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Number of items: 298.


(DR), ALI ABBAS HADI AL-SHAHAM (1995) PreOperative determination of placation distance in abdominoplasty. Medical Journal Malaysia, 1 (2).

(DR), ANUAR BIN TALIB (1995) Establishing the Architectural Definition/Inventory of the Perak Malay Kutai Houses (of the 1820's - 1900's) and its potential for the purpose of Restoration, Conservation and Tourism.

(DR), CHAN SEI (1995) Variable-speed wind energy production using a switched-reluctance generator-a simulation study. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), LOO HUCK SOO (IR) (1995) Mechanical ventilation for a large volume enclosure. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), MOHD KHAIRUL BIN MOHD SALLEH (1995) Side-coupled Dual Mode Ring Resonator for Bandpass Filter Applications.

(DR), MOHD SHARIF BIN MOHD SAAD (1995) Criteria Use to Select Materials for Digitisation in Malaysia Academic Libraries: Building the Digital Collection. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), NORALIZA BINTI HAJI HAMZAH (1995) Energy Demand Side Management: Lighting Efficiency for Energy and Cost savings. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), NORALIZA BINTI HAJI HAMZAH (1995) Lighting Efficiency in Institutional Buildings. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), RASIMAH BTE ARIPIN (1995) The Nature of Serial Correlation Among the Combined Forecast Errors of Interpolated Missing Values in Time Series. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), RAZIDAH BT ISMAIL (HAJJAH) (1995) Modeling of Superheater system using a State Space Representation. ISSN 0304-9701

(DR), ROSLAN BIN ZAINAL ABIDIN (1995) Erosion Study in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), ROSLAN BIN ZAINAL ABIDIN (1995) Rainfall Energy Production in Relation to Soil Erosion. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), SHAHARUDDIN BIN BADARUDDIN (1995) Menghadapi Cabaran Ekonomi Malaysia Abad 21. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), SHAHARUDDIN BIN BADARUDDIN (1995) Perlaksanaan Pemikiran Kreatif di Pusat Pendidikan Persediaan. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR), SHIREEN BINTI HARON (1995) Peranan Pentadbiran Awam dalam Pembangunan. UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), AZEMI B SAMSURI (1995) Rubberized Bitumen for Road Construction. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), LWIN LWIN NYEIN (1995) Efficacy of artesunate lactab and meloquine combination in two different regimens in acute uncomplicated falciparum malaria. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), MOHD RASHIDEE BIN HJ ALWI (1995) Etika dan Salah Laku Pemasar. UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), MOHD RASHIDEE BIN HJ ALWI (1995) Masyarakat dan Keperihatinan Sosial. UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), MOHD RASHIDEE BIN HJ ALWI (1995) Mengapa Pemasaran Hijau? UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), MOHD RASHIDEE BIN HJ ALWI (1995) Mengenali Pemasaran Jepun. UNSPECIFIED.


(DR.), VELLAYAN A/L SUBRAMANIAM (1995) Ostrich (Struthio camelus) Breeding in Malaysia: Prospects and constraints. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), VELLAYAN A/L SUBRAMANIAM (1995) Pest Monkey Problems in IADP Mango Projects in Perlis. UNSPECIFIED.

(DR.), WEE ENG HOE (1995) Personality analysis as a coaching strategy.

(HAJAH), PUZLAH BINTI MOHD (1995) Corporate Attention to Social Responsibility Disclosures: A Study of Malaysian Companies.

(HAJAH), ZURAIMI BINTI ZAINUDDIN (1995) Memorial Institut Teknologi MARA Pahang. UNSPECIFIED.



(HAJAH)(DR.), ZURIAH BT ABDUL RAHMAN (1995) Dictionary of Insurance. UNSPECIFIED.

(HAJI), ZAINAL BIN MAT SAAT (DR) (1995) Pembentukan Competative Index.

(PROF.DR)(HAJI), IBRAHIM KAMAL ABD RAHMAN (1995) Accounting in An Organizational Context - A Case Study of One Privatised Organization in Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(PROF.DR)(HAJI), IBRAHIM KAMAL ABD RAHMAN (1995) Management of Research and Consultancy in Malaysia with Special Reference to Institutions of Higher Learning, Admist the Government's Privatisation Policy. In: UNSPECIFIED.

