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Number of items: 533.

HASHIM, BAHIJAH BINTI MD. (2003) Service Quality in a higher Educational Institutiopn: An Empirical Study on Academic offices Of UiTM Perlis. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YUSOF, FARIDA ZURAINA BINTI MOHD (2003) DNA Sequence Analysis of Salmonella Species. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YUSOF, FARIDA ZURAINA BINTI MOHD (2003) Determination of proteins, minerals, steroid and vitamin E composition in the Curcuma domestica extract. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YUSOF, FARIDA ZURAINA BINTI MOHD (2003) PCR-Based Identification of specific gene of Salmonella spp. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ISMAIL, CHE LATIFAH BINTI HJ (2003) Pengendalian Kes Perceraian di Mahkamah Syariah Perlis. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HAMID, NORLIDA BINTI ABDUL (2003) The Role of Physical Distribution Agencies in Supplier-Customer Relationships in the Distribution Channels. In: UNSPECIFIED.

UNSPECIFIED (2003) Dorongan Dan Persekitaran Pembelajaran Di SMK (Biasa) Dan SMA (SAR): Satu Kajian Perbandingan. In: UNSPECIFIED.

UNSPECIFIED (2003) Tabiat Berbelanja Dan Menabung Dikalangan Pelajar UiTM: Kajian Hasil Pinjaman PTPTN. In: UNSPECIFIED.


(HAJI)(DR.), HASAN BIN BAHROM (2003) Pengurusan Tingkahlaku Organisasi: Pengurusan Konflik dalam Pengurusan Islam. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(HAJI)(DR.), HASAN BIN BAHROM (2003) Handing Challenges In Science An Technology: Relevency of Ijtihad As Methodology. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(HAJI)(DR.), HASAN BIN BAHROM (2003) Pendekatan Ijtihad Dalam Menangani Gelagat Pengurusan Semasa: Satu Pandangan Awal. In: UNSPECIFIED.

JAMALLUDIN, DAMANHURI BIN (2003) �RIM� Classification For Prediction Of Sinkhole Tragedy. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HASHIM, ROZALLI BIN (2003) The relationship between motivation and job satisfaction and organizational commitment among the non-commissioned officers of the Police force: A preliminary study in Melaka. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMED, ROZITA BINTI NAINA (2003) Private Colleges in Malaysia: Are the key marketing environment indicators promising? In: UNSPECIFIED.

NOORDIN, MUKHLIS BIN (2003) Sinkhole Physical Properties And Its Failure Risk Assessment. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), KHAMARUZAMAN WAN YUSOF (2003) Using a Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing Technology in Conducting Research for Water Resources - An Overview. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), ISKANDAR RICHARD BIN ABDULLAH (2003) Language choice and discourse structure: An analysis of the structure of conference abstracts in English and Malay. By Richard Holmes and Asmahan Abdul Razak. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), KALSOM BINTI SALLEH (2003) Reinventing Local Government : Administrative Innovation and Creativity. In: UNSPECIFIED.

UMAR, LAILY BT (2003) An Exploratory Study on Individual Shareholders� participation in Malaysian Public Listed Companies. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MOY, LOH AH (2003) Knowledge Management Practices Among Malaysian Public Listed Companies. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MOY, LOH AH (2003) Factors affecting Knowledge Management Practices in Malaysian Public Listed Companies. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MOY, LOH AH (2003) Knowledge Management Practices Among Malaysian Public Listed Companies. In: UNSPECIFIED.

BAKHARI, NOR AZIYAH BINTI (2003) The Effect of Tinospora Crispa extracts on cardiac contractility. In: UNSPECIFIED.

GUNGGUT, HAIJON (2003) The Effect of Globalization on Forest Conservation in Sabah. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ZAABA, ZURAIDAH BINTI (2003) Mengatasi Masalah Pendatang Tanpa Izin di Sabah: Kerjasama Orang Awam Sabah. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HARUN, SITI NORLIZAIHA BT. (2003) Building Research Methodology. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HARUN, SITI NORLIZAIHA BT. (2003) Restoration of Suffolk House, Penang. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Bagaimanakah pendedahan kepada komputer mempengaruhi daya pemfokusan di kalangan pengguna yang rabun jauh? In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Relating vision problems to academic achivement among primary school children. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Effect of computer usage on non-invasive tear break-up time (NIBUT). In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Perkembangan penglihatan binocular (system vergens)di kalangan kanak-kanak Melayu pra-sekolah di sekitar Lembah Klang. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) A Survey of computer work induced symptoms among a population of computer users. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Kesan penggunaan unit paparan visual (UPV) Ke atas non-invasive tear break-up time (NIBUT). In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Comparison of antimicrobial and antifungal effect of several commercially available contact lens solution. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) A case report on 5-year-old unilateral aphakic boy with irregular pupil. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Kesan penggunaan unit paparan visual (UPV) ke atas stability lapisan airmata pra-kornea dari segi corak lapisan airmata. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Pemerhatian morfologikal ke atas kornea pemakai kanta sentuh miopik. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Learning Related vision problems & academic achievement in Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) The accommodation respons of pre-school children;free-space versus minus lens-induced response. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AZIZ, ROZAINUN BT AB (2003) Whodunit? Creating awareness in forecasting � the soft issues: probing Salford University. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Ocular components in emmetropic & myopic Indian school children. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Refractive status of young children (below 7 years old) with squint. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Refractive status of pre-school children:record from a teachingclinic versus two vision sreening programs. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Kestabilan lapisan airmata pra-kornea semasa tugasan dekat dengan UPV dengan Tanpa UPV. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Perubahan fungsi penglihatan selepas tugasan dekat dengan UPV dan tanpa UPV. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), VELLAYAN A/L SUBRAMANIAM (2003) Demography of the Veterinary Graduates(1978-2002) from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, University Putra Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Maintaining normal visual status and behavioural adaptation in using visual display unit (VDU) among school children. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HALIM, KHAIRUL NIZAM BIN ABD (2003) Kajian Authorware Sebagai Alat Pengarangan E-Peperiksaan. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Preferred percepsual modality (visual or auditory) and academic achievement among primary school children. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Identification & intervention of learning related vision problems among underachiever in primary schools. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Identification and intervention of learning-related vision problems among underachievers in primary schools. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Madaliti persepsual kegemaran (visual atau auditori) dan pencapaian akademik di kalangan kanak-kanak sekolah rendah. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HONG, CHEN AI (2003) Perkembangan penglihatan binocular (system vergence) di kalangan kanak-kanak Melayu pra-sekolah di sekitar Lembah Klang. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SAID, MOHAMED FAIDZ BIN MOHAMED (2003) An Intelligent Motion Detector for Security Purposes. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YATIN, SAIFUL FARIK BIN MAT (2003) Pengurusan Rekod dan Bahan Perpustakaan Masjid. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HASSAN, WAN HARTINI BT WAN (2003) Sikap Daya Saing Siswa Siswi di UiTM Kampus Alor Gajah Dalam Kecemerlangan Akademik. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), ZA'FARAN BT HASSAN (2003) Factors Affecting Productivity in the Malaysian Construction Industry. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ISMAIL, KHUDZIR BIN (2003) Chemical Desulphurisation of Mae Moh low rank coal using mixtures of hydrogen peroxide and hydrochloric acid. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ISHAK, MOHD AZLAN BIN MOHD (2003) The Effect of Hydrochloric Acid Concentrations In Mixtures of Hydrogen Peroxide Towards Desulphurisation of Low Rank Mae Moh Coal. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ISMAIL, KHUDZIR BIN (2003) The Effect of Some Organic Solvents Towards Swelling Rates in Sub-bituminous Malaysian Coal. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ISHAK, MOHD AZLAN BIN MOHD (2003) Desulphurisation of Thailand Mae Moh Low Rank Coal By Leaching With Mixtures of Hydrogen Peroxide and Hydrochloric Acid. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ISHAK, MOHD AZLAN BIN MOHD (2003) Sulphate Sulphur Removal From Low Rank Coal Using Organic Acids. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ISMAIL, KHUDZIR BIN (2003) Demineralisation of Low Rank Malaysian Coals Using Strong Protic Acids. In: UNSPECIFIED.

KHADRI, NORASIMAH BT (2003) Microwave nondestructive testing of textile and composote materials using free space microwave measurement system. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ARIARATNAM, SUTHAHAR A/L S. (2003) Psychological Distress, Quality of Life and Coping in Cancer Patients: A Prospective Study. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(HAJAH)(DR.), ZURIAH BT ABDUL RAHMAN (2003) Technological Agricultural Development and Mgmt. In Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(HAJAH)(DR.), ZURIAH BT ABDUL RAHMAN (2003) Farming � A lucrative industry? In: UNSPECIFIED.

