program for the Strength of Longitudinal Ship Using Analytical Approach. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YAN, CHOO CHEE (2000) Antimicrobial Screening of Selected Medicinal Plants from Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YAN, CHOO CHEE (2000) Acute Toxicity-Guided Fractionation of Eurycoma longifolia Jack (Tongkat Ali) And Stability Studies of its Toxic Component. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YAN, CHOO CHEE (2000) Chemical Analysis of Various Callus Tissues and Cell Suspension Cultures from E.longifolia,Jack. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YAN, CHOO CHEE (2000) HPLC Analysis of Eurycoma longifolia Jack (Tongkat Ali). In: UNSPECIFIED.

HARITH, SITI SUHAILA BINTI (2000) Leachate from Solid Waste. Landfill site: Characterization and Potential for Microbiology Treatment. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YAN, CHOO CHEE (2000) Antimicrobial Activity of Eurycoma longifolia Jack, Interdisciplinary Approaches in natural products research. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HAMID, KU HALIM BIN KU (2000) Disaster and Its Relationship with Human Behaviour: The Islamic Perspective. In: UNSPECIFIED.


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NASIR, HAWA BTE MOHD (2000) Profile and Personality Study of Dean's List Students at UiTM Alor Gajah. In: UNSPECIFIED.

KOON, LEE WEI (2000) Water Scattering by A Surface Piercing Membrane of Finite Extent. In: UNSPECIFIED.

KHALID, KHADIJAH BTE (2000) The Importance and Success of Pre-Diploma Programmes in Providing a Gateway to Higher Education for Bumiputeras in Sarawak: A case Study of the Pre-Science Programme in UiTM Samarahan Campus. In: UNSPECIFIED.

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