(PROF.DR)(HAJI), IBRAHIM KAMAL ABD RAHMAN (1995) Privatisation of a Public Organization in Malaysia - The Changes in Accounting System. In: UNSPECIFIED.


@ AW HEE TENG (DR) (DATUK PROF.), OW CHEE SHENG (1995) Updates of ASHRAE Standards for Energy Efficiency. ISSN 0128-6455

@ KENNETH KEVIN AKEU, FIRDAUS ABDULLAH (1995) The development of HEdPERF: A new measuring instrument of service quality for higher education sector. ISSN 0128-2204

@ MOHD NOOR, JAZIRA BINTI ANUAR (1995) Accessing Hotel Responsiveness Towards Guest's Email Query: Cases in Malaysia. World Applied Sciences Journal, 2 (3).

@ SAUIAN(PROF. DR)(HAJI), MOHD SAHAR B SAWIRAN (1995) Collaborative Effort in Enhancing Globalization in Mathematics Education. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ SAUIAN(PROF. DR)(HAJI), MOHD SAHAR B SAWIRAN (1995) Industrial Application of Mathematical Programming: A Case of USRA Tampi,Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ UMI SARAH BT JAIS (DR.), UMI SIBYAN (1995) Microstructures of Alkoxide-derived Barium Osumilite (BaMg2Al6Si9O30) Glass Ceramics. In: UNSPECIFIED.

@ UMI SARAH BT JAIS (DR.), UMI SIBYAN (1995) Sol-gel-preparation and crystallisation of BaMg2Al6Si9O30 glass New Research. In: UNSPECIFIED.


ABDULLAH, MOHD ASRI BIN (1995) Ayah jangan sampai jadi ketam... UNSPECIFIED.

ABDULLAH, MOHD ASRI BIN (1995) Berzina Dengan Ibu Sendiri ! UNSPECIFIED.

ABDULLAH, MOHD ASRI BIN (1995) Iktibar daripada ibadat haji. UNSPECIFIED.

ABDULLAH, MOHD ASRI BIN (1995) Manusia Makhluk Istimewa. UNSPECIFIED.

ABDULLAH, MOHD ASRI BIN (1995) Pandangan panah beracun. UNSPECIFIED.

ABDULLAH, MOHD ASRI BIN (1995) Ramadan bulan keberkatan Syawal bulan kesyukuran. UNSPECIFIED.

ABDULLAH, SUKARNUR BIN CHE (1995) Novel Method of Grading Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) of Oil Palm Fruit.

ADAM, AISHAH BT (1995) Antioxidant activity of the ethyl acetate extract of Intsia palembanica (merbau).


AHMAD, NORYATI BINTI (1995) Panduan pengurusan personel. UNSPECIFIED.

AHMAD, ZAKIAH BTE (1995) Failure Modes in Flatwise bending of Laminated Veneer Lumber Manufactured from Tropical Hardwood Species.

ALI, AB MALIK MARWAN BIN (1995) Development of Biomaterials based polymer electrolytes for electrochemical systems.

ALI, AB MALIK MARWAN BIN (1995) Ionic Conductivity Studies Of PMMA Gel Electrolytes.

ALI, FALIZA BT MAHAMED (1995) The Best Coffeeshop in Town!Hai Peng..

AMINUDDIN, AZMI BT. (1995) Memilih Bekerjaya Selepas Lapan Tahun Bergelar Suri Rumah Tangga.

ANUAR, NORNIZAR BINTI (1995) Experimental and theoretical agglomerates determination in a vibrated fluidized bed. ISSN 0126 - 1962

ARIFFIN, MOHD HISHAM BIN (1995) Pembinaan bangunan di kawasan-kawasan yang beriklim panas (terjemahan). UNSPECIFIED.

ARIFFIN, MOHD HISHAM BIN (1995) Preliminary study of continuing professional development among Malaysian Registered Quantity Surveyors. ISSN 0127-9092

ARIS, MOHAMMAD JINDRA BIN (1995) An overview of amino acids crystallization.