(HAJAH)(DR.), ZURIAH BT ABDUL RAHMAN (2003) Towards modernizing the Malaysian agricultural sector. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), MOHD ZULKEFELI BIN MAT JUSOH (2003) Design, Synthesis and Molecular Recognition by Multinuclear Supramolecular of a Bis(Zn2+-cyclen) Having a 2,2�-Bipyridyl Linker. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), MOHD ZULKEFELI BIN MAT JUSOH (2003) Design and Synthesis of Multinuclear Supramolecular Complexes from Bis(Zn2+-cyclen) Dimer Having 2,2�-Bipyridyl Group as a Linker. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), MOHD ZULKEFELI BIN MAT JUSOH (2003) Modification of DNA by the Platinum Complex of the Dimeric Zn2+ Complex Having a 2,2�- Bipyridyl Linker. In: UNSPECIFIED.

NOOR, ABD HALIM BIN MOHD (2003) Linkages and Technological Capability: An Initial Study of Firms in Malacca industrial Estates. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SULAIMAN, SUZANA BT (2003) Management Accounting Change in Malaysian Organisations. In: UNSPECIFIED.


SALLEH, SALINA BINTI (2003) Prior Accounting Education And Performance Of The Bachelor Of Accountancy (Hons.) Students In MARA University Of Technology. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HEMDI, MOHAMAD ABDULLAH BIN (2003) A Conceptual Model of Hotel Managers� Turnover Intentions: The Moderating Effect of Job-Hopping Attitudes and Turnover Culture. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HEMDI, MOHAMAD ABDULLAH BIN (2003) Antecedents of Intention to Turnover Among Hotel Managers: A Proposed Model. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HEMDI, MOHAMAD ABDULLAH BIN (2003) Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intentions: A Study Among Academicians. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HEMDI, MOHAMAD ABDULLAH BIN (2003) Motivational preferences of hotel employees: Implications for managers. In: UNSPECIFIED.

KHALID, FAIRUZ BIN (2003) Seasonal Population Trends Of Aphis Gossypii On Chilli (Var. Mc4). In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), JAMALUDIN BIN KASIM (PROF. (2003) Mechanical properties of oriented strand board from kelempayan wood at different resin content. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MASREK, MOHAMAD NOORMAN BIN (2003) The deployment of systems development methodologies in selected Malaysian organizations: An exploratory study. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MASREK, MOHAMAD NOORMAN BIN (2003) The deployment of web application development methodologies in Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ZAINON, SAUNAH BINTI (2003) Corporate Attention to Ethical Issues: A Study of Malaysian Corporations. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(HAJAH), PUZLAH BINTI MOHD (2003) Corporate Attention to Social Responsibility Disclosures: A Study of Malaysian Companies. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YACOB(DR), JUSOH BIN (2003) Soliton Solutions for certain nonlinear evolution equations. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DAHLAN, JASLIN BT MD. (2003) Government to Community (G2C) Websites: Key Factors Influencing Usage. In: UNSPECIFIED.

TAHIR, NOORITAWATI BINTI MD (2003) Third Party Security Audit Procedure for Network Environment. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAMAN, S. KUNARATNAM A/L SITA (2003) A Study of Factors Influencing the Reading Habits and Reading Interests in English Among Undergraduates in UiTM Johor Branch. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ FAIZAL WEBER, JEAN FREDERIC WEBER (2003) Pharmaco-chemistry of Malaysian timber trees.XIII.Temperature-controlled NMR experiments as the valuable tool in structure elucidation. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ FAIZAL WEBER, JEAN FREDERIC WEBER (2003) Unprecedented manipulation of radicals and radical cations in the syntheses of lactones, dihydronaphthalenes and bisindoles. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ FAIZAL WEBER, JEAN FREDERIC WEBER (2003) On Ways to improve the productivity of natural product research. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ FAIZAL WEBER, JEAN FREDERIC WEBER (2003) The value of preserved jungles as pharmacy store. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ FAIZAL WEBER, JEAN FREDERIC WEBER (2003) Modern drug development from herbal sources: "back to the future"? In: UNSPECIFIED.

ABDULLAH, MOHD HARIS RIDZUAN OOI BIN (2003) Ketepatan dan kepersisan dos terserap kepada air yang ditentukan oleh protocol TRS-398 dan AAPM TG-51 pada alur sinar-X 10 MV. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ABDULLAH, MOHD HARIS RIDZUAN OOI BIN (2003) Dos terserap kepada air yang ditentukan oleh dua protocol IAEA pada alur sinar-X 10 MV: Perbandingan ketepatan dan kepersisan. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ABDULLAH, MOHD HARIS RIDZUAN OOI BIN (2003) Perbandingan dos terserap kepada air yang ditentukan oleh dua protocol IAEA pada alur sinar-X 6 MV. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AHMAD, MOHD. ROZI BIN (2003) The Tensile Properties of 3-D Brittle Fabrics. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AHMAD, MOHD. ROZI BIN (2003) Compact Yarns: Setting New Standards for Ring Spun Yarns. In: UNSPECIFIED.

UNSPECIFIED (2003) Pemilihan ke sekolah agama; Siapa yang menentukan? Kajian kes. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HASSAN, MOHAMED IBRAHIM BIN ABU (2003) The Flexural Properties of A Nylon Denture Base Material. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HASSAN, MOHAMED IBRAHIM BIN ABU (2003) From traditional Teaching to Problem Based Learning : The Malaysian Experience,. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MA'AROF, ISMAIL BIN (2003) Assesment of A Leica AXYZ Industrial Measuring System For Industrial Surveying Application. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MA'AROF, ISMAIL BIN (2003) Flatness And Level Surface Measurement Using Nivel Plane Software. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAMLAN, MOHD NOOR BIN (2003) Properties of MUF Particleboard from Bamboo. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAMLAN, MOHD NOOR BIN (2003) Strategi kearah Kecemelangan Akademik. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAMLAN, MOHD NOOR BIN (2003) Kearah Kecemerlangan Akademik. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAMLAN, MOHD NOOR BIN (2003) Mechanical Properties of Oriented Strand Board from Kelempayan wood at Different Resin Content. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ZAINUDDIN, ASMAH BT (2003) A Study On Factors Affecting Frequency of Absenteeism Among Students in UiTM Alor Gajah Campus. In: UNSPECIFIED.

WUI, WONG TIN (2003) Comparative study of the effects of microwave and hot air drying on calcium alginate films. In: UNSPECIFIED.

WUI, WONG TIN (2003) Microwave drying of pharmaceutical polymers used in melt agglomeration process. In: UNSPECIFIED.

WUI, WONG TIN (2003) Interactive profile of a hydrophobic meltable binder with sucrose stearate in melt agglomerates. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ADAM, AISHAH BT (2003) Ocular changes and visual status of infants and children with Down Syndrome after supplementation with vitamin E and Nutrivene D. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HASAN, MIZATON BINTI HAZIZUL (2003) A study of oxidative damage in Down Syndrome and prevention of associated degenerative changes by antioxidants. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), NOR'AINI BT HAJI ABD JALIL (2003) A Comparative Analysis of Minimal Error Detection for Image Reconstruction using Zernike Moments. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MUSTAPHA(DR)(HAJAH), RAJA MUNIRAH BT RAJA (2003) A study of the extent of misuse of the ISO 9000 certification mark among Malaysian firms. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MUSTAPHA(DR)(HAJAH), RAJA MUNIRAH BT RAJA (2003) Quality Assurance in Malaysian Business Faculties in Universities: The Deans� Perception. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MUSTAPHA(DR)(HAJAH), RAJA MUNIRAH BT RAJA (2003) The Influence of Job Titles and Nature of Business on the Motivating Potential Score of Administrative Support Personnel. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MUSTAPHA(DR)(HAJAH), RAJA MUNIRAH BT RAJA (2003) Human Capital for the Knowledge Economy: Hidden Role of the Cultural Capital. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MUSTAPHA(DR)(HAJAH), RAJA MUNIRAH BT RAJA (2003) Nurturing Human Capital for the New Growth Thrust. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(HAJAH), WAN HANISAH BT WAN ISMAIL (2003) Agroferestery Practices in Malaysia- Integrating Plantation Crops with Timber Species. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(HAJAH), WAN HANISAH BT WAN ISMAIL (2003) Integration of Plantation Crops with Several Timber Species: Effect on Growth and Yield. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(HAJAH), WAN HANISAH BT WAN ISMAIL (2003) Membudayakan Bahasa Inggeris Dalam system Pendidikan di UiTM, satu Cadangan. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AWANG, ZAIKI BIN (2003) Microwave non-destructive testing of coatings and paints using free-space microwave measurement system. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), MOHD DANI BIN BABA (2003) Handover Strategy for Mobile Wireless LAN. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), MOHD DANI BIN BABA (2003) On Demand Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), KWAME AMPOFO-BOATENG (2003) Demographic influence on the perception of constraints on recreational sport participation. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), KWAME AMPOFO-BOATENG (2003) Road Safety: Malaysian children�s perception of safe routes to cross roads. In: UNSPECIFIED.

KHAN, ZUHANI BINTI ISMAIL (2003) Probe length effect on the resonant frequency of a circular cross-sectional cavity. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SANI, JUNAIDAH BT MD (2003) Some electromagnetic and microwave absorption properties of Yttrium Iron garnet and amgnetite-Thermoplastic Natural Rubber Composites. In: UNSPECIFIED.