ARSHAD, AHMAD KAMIL BIN (1995) Pavement Recycling: An Overview. Jurutera, 2 (3).

AWANG, ZAIKI BIN (1995) Fabrication of bulk acoustic wave resonators using sol-gel derived lead zirconate titanate thin films. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AWANG, ZAIKI BIN (1995) PZT bulk acoustic wave resonators for monolithic microwave integrated circuit technology. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AZIZ, MOHD NORAFIZAL BIN ABD (1995) The Implementation Of Database Management System To Cater Student's Records In School: An Introduction to Web-Based Applications.

AZIZ, NORHASIMAH BINTI ABDUL (1995) Income & Expenditure Patterns of University Degree Holders in Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.


BABA, NORHAYATI BINTI (1995) Self-Directed Learning Readiness And The Relationship Between Personality Traits among Students In A Malaysian University. ISSN 0128-2999

BON, YONG CHUA (1995) The Effect of Butt Joint Positions on Dry Board In PSSDB Wall Panels With Window Opening.


BUNIYAMIN, NORLIDA BT (1995) Wall Climbing Robots And The Problems Of Attachments. In: UNSPECIFIED.


CHEN, LOO ERN (1995) Feminist research in accounting. In: UNSPECIFIED.

CHEN, LOO ERN (1995) Perception of internal and external auditors on corporate governance and control through audit committees: the Malaysian environments. In: UNSPECIFIED.

CHEN, LOO ERN (1995) Presentation and communication skill: preparation for a VIVA. UNSPECIFIED.

CHEN, LOO ERN (1995) An empirical analysis of auditees' perceptions on the role and effectiveness of audit committees. In: UNSPECIFIED.

CHEN, LOO ERN (1995) The nature of an accountant's job and profile of an accountant as perceived by accounting and non-accounting students. In: UNSPECIFIED.

CHOO, TEY HWEI (1995) The Elderly: An Untapped resource. In: UNSPECIFIED.


DARUS, FAIZAH BINTI (1995) Corporate Directors Training Programme: The Success of the Training Programme in Creating Understanding and Awareness amongst Corporate Directors.

DOLLAH, WAN AB KADIR BIN WAN (1995) Sumber tenaga: bagaimana mengawalnya. UNSPECIFIED.

DOLLAH, WAN AB KADIR BIN WAN (1995) Technology outlook: education and new technologies. UNSPECIFIED.

DR), ARSMAH BT IBRAHIM (PROF. (1995) Higher Order Homotopy Taylor-Perturbation Using Start-system For Multiroots functions.

DR), SITI HAWA BTE HAMZAH (IR) (PROF. (1995) Ultimate Behaviour of PSSDB Wall Panels With Various Butt-Joint Positions On Dry Boards.

DR), TITIK KHAWA BT ABDUL RAHMAN (PROF. (1995) Evolutionary Programming Approach for Solving Economic Dispatch in Power System.

DR), WEE CHONG HUI (PROF. (1995) Sabah and Sarawak in the Malaysian Economy. UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (1995) Akses dan Perkhidmatan Penerbitan Kerajaan. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (1995) Application of IT Leading to the National Bibliographic Network : The Malaysian Model. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (1995) Growing Importance of Environmental Information : New Challenge in the Information Services and Provision in Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (1995) The Growing Importance of Local Online and Networking Systems in Library and Information Services in Malaysia : from Dreams to Reality. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (1995) Growing Needs for a Systematic Records Management in Malaysia and its Impact on Training. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (1995) Information Needs and Information Seeking Behaviour of Civil Servants : Towards Excellence. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (1995) Information Seeking Behaviour of Social Scientists in Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (1995) Information Technology Implementation in Libraries and Information Centers in Malaysia: Impact and Pitfalls. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (1995) Keperluan dan Penggunaan Maklumat oleh Kakitangan Awam ; Ke arah Kecemerlangan. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (1995) Management of R & D and Consultancy in Malaysia with Special Reference to IHC, Admidst & Governments Privatization Policy. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (1995) Pengorganisasian, Akses dan Penyebaran Maklumat Kerajaan : Satu Senario Mengenai Isu dan Masalah. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (1995) Program Sejarah Lisan di Malaysia. UNSPECIFIED.