OMAR, AHMAD MALIKI BIN (2003) Single-Phase Half-Bridge Active Power Filter in Conjunction with Uninterruptible Power Supply. In: UNSPECIFIED.

FAH, CHUAH YOON (2003) Aids to web-based Chinese language instruction. In: UNSPECIFIED.

KWAN, LEONG SOO (2003) Comparison of Production of Cellulose From Agrowaste Through Chemical And Biochemical Pulping Process: Case Study Using Banana (Musa) Stem. In: UNSPECIFIED.

KHAN, HASNAH BEGUM BINTI SAID GULAM (2003) The Effect of the clove (Syzygium aromaticum) extract on the adherence and cell surface hydrophobicity properties of Streptococcus mutans. In: UNSPECIFIED.

KHAN, HASNAH BEGUM BINTI SAID GULAM (2003) The antimicrobial activity of the solvent extract of clove (Syzygium aromaticum) � An In vitro study. In: UNSPECIFIED.

KHAN, HASNAH BEGUM BINTI SAID GULAM (2003) In Vitro Studies of the Potential Anticaries Effects of the Syzygium aromaticum (clove) solvent extract. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MAJEED, ABU BAKAR BIN ABDUL (2003) Bioethics � providing solutions to ethical dilemmas in life sciences. In: UNSPECIFIED.

LEPIT, AJIS BIN (2003) Influence of Gamma Radiation Induced Effects on Optical Absorption and Dielectric Properties of Polyvinyl Alcohol Film Dosimeters. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HEAH, KHOR GOOT (2003) p53 Expression and Pattern of Invasion at the Microinvasive Front of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC). In: UNSPECIFIED.

HEAH, KHOR GOOT (2003) Elastin Distribution and Tumour Invasiveness in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HEAH, KHOR GOOT (2003) P53 immunoreactivity at the microinvasive front of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), KALSOM BINTI SALLEH (2003) The Role of Individual Shareholders in Corporate Governance of Malaysian Public Listed Companies. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), SUHAIMI BIN MUHAMMED (PROF. (2003) The Reward of Teaching and Doing Research: A Reflection. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), SUHAIMI BIN MUHAMMED (PROF. (2003) Agroforestry Practice in Malaysia - Integrating Plantation Crops with Timber Species. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR), TITIK KHAWA BT ABDUL RAHMAN (PROF. (2003) Acceleration Search Technique Based on Evolutionary Programming for Estimating Maximum Loadability in Power System. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MUSIRIN, ISMAIL BIN (2003) Evolutionary Programming Based Technique for Voltage Stability Improvement in Electric Power System. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MUSIRIN, ISMAIL BIN (2003) Evolutionary Programming Based Technique for Reactive Power Dispatch in Power System�,. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR), TITIK KHAWA BT ABDUL RAHMAN (PROF. (2003) Contingency Analysis for Power Security Assessment�,. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR), TITIK KHAWA BT ABDUL RAHMAN (PROF. (2003) Line Outage Security Assessment Using Combinatorial Form Neural Network Topology (CFNNT). In: UNSPECIFIED.

MUSIRIN, ISMAIL BIN (2003) Fast Algorithm for Generator Outage Contingency Analysis in Power System. In: UNSPECIFIED.

BING, VALERIE ROSS NEE COLLEEN OH SEO (2003) Micro-macro analysis: applying Metatheory in Interdisciplinary Research. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ MA'MOR, MISYANA SUSANTI BT HUSIN (2003) The English that We Have and the English that We Need. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ L.MAAROF, HAWAIAH BINTI IMAM MAAROF (2003) Adsorption of Phenol from Aqueous System onto Activated Carbon. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ L.MAAROF, HAWAIAH BINTI IMAM MAAROF (2003) Adsorption Isotherm of O-cresol from Aqueous Solution by Granular Activated Carbon. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ L.MAAROF, HAWAIAH BINTI IMAM MAAROF (2003) Experimental Study of 3-Chlorophenol Adsorption from Aqueous Solution. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ L.MAAROF, HAWAIAH BINTI IMAM MAAROF (2003) Aqueous-Phase Adsorption of Phenolic Compounds on Activated Carbon. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), NORALIZA BINTI HAJI HAMZAH (2003) Identification of harmonic characteristics in a balanced industrial system. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR), TITIK KHAWA BT ABDUL RAHMAN (PROF. (2003) Evolutionary Programming Approach For Solving Economic Dispatch In Power System. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), RADIAH BT OTHMAN (2003) Conceptualising the Changing Role of Management Accountants in ERP Systems. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), WEE ENG HOE (2003) Teaching of Physical Education in Malaysian secondary schools: Perception of teachers on two issues. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), WEE ENG HOE (2003) Graduates teachers for Physical Education in Malaysian schools. In: UNSPECIFIED.

OTHMAN, ABDUL KADIR BIN (2003) Office Ergonomics and Employees� Satisfaction and Performance. In: UNSPECIFIED.

EFFENDI, TOMMY JULIANTO BIN BUSTAMI (2003) Properties of palm oil-based emulsion stabilised by l-α-phosphatidyl choline. In: UNSPECIFIED.

EFFENDI, TOMMY JULIANTO BIN BUSTAMI (2003) The Effect of Different Oils on The Absorption of -Tocopherol in The Rat: Comparison of Palm Oil, Soybean Oil and Medium Chain Triglyceride Oil. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DAHLAN, ZAKI BIN AHMAD (2003) The EGNOS Ionospheric Correction for Single Frequency GPS Positioning. In: UNSPECIFIED.

BUNIYAMIN, NORLIDA BT (2003) A Knowledge Management System Design Methodology for Manufacturing Enterprises - A Case Study. In: UNSPECIFIED.

BUNIYAMIN, NORLIDA BT (2003) Mapping Process Knowledge in Manufacturing Enterprises- A Case Study.: New opportunities for Operations Research. In: UNSPECIFIED.


HOON, TEOH SIAN (2003) The Design and Development of Computer-Assisted Mastery Learning Courseware in the Learning of Matrices. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HASHIM, AFIZAH BT (2003) Cross Sectional Studies On Universities Students' Perceptions In Accounting Career. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ASMAT, ARNIS BINTI (2003) Geographic Information System (GIS) for Cholera Epidemic Management. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ASMAT, ARNIS BINTI (2003) Rule based classification for Urban Heat Island mapping. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ALIMAN, SHARIFAH BINTI (2003) Use of Microsoft Access 200 for Time Table Scheduling. In: UNSPECIFIED.

UNSPECIFIED (2003) Use of Microsoft Access 2000 for Timetable Scheduling. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ALIMAN, SHARIFAH BINTI (2003) Timetable Scheduling Using Microsoft Access 2000. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SHAMSUDDIN, SAIDATULAKMAR BINTI (2003) A Study On Thermal Shock Of Nickel Plated Ceramic Body. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SHAMSUDDIN, SAIDATULAKMAR BINTI (2003) Preliminary Study of Nickel Coating on Clay Ceramic Body. In: UNSPECIFIED.


RAHMAN, PUTERI NOR HASHIMAH MEGAT ABDUL (2003) Video Extraction In Compressed Domain. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAHMAN, PUTERI NOR HASHIMAH MEGAT ABDUL (2003) Towards Key Frame Extraction In Compressed Domain. In: UNSPECIFIED.


@ WAHAB, JOHANUDIN BIN LAHAP (2003) The Effects of Working Environment on Front Office Employees: A Focus on Job Performance and Job Satisfaction. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SULAIMAN, SITI NORAINI BINTI (2003) Application of Moving K-Means Clustering for Pap Smear Image Processing. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ARIFFIN, KAMISAH BINTI (2003) Superiority Claims in Advertisements: To Believe or Not to Believe? In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ MA'MOR, MISYANA SUSANTI BT HUSIN (2003) The English that We Have and the English that We Need. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MAHMOOD, MOHAMAD RUSOP BIN (2003) Bonding and Optoelectrical Properties of Semiconducting Copper Iodide Films Growth by Various Methods. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MAHMOOD, MOHAMAD RUSOP BIN (2003) Boron Doped Amorphous Camphoric Carbon Films. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAMASAMY, KALAVATHY A/P (2003) Effects of Lactobacillus-probiotic on laying hens. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAMASAMY, KALAVATHY A/P (2003) Effect of Lactobacillus cultures and oxytetracycline on the growth performance of chickens. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MAHMOOD, MOHAMAD RUSOP BIN (2003) Properties of CuI Films in the Power Output of TiO2/Dye/CuI cells. In: UNSPECIFIED.

NASIR, MOHD AGOS SALIM BIN (2003) Finite Difference Scheme For The Goursat Problem. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(HAJI), AZLAN BIN MOHD YUSOFF (2003) Performance of Some Local Plant Extracts on Major Pests of Chili and maize. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAHMAN, AHMAD TAUFEK BIN ABDUL (2003) Natural Soil Gamma Radioactivity Levels and Resultant Population Dose In The District of Kota Tinggi, Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ARIFFIN, HASHIM FADZIL BIN (2003) The Possibilities of Franchising an Outside Catering of Hotel UiTM. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ARIFFIN, HASHIM FADZIL BIN (2003) Environmental Variables and Sustaining Competitive Strategies for YUM Inc. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ARIFFIN, HASHIM FADZIL BIN (2003) A Study of Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Intention to Leave Among the Graduates From the School of Hotel and Tourism Management, MARA University of Technology, Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ABDILLAH, NASIRIN B (2003) Behavioral Management Organization: Managing Conflicts in Islamic Management. In: UNSPECIFIED.

CHIT, ONG JIUNN (2003) The Accuracy of Gas-Kinetic Schemes for Solving 2-D Compressible Inviscid Hypersonic Axisymmetric Blunt Body Problem. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), ANUAR SUUN (2003) Physical Fitness & Health Status Among Older Adults. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HASHIM, RUGAYAH BTE HAJI (2003) Attitudes toward learning about and working with computers of students at UiTM. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MUSTAPHA, WAN NARITA BT (2003) Faculty Mentoring and Peer Support at UiTM Shah Alam: A Survey. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMAD, MAHPUDZAH BINTI (2003) Globalisation In Accounting Education: A Study On Academic Performance And Limited-English-Proficient Accounting Students. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAHMAN, NORAZAH BINTI ABD (2003) Mixing of tea particles in a V blender. In: UNSPECIFIED.


@ ZULKURNAIL, NOR HAYATI BT ABDUL HAMID (2003) The Application Damage Avoidance Design Philosophy in Seismic Regions. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ ZULKURNAIL, NOR HAYATI BT ABDUL HAMID (2003) Experimental Performance of Precast Hollow Core Walls Subjected to Bi-lateral Loading. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ALWI, FATIMAH BINTI (2003) The Effect of Lecturer Gender, Teaching Experience and Student Gender on Student Achievement. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SHAH, NOR'AISHAH BINTI ABU (2003) Kajian Awal Etnobotani Tumbuhan Ubatan Terhadap Orang Asli di dua Lokasi Kuala Pilah dan Alor Gajah. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), KWAME AMPOFO-BOATENG (2003) Patterns of recreational sport participation in Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

PARNABAS, VINCENT A/L A (2003) Demographic influence on the perception of constraints on recreational sport participation. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ NIAS HAMAD, MOHAMAD AZMI BIN NIAS AHMAD (2003) E-Commerce on Small and Medium Size Industries. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ NIAS HAMAD, MOHAMAD AZMI BIN NIAS AHMAD (2003) A Theory of Reasoned Action Model: Applied Science MRSM Student's Attitude Towards Accountant as a Career. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ NIAS HAMAD, MOHAMAD AZMI BIN NIAS AHMAD (2003) Factor That Lead to Inadequate Management of the System Development Life Cycle. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HAMID, MOHD NASIR BIN ABDUL (2003) Professionalisme Dari Perspektif Islam. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), LOW CHENG YEE (2003) Simulation Analysis on Engine Performance for Spark Ignition Engine. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ISMAIL, MUHAMMAD HUSSAIN BIN (2003) Rheological Behaviour Of Metal Injection Molding (MIM) Feedstock. In: UNSPECIFIED.

NASIR, NORAINI BT MOHD (2003) Enhancing Corporate Governance of Malaysian Local Authorities Through Internet Financial Reporting (2003). In: UNSPECIFIED.


GHANI, ERLANE K (2003) Accounting Career In The 21st Century: Public Universities Students' Perceptions. In: UNSPECIFIED.

NASIR, NORAINI BT MOHD (2003) UiTM and Affiliated Colleges Students: Their Perceptions On Accounting As A Career And Their Readiness For Globalisation. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), AMRAN BIN AWANG (2003) Success Factors and Performance among Entrepreneurs in Perlis. In: UNSPECIFIED.

OTHMAN, NOR'AIN BINTI HAJI (2003) Strategic Alliances between NTO and profit/non profit organization: A Case of Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HASHIM, SARINA BINTI (2003) E-Pembelajaran yang Mesra Pelajar di UiTM Cawangan Pahang: Keperluan, Perlaksanaan dan Cabaran. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HARUN, JOHARI BIN (2003) Towards a Financially Planned Society. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YUNUS, ALWI BIN MOHD (2003) Knowledge Management Program; Its Relevance and in an Academic Environment and Challenges to the Training of Knowledge Workers. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (2003) Knowledge Mapping Processes in Large Organizations. In: UNSPECIFIED.

KADRI, MOHD HALIM BIN (2003) Accounting students� perception on important skills for their career success. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DEN, ELIAS BIN MOHAMED (2003) Dissolved Air Flotation in Water Clarification. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), WAN MANSOR B WAN MAHMOOD (PROF. (2003) 9. �Is stock price indices interdependence? Evidence from the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange,� with Noor Shahida Mat Zain (UiTM), Collection of Abstracts of the , 10 -12 July, 2003, pp 13. �Narrowing the Competitive Gap of Emerging Markets in the Global Economy.� AAAB and UMS, Sutera Harbour Hotel, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HASSAN, FARIDAH BT HAJI (2003) Service Environment and Gender in Private Colleges: Students' Perspective. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HASSAN, FARIDAH BT HAJI (2003) Private Colleges in Malaysia: Are the Marketing Environment INdicators Promising? In: UNSPECIFIED.

HASSAN, FARIDAH BT HAJI (2003) Relationship Between Marketing and the Evaluation Stage of Consumer Desicion Making Process: Selection of Private College. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HASSAN, FARIDAH BT HAJI (2003) Global Marketing Strategies and Evaluation Criteria For The Selection of Private Colleges in Malaysia: Foreign Students Perspective. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SALLEH, RUZITAH BINTI HAJI MOHD (2003) Modelling of carbon dioxide absorption into aqueous solution of piperazine. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), MOHD SHARIF BIN MOHD SAAD (2003) Developing Life Long Learners Through Information Literacy Programmes: A View From Academic Libraries. In: UNSPECIFIED.


SETIA, ROSZAINORA BINTI DATO' HAJI (2003) Lord of the Rings: Semiotic Analysis. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), MOHD ISA BIN MOHD SAMAT (2003) The Level of Awareness and Perception towards Computer Ethics Among IT Educators: A Case at FTMSK, UiTM Shah Alam. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), MOHD ISA BIN MOHD SAMAT (2003) Islamic World Views on Teaching and Perception Towards Computer Ethics Among IT Lecturers at the Institutes of Higher Learning. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SALLEH, AZIZON BINTI (2003) Penggunaan Internet di Kalangan pelajar-pelajar UiTM Dalam Pencarian Maklumat-maklumat Islam. In: UNSPECIFIED.

JOO, OOI UI (2003) The Starsin: An Identity Crisis for the Charterer�s Bill of Lading? - 2nd National Transport Conference, 20 & 21 October 2003, Grand Blue Wave Hotel. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (2003) Training of Teacher Librarians in Comparison With Professional Librarians in Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

JA'AFAR, HARLINA SUZANA BINTI (2003) Logistics Service Quality and Relationship Quality in Third Party Relationships. In: UNSPECIFIED.

JA'AFAR, HARLINA SUZANA BINTI (2003) Logistics Service Quality, Relationship Quality and Loyalty in Third Party Relationships. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (2003) Importance of Systematic Records and Archives Management for Work Efficieny and Preservation of Cultural Heritage : Departments Responsibilities. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (2003) Kepentingan Literasi Maklumat Dalam Era Ilmu Pengetahuan. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MANAN, SITI KHADIJAH BINTI AB (2003) Kajian Mengenai Pencapaian Akademik Pelajar UiTM Shah Alam: Satu Perbandingan Antara Jantina. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (2003) Towards a New Model Information Professional ; Skills and Competencies Needed in the Digital Age. In: UNSPECIFIED.

JA'AFAR, HARLINA SUZANA BINTI (2003) Logistics Service Quality and Commitment in Third Party Logistics. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (2003) Workshop on New Roles and Responsibilities for Information Professionals. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (2003) Information Management : Strategic Databank for Political Decision Making. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (2003) Knowledge Management Program : Its Relevance in an Academic Environment and Challenges to the Training of Knowledge Workers. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (2003) Kaedah Penulisan Tesis dan Laporan Penyelidikan. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (2003) Peranan Media Massa dan Sastera dalam Pembangunan Ummah. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SENIN, SYAHRUL FITHRY BIN (2003) The Performance of Fourier p-element as the Displacement Function in the Free Vibration Analysis of Plate and Shell Structure. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AHMAD, JURAIDAH BT (2003) Evaluation of Thermoplastic Transverse Bar in Reducing Traffic Speed. In: UNSPECIFIED.

KARIM, SITI NURBAYA BINTI AB (2003) The Use of Waste Materials in Asphaltic Concrete Layer : An Overview. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AHMAD, JURAIDAH BT (2003) Vertical Shift Speed Reducer Thermoplastic Transverse Bar. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AHMAD, JURAIDAH BT (2003) Influence of Carbonation Rate on the Serviceability of Concrete Structure. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HUA, LAU UNG (2003) The Performance of Robust Latent Root Regression. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (2003) ASEAN: Regional threats to peace & unity. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ OSMAN, NAFISAH BINTI MOHD ISA (2003) The transition phenomena and activation energy of a.c. conductivity of BaCeZrO3 doped with Yb2O3 at High temperature. In: UNSPECIFIED.

OSMAN, HAJIBAH BT HAJI (2003) Analysing Differences in the Linguistic Styles of Brochures in Public and Private Institutions of IHL in Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SULAIMAN, SHAHAROM BIN (2003) Perbincangan meja bulat " Islam dan dialog peradaban". In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), RAZALI BIN ABD.KADER (2003) Zero emissions in palm oil industry : Case study of east oil mill,golden hope plantations Bhd. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YUSSOFF, YUSNANI BINTI MOHD (2003) Design and Implementation of Native IPv6 Network for Netwrok Performance and Link Quality. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), LAI MING LING (2003) Towards electronic filing system: An empirical analysis pertaining to Malaysian tax compliance environment. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), LAI MING LING (2003) Technology readiness and usage intentions of Malaysian tax practitioners towards the electronic filing system: Empirical evidence. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), LAI MING LING (2003) Technology beliefs and acceptance of Malaysian tax practitioners: Survey evidence. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SHUIB, ADIBAH BINTI (2003) A Flexible Border Region Heuristic for The Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SINNAKAUDAN, SHANKER KUMAR A/L (2003) Spatially integrated modeling approach using Morgan, Morgan & Finney method for predicting sediment yield. pp. 141-148. In: UNSPECIFIED.

KADIR, ERMEEY BIN ABD. (2003) Three Probe Reflectometer Algorithm For Complex Coefficient Measurement Of Water Quality At Microwave Frequencies. In: UNSPECIFIED.

NOOR, NOORZAN BINTI HAJI MOHD (2003) Research Methodology: Insights into Topic Focus and Literature Review. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ABDULLAH, HAZMAN SHAH VIJAYAN BIN (2003) Developing Human Capital for the Knowledge Economy- The Role of Cultural Capital. In: UNSPECIFIED.


ABDULLAH, HAZMAN SHAH VIJAYAN BIN (2003) Quality Assurance in Malaysia Business Faculties: THE DEANS' PERCEPTION. In: UNSPECIFIED.


HASHIM, DAYANG MARYANI BT AWANG (2003) Viscoelastic Properties of Thermoplastic Natural Rubber (TPNR) composites. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SALLEH, SALINA BINTI (2003) Prior Accounting Education and The Performance of The Bachelor of Accountancy(HONS.) Students in MARA University of Technology. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR), SITI HAWA BTE HAMZAH (IR) (PROF. (2003) Structural Behaviour Of Profiled Steel Sheet Dry Board System Wall Panel With Door Opening. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR), SITI HAWA BTE HAMZAH (IR) (PROF. (2003) Crack Patterns In Profiled Steel Sheet Dry Board Wall Panel With Opening. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AHMAD, SYAHRUL AHMAR BIN (2003) Prior Accounting Education and the Performance of the bachelor of Accountancy(Hons.)Students in MARA University of Technology. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ATAN, ROHANA BINTI (2003) The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning among University Students. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), JAMALUDIN BIN KASIM (PROF. (2003) Strategi ke arah Kecemerlangan akademik. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HOON, TEOH SIAN (2003) Mistakes made in the topic of Matrices among secondary school students. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(HAJAH)(DR.), NORAINI BINTI ISMAIL (2003) Impact of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation on Internet Usage in Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DHARMARAJAN, NALINI (2003) Internet Booking in the Airline Industry. In: UNSPECIFIED.

WAH, YAP BEE (2003) Corporate Internet Use: A Case Study in the Klang Valley. In: UNSPECIFIED.

WAH, YAP BEE (2003) Determination of the Detectable Maximum Difference Among Parameters in Hypothesis Testing. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR)(HAJAH), SALEMAH BT ISMAIL (2003) Reflection and Transmission of Water Waves over Bottom Topography. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ARSHAD, NOOR HABIBAH BTE HJ (2003) Risk from the Perspective of Malaysian Project Managers. In: UNSPECIFIED.

JAFFAR, MAHERAN BINTI MOHD (2003) Persamaan beza mudharabah perniagaan. In: UNSPECIFIED.

JAFFAR, MAHERAN BINTI MOHD (2003) Model Mudharabah Perniagaan Dalam Bentuk Persamaan Beza. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YUSOFF, HASLINDA BINTI (2003) Empirical Investigation on Students� Readiness in Meeting the Requirements of K-Economy. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ABDULLAH, AZIZAH BINTI (2003) Enhancing Accountability Through Technology Advances in Public Sectors: Malaysian Scenario. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MAMAT, MOHD NOR BIN (2003) Pengurusan ICT dalam Konteks Malaysia Sebagai Negara Islam Model. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MAMAT, MOHD NOR BIN (2003) E-Learning Pendidikan Islam: Suatu Pandangan. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MAMAT, MOHD NOR BIN (2003) Gelagat Perbelanjaan Masyarakat Muslim pada Bulan Ramadhan: Kajian Kes di Pusat Bandaraya Shah Alam. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MAMAT, MOHD NOR BIN (2003) Sustainable Ecosystem Management Through Quranic and Prophetic Teaching. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MAMAT, MOHD NOR BIN (2003) e-Learning in Higher Education: Challenges and Motivational Aspects in Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

JONIT, ROSINI BT (2003) Budaya Ilmu Dalam Industri Hiburan. In: UNSPECIFIED.

JONIT, ROSINI BT (2003) Traditional Arts and Contemporary Relevance. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), MOHAMED MANSOR BIN MANAN (PROF. (2003) Population pharmacokinetics of phenytoin in children. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), MOHAMED MANSOR BIN MANAN (PROF. (2003) Population pharmacokinetics of phenytoin in adult. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), MOHAMED MANSOR BIN MANAN (PROF. (2003) Population pharmacokinetics of phenobarbitone. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), MOHAMED MANSOR BIN MANAN (PROF. (2003) Population Pharmacokinetics of sodium valproate. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), MOHAMED MANSOR BIN MANAN (PROF. (2003) Clinical Pharmacy Updates. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), MOHAMED MANSOR BIN MANAN (PROF. (2003) Updates in Clinical Pharmacy. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), MOHAMED MANSOR BIN MANAN (PROF. (2003) Efficacy of simvastatin in reducing total cholesterol and LDL levels. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), MOHAMED MANSOR BIN MANAN (PROF. (2003) Hospital admission with paracetamol poisoning. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), MOHAMED MANSOR BIN MANAN (PROF. (2003) Estimation of cyclopsorin for post renal transplant in Hospital Sultanah Aminah Johor Bahru. In: UNSPECIFIED.

KENG, HO JUAN (2003) Difficulties in relation to language and content complexities encountered by accounting and cooperate administration students. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), MOHAMED MANSOR BIN MANAN (PROF. (2003) Efficacy of amlodipine ve metoprolol in the treatment of hypertension. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), MOHAMED MANSOR BIN MANAN (PROF. (2003) Quality of life evaluation of patient's with acute cough. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), MOHAMED MANSOR BIN MANAN (PROF. (2003) Updates in Clinical Pharmacy practise. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SALLEH, SALMIAH BINTI (2003) Persepsi Mahasiswa/i Terhadap Tindakan dan Hukuman Tatatertib: Kajian Kes Ke Atas UiTM Cawangan Melaka, Kampus Alor Gajah. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(HAJAH)(DR.), NORAINI BINTI ISMAIL (2003) The Influence of Management Expertise. Training and R&D as Moderators on the Relationship between Technologies and Firm Performance. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), HAYDER M. A. ALI AL-ASSADI (2003) Development of Machine Learning Strategy for Acquiring On-line Machining Skills during Turning Process. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ISMAIL, SAIDATUL AKMAR BT (2003) Role of Home Libraries in rural Districts of Malaysia in creating in a knowledge society. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AHMAD, ISMAIL BIN (2003) Financial Environment, Capital Structure And The Financial System Design: A Review Of The Empirical Literature. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AHMAD, ISMAIL BIN (2003) Does The Financial Design Affect The Capital Structure?�. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AHMED, AZNI ZAIN (2003) Investigation of the Ventilation Performance of an Integrated Daylight and Natural Ventilation System. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AHMAD, ISMAIL BIN (2003) Determinants Of Capital Structure Of Malaysian Firms. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AHMED, AZNI ZAIN (2003) Modelling Large Diameter Solid Core Optical Fober for Passive Daylighting. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YASIN, SITI HAJAR BINTI MOHD (2003) Privacy Issues and E-Business. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SAMSUDIN, NORLELA BINTI (2003) Kajian Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Peratus Kelulusan Kursus Pengaturcaraan di UiTM Terengganu. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), ROSLAN BIN ZAINAL ABIDIN (2003) Assessment On The Soil Movement Profile Along Bare Sloping Land. In: UNSPECIFIED.

IBRAHIM, RUHANI BINTI (2003) A study on the problems of the usage of incinerators in Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HUSIN, MARYAM BINTI (2003) Evaluation of MSW disposal by incineration in selected Malaysian islands. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ARIS, YON BAHIAH BINTI WAN (2003) Identification and Minimisation of loss exposures in the Agriculture sector: A Case Study of Malaysia, Spain and Morocco. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAHMAN, WAN ENY ZARINA BT WAN ABDUL (2003) A Unified Approach in Inverse Problems. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), MARINA YURIEVNA KAPITONOVA (PROF. (2003) Immunohistochemical Characteristic of Thymus of the Growing Body Under Stress Conditions. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAHMAN, NORSHIMAH BINTI ABDUL (2003) Audit Firm Merger: Impact on Audit Fee in Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AWANG, ZAIKI BIN (2003) Effect of Varied Probe Length on the Resonant Frequency of a Circular Cross-Sectional Cavity. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ AW HEE TENG (DR) (DATUK PROF.), OW CHEE SHENG (2003) Benchmarking of engineering standards. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ AW HEE TENG (DR) (DATUK PROF.), OW CHEE SHENG (2003) Thermal energy storage using empty tank system. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ AW HEE TENG (DR) (DATUK PROF.), OW CHEE SHENG (2003) Fire and smoke ventilation for a large volume enclosure. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.)(HAJAH), RASHIDAH BINTI A.RAHMAN (PROF. (2003) Perceptions Of Accounting Academicians In Malaysia On The Usefulness Of Islamic Accounting Reports: An Empirical Evidence. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.)(HAJAH), RASHIDAH BINTI A.RAHMAN (PROF. (2003) Case Study At Pusat Zakat Selangor On Value Measurement Used In Assessing Business Zakat. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.)(HAJAH), RASHIDAH BINTI A.RAHMAN (PROF. (2003) CEO's Role in Building Organisational Integrity And Promote Business Ethics. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.)(HAJAH), RASHIDAH BINTI A.RAHMAN (PROF. (2003) Detecting Smoothing Of Income Numbers Among Malaysian Listed Companies. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.)(HAJAH), RASHIDAH BINTI A.RAHMAN (PROF. (2003) The Association Of Long Long Run Performance Of IPO Firms And Earnings Management. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.)(HAJAH), RASHIDAH BINTI A.RAHMAN (PROF. (2003) Association Between CEO's Stakes And Board Characteristics Among Acquiring Firms In Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.)(HAJAH), RASHIDAH BINTI A.RAHMAN (PROF. (2003) Nonlinear Modelling And Forecasting For The Kuala Lumpur Composite Index (KLCI). In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.)(HAJAH), RASHIDAH BINTI A.RAHMAN (PROF. (2003) The Role Of Board Characteristics As A Response To Agency Problem Among Acquiring Firms In Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.)(HAJAH), RASHIDAH BINTI A.RAHMAN (PROF. (2003) Internal Governance Mechanisms And Performance Of Malaysian Public Listed Companies. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.)(HAJAH), RASHIDAH BINTI A.RAHMAN (PROF. (2003) Malaysian Accountants And Environmental Management. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.)(HAJAH), RASHIDAH BINTI A.RAHMAN (PROF. (2003) Faktor-Faktor Kegagalan Calon-Calon PhD Di UiTM Dan Hubungkait Kegagalan Terhadap Motivasi Kerja. In: UNSPECIFIED.

IBRAHIM, AZMI BIN (2003) Intermediately Stiffened Webbed Welded Plate Girder. In: UNSPECIFIED.

IBRAHIM, AZMI BIN (2003) Profiled Web Girder under Shear Load. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), ZA'FARAN BT HASSAN (2003) Formalization and Centalization: Its Impact on Managerial Information-Seeking Behaviour. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DIAH, NORIZAN BINTI MAT (2003) Proceeding International Symposium on information Technology, iTsim 2003 Story Telling and gaming approaches in Development of a courseware on Islamic Behavior. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MUSTAFFA, MUZAMIL BIN (2003) A preliminary study on biodiversity assessment: a bioacoustic approach. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), NORMALA BT DAUD (2003) Profiles of HRM Practices in Malaysian Manufacturing Firms: An Exploratory Study. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), NORMALA BT DAUD (2003) Human Resource Management Practices and Business Performance: An Empirical Study on Manufacturing Firms in Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), NORMALA BT DAUD (2003) The Effect of HRM Practices on Firm Performance: A Study of Manufacturing Firms in Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MUSTAFFA, MUZAMIL BIN (2003) Mapping Bushcrickets Diversity in Sarawak, Malaysia (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae). In: UNSPECIFIED.



SIDEK, HAMIDAH BINTI JAAFAR (2003) Student Learning Styles And Academic Achievement At UiTM Arau Campus. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), THOMAS ARTHUR WARD (2003) Flow and Chemical Kinetics Simulations of Endothermic Fuels. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMAD, SYED JAMAL ABDUL NASIR SYED (2003) Science Students Learning Styles: A case Study of UiTM. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAHMAN, SOFIAH BINTI ABD. (2003) Shoppers Orientation and Implication to Department Store Retailing. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAHMAN, SOFIAH BINTI ABD. (2003) Shopping Orientation � A Tale of Two Cities. In: UNSPECIFIED.

KUNTJORO, WAHYU (2003) Virtual laboratory for Mechanical Engineering Education. In: UNSPECIFIED.

KUNTJORO, WAHYU (2003) Airframe Inspection Review of Military Transport Airplanes Based on Damage Tolerance Analysis. In: UNSPECIFIED.

KUNTJORO, WAHYU (2003) Structural Configuration Optimization using Mathematical Programming. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), WAN YUNUS BIN WAN AHMAD (PROF. (2003) Ultrasonic dyeing using red hibiscus flower (Hibiscus rosa sinesis). In: UNSPECIFIED.

(IR), ZAINUDDIN BIN MOHAMAD (2003) Strategy deployment: linking formulation and implementation. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(IR), ZAINUDDIN BIN MOHAMAD (2003) Improving performance through strategy alignment and the way forward. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AHMED, AZNI ZAIN (2003) Daylighting and Thermal Performance of a Naturally-Ventilated Atrium. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AHMED, AZNI ZAIN (2003) Wall Envelopes in Office Buildings : Design Trend and Implications on Energy Consumption of Buildings. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), RAJASEGARAN A/L P. KRISHNASAMY (2003) English Language Education: Cultural Domination Versus Intercultural Understanding. In: UNSPECIFIED.

NAIR, RAMESH NAIR A/L S. RAMAN (2003) Motivation of Malay Students Towards Learning English: A Survey of UiTM Students. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), RAJASEGARAN A/L P. KRISHNASAMY (2003) The Role of Higher Education Institutions in the Knowledge Era. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), RAZIDAH BT ISMAIL (HAJJAH) (2003) Duality of Fuzzy Topographic Topological Mapping. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR), MOHAMAD NOR BIN BERHAN (IR)(PROF. (2003) Fatigue Behaviour of sintered Steel treated under different tempering temperatures. In: UNSPECIFIED.

KAMAL, MOHAMAD EZRIEN BIN MOHAMAD (2003) Study on Malaysian' Industrial Product Sector's Corporate Environmental Concerns, Responses and Factors Motivating Disclosures and Legitimacy Theory. In: UNSPECIFIED.

TJIH, EDDIE TAN TI (2003) Preliminary Study of Blanching Diagnostic Kit for Vegetables and Fruits. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMED, RAHMAH BINTI (2003) Dye doped photosensitive negative resist acrylate for optical waveguide. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), MOHD HANAFIAH BIN ABIDIN (2003) Environmental Effects on fatigue Strength of E Glass reinforced Polyurethane Acrylate. In: UNSPECIFIED.

IGUEGBE, UMELO ALOYSIUS (2003) Method Development for analysis of paraquat dichloride in river water using HPLC with uv detection. In: UNSPECIFIED.

IGUEGBE, UMELO ALOYSIUS (2003) Monitoring of Paraquat dichoride in selected Malaysia�s River Water Using HPLC With UV Detection.United Nations University Conference on Environmental Monitoring of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in East Asia Region. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), ZAINON BTE MOHD NOOR (2003) Induction and Enhancement of Antimicrobial Activity Produced by Fungal Isolates. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ASMAT, ARNIS BINTI (2003) Geographic Information System (GIS) for Cholera Epidemic Management. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ASMAT, ARNIS BINTI (2003) Remote sensing and Geographical Information System (GIS) in Environmental Science Learning. In: UNSPECIFIED.

OTHMAN, MUHAMMAD MURTADHA BIN (2003) A Novel Feature Selection Method for Neural Network Based Transfer Capability Assessment in Power System. In: UNSPECIFIED.


OTHMAN, MUHAMMAD MURTADHA BIN (2003) Neural Network Based ATC Assessment for the Deregulated Power System. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SULAIMAN, SHAHAROM BIN (2003) Megatrend Melayu di Pentas Globalisasi. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SULAIMAN, SHAHAROM BIN (2003) Perpustakaan Masjid dan Minat Membaca Umat Islam. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SULAIMAN, SHAHAROM BIN (2003) Soroton Penulisan Berlakunya Perang Amerika-Iraq: Bahan Bacaan. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SULAIMAN, SHAHAROM BIN (2003) Relevansi Pemikiran Sosial Fatimah Az-Zahra' Kepada Kehidupan Generasi Masa Kini. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SULAIMAN, SHAHAROM BIN (2003) Etika dan Prosedur Dalam Penulisan dan Laporan Bahan. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SULAIMAN, SHAHAROM BIN (2003) Dialog Peradaban Agama di Malaysia: Praktik dan Kerelevenannya Hari Ini. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ABDULLAH, NORIHAM BINTI (2003) Screening of Phenolic Compounds in Selected Malaysian Plant Extracts. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAHIM, ROSLI B ABDUL (2003) Japanese Approach To Human Resource Management Practices: Its Implementation Beyond Japan. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAHMAN, MOHD KAMIL BIN ABD. (2003) , �Numerical Analysis on the Lasing Wavelength Selection in Erbium Doped Fiber Lasers�. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), SUWAID BIN TAPAH (2003) �Projek Keberkesanan Mahkamah Syariah � (Penyelidikan berkumpulan), Ramlah Hamad et. al. (eds), h.107-110. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2003) Ultrastructure of matured oocytes in nicotine treated mice. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2003) Fresh and frozen-thawed sperm motility using computerized semen analyzer in different breeds of goat. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2003) Ultrastructural studies of fresh and acrosome-reacted goat sperm. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2003) Ultrastructural studies of fresh and frozen-thawed goat sperm. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAHMAN, MOHD KAMIL BIN ABD. (2003) �Fabrication Methods Of Planar Waveguides And Related Structures�. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAHMAN, MOHD KAMIL BIN ABD. (2003) �Waveguide Amplifier versus BEFL/A for Single Channel Amplification in Optical Transmission System�. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (2003) Effects of supplementation of Garcinia atroviridis extract on the in vitro cultured preimplantation embryos in mice. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HASHIM, NOORAAIN BT (2003) Production of mouse embryos using partial zona dissection method. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HASHIM, NOORAAIN BT (2003) Sterilization procedures of surgical equipments during laparoscopy surgery in goats. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HASHIM, NOORAAIN BT (2003) Possible relationship between acrosome-intact images of cryopreserved bovine sperm and IVF performance. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DAUD, NOR SHIDRAH BINTI MAT (2003) A study of the relationship between writing apprehension and writing performance. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MARIMUTHU, RASAYA A/L (2003) The Language Learning Benefits of Extensive Reading. In: UNSPECIFIED.

TAHIR, WARDAH BINTI (2003) Best Stormwater Management Practices. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SUALMAN, ISMAIL BIN (2003) Perception, perspectives and patterns of behaviours of student in selected secondary schools. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SALLEH, RUZITAH BINTI HAJI MOHD (2003) A comparison on carbon dioxide solubility into activated diethanolamine (DEA) and other amine mixtures. In: UNSPECIFIED.

TALIB, SUHAIMI BIN ABDUL (2003) Sewer Networks as Bio-reactors � Advances in Transformation under Anoxic Conditions. In: UNSPECIFIED.

TALIB, SUHAIMI BIN ABDUL (2003) Sewer Networks as Bio-reactors: Extending the transport function of sewers. In: UNSPECIFIED.

TALIB, SUHAIMI BIN ABDUL (2003) Half Saturation Constant for Nitrite Under Anoxic Conditions in Municipal Wastewater. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ARIFFIN, JUNAIDAH (2003) A case study on strength and treatability of municipal wastewater in the Klang District. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ARIFFIN, JUNAIDAH (2003) Bed load sampling techniques and comparisons on bed load discharge measurements. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ARIFFIN, JUNAIDAH (2003) Wastewater characterization for sewer process modelling. In: UNSPECIFIED.

TALIB, SUHAIMI BIN ABDUL (2003) Sewer Processes - Advances in anoxic transformation processes. In: UNSPECIFIED.

TALIB, SUHAIMI BIN ABDUL (2003) Municipal solid waste management in Malaysia: Future trends in technology and management practices. In: UNSPECIFIED.

TALIB, SUHAIMI BIN ABDUL (2003) Water supply and wastewater management in Malaysia: A country report. In: UNSPECIFIED.

TAHIR, WARDAH BINTI (2003) Flood Mapping Using Mike 11-GIS: A Case Study of Sungai Kayu Ara. In: UNSPECIFIED.

TAHIR, WARDAH BINTI (2003) Synthetic Unit Hydrograph and Regional Flood Frequency Analysis for Peninsular Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

TAHIR, WARDAH BINTI (2003) Land Use Classification Using Remote Sensing for SCS Flood Hydrograph Determination. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2003) Controlling the growth of hedge plants by the application of paclobutrazol : some preliminary studies. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SALLEH, SAMSURI BIN MOHD (2003) Optimisation of Structural Framework With Constrained Space or Obstruction by Using Genetic Algorithms. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2003) A Preliminary Study on Growing Tectona grandis L.f. in a Sandy Area in Malaysia : A Fertilizing Trial. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2003) An Innovative Method of Production of Planting Stock of Hopea odorata, Hopea helferi and Hopea wightiana in the Shade Houses. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2003) Production of Hopea odorata Roxb. planting stock as slow growing seedlings. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2003) Experimental designs and their effectiveness. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2003) The enrichment of species diversity in a succession of plant species on a degraded tropical ecosystem. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2003) Paclobutrazol sebagai cara kawalan pertumbuhan pokok landskap. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YING, TSAN FUI (2003) Maintaining Landscape Plants of Acalypha siamensis, Ficus microcarpa and Syzygium oleina by the Application of Paclobutrazol : A Non-mechanical Approach. In: UNSPECIFIED.

KARIM, ZOKREE BIN ABDUL (2003) Student Evaluation: Is It Really Necessary? In: UNSPECIFIED.

HASAN, MIZATON BINTI HAZIZUL (2003) Antioxidant activity of merbau crude extract. In: UNSPECIFIED.

BAKAR, NOOR FITRAH BINTI ABU (2003) Effects of agglomeration on fluidization hydrodynamic of starch powders in a vibrating fluidized bed. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AHMAD, ZAKIAH BTE (2003) Toughness properties of concrete reinforced with oil palm trunk fiber. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AHMAD, ZAKIAH BTE (2003) Characterization of natural fiber concrete using destructive and non destructive testing methods. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AHMAD, ZAKIAH BTE (2003) Microwave Complex permitivity and scattering parameters for determination of moisture content in timber material. In: UNSPECIFIED.

IBRAHIM, AZMI BIN (2003) Plastic shrinkage properties of concrete reinforced with oil palm trunk fiber. In: UNSPECIFIED.

BON, YONG CHUA (2003) Tensile Strength Characteristic of Structural Size Timber. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HASSAN, ROHANA BINTI (2003) Enhancement of Malaysian Structural Timber Grading Using Dielectric Sensor. In: UNSPECIFIED.

IBRAHIM, AZMI BIN (2003) Shringkage Properties of concrete reinforced with oil palm trunk fiber. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AHMAD, ZAKIAH BTE (2003) Tensile properties of laminated lumber manufactures from tropical hardwood species. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AHMAD, ZAKIAH BTE (2003) Strength Characteristic of full scale structural laminated veneer lumber in tension. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AHMAD, ZAKIAH BTE (2003) Non destrcutive evaluation of laminated veneer lumber (LVL) made from Rubberwood (Heava Brasiliensis). In: UNSPECIFIED.

AHMAD, ZAKIAH BTE (2003) Bending shear strength of Bintagor (Collophyllum sp) LVL after Cyclic Boil-dry (CDB) treatment. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AHMAD, ZAKIAH BTE (2003) Comparative study on tensile strength between full scale structural lumber and small clear specimen. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), VELLAYAN A/L SUBRAMANIAM (2003) Wildlife Conservation in Peninsular Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

LATIP, SITI NOOR HAJJAR BINTI MD (2003) The role of metabolic enzymes in the development of resistance in cocoa mirid, Helopeltis theivora Waterhouse. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(PROF)(IR)(DR)(HJ), AHMED BIN JAFFAR (2003) Flexible Manufacturing System Model for Furniture Industry. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(PROF)(IR)(DR)(HJ), AHMED BIN JAFFAR (2003) Developemnt of Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) Model for the Specific Manufacturing Industry. In: UNSPECIFIED.

KAMARUDDIN, KARTINI BINTI HAJI (2003) Sawdust Ash (SDA): A New Cement Substitute. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ HJ MOHAMED, HAMIDAH BT MOHD SAMAN (2003) Jenis-Jenis Konkrit Ringan. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ISA, CHE MAZNAH BINTI MAT (2003) Penggunaan Konkrit Struktur di Dalam Sektor Pembinaan di Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

KAMARUDDIN, KARTINI BINTI HAJI (2003) Pembinaan Konkrit Prategasan - Amalan Kerja Yang Baik. In: UNSPECIFIED.

KAMARUDDIN, KARTINI BINTI HAJI (2003) Penghasilan Konkrit Bermutu. In: UNSPECIFIED.

KAMARUDDIN, BADRUL HISHAM BIN (2003) A Study of Religiosity Influence on the Buying Behavior of Muslim Consumers. In: UNSPECIFIED.

KAMARUDDIN, BADRUL HISHAM BIN (2003) The Role Played by Bank Islam and Bank Rakyat in Mobilizing Wealth. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), ZAINUL AMIRUDDIN BIN ZAKARIA (2003) Determination on the Involvement of Peripheral L-arginine/Nitric Oxide/Cyclic Guanosine 3':5'- Monophosphate Pathway in Aqueous Portion of Fresh Haruan (Channa striatus) Fillet Antinociceptive Activity. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HAIYEE, ZAIBUNNISA BINTI ABDUL (2003) Determination of ascorbic acid, total phenolic content and antioxidant activities in turmeric leaves of different maturity stages. In: UNSPECIFIED.

TARMUDI, ZAMALI BIN HJ (2003) Evaluation on student�s preparation in Mathematics course using fuzzy approach. In: UNSPECIFIED.

TUMIN, SITI MARSINAH BINTI (2003) Natural Dye for Textils: Flowers for Dyeing Silk. In: UNSPECIFIED.

TARMUDI, ZAMALI BIN HJ (2003) How well the students prepared in Mathematics course: A case study. In: UNSPECIFIED.

TUMIN, SITI MARSINAH BINTI (2003) Potential of Recycling Solid Textile Waste. In: UNSPECIFIED.

TUMIN, SITI MARSINAH BINTI (2003) Dyeing Silk Fabrics Using Dyestuff From Flowers. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ARIS, SHARIPAH RUZAINA BINTI SYED (2003) The Application of MIDAS in Profiling the Intelligences of UiTM�s Engineering Students. In: UNSPECIFIED.


TARMUDI, ZAMALI BIN HJ (2003) Tabiat pelajar bumiputera mengikuti kursus Matematik: Satu kajian kes di salah satu IPTA di Sabah. In: UNSPECIFIED.








TARMUDI, ZAMALI BIN HJ (2003) Berfikir secara kreatif dan kritis: Kajian kes melalui pendekatan kabur. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), AZEMI B SAMSURI (2003) Effects of Types of Oil and Filler On The Hysteresis of Vulcanized Rubber. In: UNSPECIFIED.

JAWAN, AJIMI BIN (2003) Conservation and Management of Oxbow Lake Along Sungai Sugut. In: UNSPECIFIED.


ZAIN, WAN NOR I'ZZAH BINTI WAN MOHAMAD (2003) Leaf surface morphology of Murraya Koenigii. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ZAIN, WAN NOR I'ZZAH BINTI WAN MOHAMAD (2003) Leaf Surface Morphology and Elemental Analysis of Chemama (Clausena excavata). In: UNSPECIFIED.

ZAKARIA, ZAINUDDIN BIN (2003) Perceptions of the Population of Terengganu Towards the Tourism Industry in the State of Terengganu. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AHMED, AZNI ZAIN (2003) Modelling Large Diameter Solid Core Optical Fiber for Passive Daylighting. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AHMED, AZNI ZAIN (2003) Modelling Illumination Performance of Plastic Optical Fiber for Passive Daylighting System. In: UNSPECIFIED.

NOOR, ABD HALIM BIN MOHD (2003) FDI and Linkages in the Malaysian Economy: A Brief Survey. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ARIS, YON BAHIAH BINTI WAN (2003) Utilization of Human Resource Development Fund in the Hotel Industry in Klang Valley: A Preliminary Survey. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ISHAK, NOORMALA BINTI AMIR (2003) Leader-Member Exchange and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Mediating Impact of Self-Esteem. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ZAHARI, MOHD SALEHUDDIN B MOHD (2003) Why Don�t Student Maintain Interest in Hospitality. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR)(HAJI), HAMDIN B HAJI MOHD SALLEH (2003) Issues of Halal and Haram Food Preparation. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RADZI, SALLEH BIN MOHD (2003) Strategy and Structure of the Hotel Industry in Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RADZI, SALLEH BIN MOHD (2003) Hotel Strategy : A Confirmatory Approach. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ZAINAL, ARTINAH (2003) Management Training Approaches in the Malaysian Hospitality Industry. In: UNSPECIFIED.

NAWAWI, NORWANI BINTI MD (2003) Investigation Ikat Limar Patterns,Motifs and Production Techniques. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YAN, CHOO CHEE (2003) Spermatogenic Fertility Studies of Eurycoma longifolia Jack (Tongkat Ali) Extract. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YAN, CHOO CHEE (2003) Synthesis, Antiplasmodial Activity and Toxicity of Mono and Disubstituted Derivatives of Eurycomanone from Eurycoma longifolia Jack. In: UNSPECIFIED.

OSMAN, MUHAMAD RAHIMI (2003) The Collection an The Distribution of Zakat: A Decentralization Approach of Educational Institution in Empowering The Economic Ummah Through Educational Development of Asnaf. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ZAINUDDIN, ASMAH BT (2003) Business Opportunity From Waste. In: UNSPECIFIED.

KASSIM, AZIZAN BIN (2003) Peningkatan Dayasaing Merupakan Senjata Utama Menghadapi AFTA 2003. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), SHAHARUDDIN BIN BADARUDDIN (2003) Emosi Peminjam-Peminjam Melayu Sarawak dan Sabah Yang Mengikuti Program Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia,. In: UNSPECIFIED.






OSMAN, MUHAMMAD KHUSAIRI BIN (2003) Multi-View Technique For 3-D Object Recognition Using Neuro-Fuzzy System. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HAMID, HAYATI BT ABD. (2003) A Comparative Analysis for the Job Related Motivational Factors among Private, Government and the Privatised Government Corporation Employees in Malaysia � An Exploratory Study. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HAMID, HAYATI BT ABD. (2003) Job Related Motivational Factors Among Employees in Malaysian Manufacturing and Service Sectors � An Exploratory Study. In: UNSPECIFIED.


RADZI, AMIZURA HANADI BINTI MOHD (2003) To Improve the Students'Skill to Interrupt the Discussion in Order to Take Turn to Speak for Task B in MUET (800/2) Speaking. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SALLEH, SALMIAH BINTI (2003) Persepsi mahasiswa/i terhadap Tindakan dan Hukuman Tatatertib: Kajian Kes Ke atas UiTM Cawangan Melaka Kampus Alor Gajah. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), DEVIGA A/P VENGEDASALAM (2003) The effectiveness of Sectoral Contribution Towards the Malaysian Economic Performance. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), DEVIGA A/P VENGEDASALAM (2003) Arbitrage Pricing Theory and Influences of Macroeconomics Factors in Malaysian Capital Market. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), DEVIGA A/P VENGEDASALAM (2003) Reverse Logistic: Review of definition and other related concepts. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), DEVIGA A/P VENGEDASALAM (2003) Asean Trade : The Relative Revealed Comparative Advantage of Asean Manufactured Exports 1996-2000. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SAPARON, AZILAH BINTI (2003) Speeding up the optimization of the rate distortion performance in MPEG-2 video coding through quantizer loop parameterization. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DAHALAN, ZULKIFLI BIN HAJI (2003) Pembangunan Masjid Di Alaf Baru: Satu Tinjauan. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SAPARON, AZILAH BINTI (2003) A Vertical and Horizontal Scanning Order for Reducing the Computational Complexity in MPEG-2 Block Based Motion Estimation. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SAPARON, AZILAH BINTI (2003) A novel scanning order for fast elimination of candidate predictors in MPEG-2 block based Motion Estimation. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), MOHD DANI BIN BABA (2003) DelayKhroughput Evaluation Study on Multicast Traffic in WDM Optical Networks (ICCT2003). In: UNSPECIFIED.

SOON, GOH YING (2003) Pentadbiran Berkualiti/Quality Management. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MUSA, BAKTIAR BIN (2003) Effects of Bi, Cr and Mo substitutions on formation and superconductivity of (Tl,Bi)Sr2(Ca,Y)Cu2O7 ceramics. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MUSA, BAKTIAR BIN (2003) Effects of elemental substitutions involving V and Cr on superconductivity of TlSr2(Ca,Y),Cu2O7 Ceramics. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HUSSAIN, WAN SHAFIZAH BINTI (2003) A Survey on Perceptions towards Female Academic Leaders in Public Universities. In: UNSPECIFIED.

UNSPECIFIED (2003) The Balanced Scorecard: Tool for Accountant as Valued Strategic Partner. In: UNSPECIFIED.

JOSEPH, CORINA AK (2003) A survey on the Computerized Based Accounting system use among manufacturing companies in Kuching Sarawak. In: UNSPECIFIED.

CHIN, CONSTANCE (2003) Lecturers' Workload of UiTMCSKS. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SIPI, RUDY TAWIE AK JOSEPH (2003) Skills for the 21st Century: An Education Perspective. In: UNSPECIFIED.

KAMALUDDIN, AMRIZAH BINTI (2003) Tax Literacy among salaried individuals in Sarawak. In: UNSPECIFIED.

CHIN, CONSTANCE (2003) Lecturers' Workload and Research Participation in Mara University of Technology (UiTM) Sarawak Branch Samarahan Campus. In: UNSPECIFIED.

This list was generated on Tue Mar 18 06:04:13 2025 UTC.