DR)(HJ), RAJA ABDULLAH RAJA YAACOB DATO'(PROF. (1995) The Role of Libraries and Information Centers Towards Achieving a Critical Thinking Society in the Muslim World. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), GURURAJ AITHALA KODAVOORU(PROF. (1995) Cerebral infarction in juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Clinical neurology and neurosurgery, 21 (1).

DR.), GURURAJ AITHALA KODAVOORU(PROF. (1995) Late infantile metachromatic leucodystrophy in two siblings. Indian pediatrics, 18 (1). ISSN 0126-6128

DR.), JAMALUDIN BIN KASIM (PROF. (1995) Chemical constituents and physical properties of bambusa hetrostachya. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), JAMALUDIN BIN KASIM (PROF. (1995) Properties of particleboard made from bambusa vulgaris. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.), JAMALUDIN BIN KASIM (PROF. (1995) Urea particleboard from bambusa vulgaris schrad.

DR.)(HAJAH), RASHIDAH BINTI A.RAHMAN (PROF. (1995) Motives And Factors That Influence Corporate Acquisition Decision In Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

DR.)(IR), SHAH RIZAM BT HJ MOHD SHAH BAKI (PROF. (1995) To Design and Develop An Integrated Digital Controller For Improve Performance Of DC Drives.


EFFENDI, TOMMY JULIANTO BIN BUSTAMI (1995) Lymphatic transport contribution towards the systemic exposure of orally administered pH-sensitive nanoparticles loaded with a model hydrophilic peptidomimetic drug.

EFFENDI, TOMMY JULIANTO BIN BUSTAMI (1995) Studying The Effect Of Cryoprotectants On Blank And Cefotaxime-Loaded L100 Eudragit nanoparticles.

ENDUT(DR.)(HAJI), WAN JAAFAR WAN (1995) Kajian Daya Keusahawanan Penduduk Wilayah KETENGAH.


GHANI, BASRI BIN ABD. (1995) Pengurusan Ekonomi Islam. ISSN 0257-3490


HAMZAH, MUSTAFAR KAMAL B (1995) Active Filter for Improved Reactive and Harmonic Compensation. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HAMZAH, MUSTAFAR KAMAL B (1995) Improved Adaptive System Incorporating Analog, Digital and Adaptive Filter Technique to Extract the Fetal Heartbeat in ECG Applications. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HANAFIAH, ABDUL RAHMAN BIN AHMAD (1995) Nilai Moralisme Dalam Kesenian. Dewan Budaya. ISSN 0128-4460

HASAN, MIZATON BINTI HAZIZUL (1995) Antioxidant activity of merbau crude extract.

HASAN, MIZATON BINTI HAZIZUL (1995) The acute toxicity of FRIM ID 7/07 standardized aqueous extract.

HASHIM, DAYANG MARYANI BT AWANG (1995) Differential Scanning Calorimetric Studies of Poly Methyl Methacrylate-Co-Styrene) (MMA-co-ST) Copolymers. Pakistan Journal of Applied Science. ISSN 0036-4762

HASHIM, HABIBAH BINTI (1995) The Use of Multiplexer- Demultiplexer Circuit for Centralised Monitoring of Fire Alarm Panel. In: UNSPECIFIED.

HASHIM, RUGAYAH BTE HAJI (1995) Political Issues in ICT Implementation in Local Government.

HASSAN, MOHAMED IBRAHIM BIN ABU (1995) Evaluation of fracture strength of Turkom-Ceramic compared to two all-ceramic systems.


HEMDI, MOHAMAD ABDULLAH BIN (1995) Organizational justice and deviant behavior in the hotel industry.

HO, VOON BOO (1995) Voices of Students: A Customer-Focused Approach to Continuous Service Quality Advancement in igher Education. ISSN 0128-2204

HUSIN, ABU HASSAN BIN (1995) Asas Fizik Klasik (Buku Terjemahan). UNSPECIFIED.

HUSIN, ABU HASSAN BIN (1995) Fizik untuk Jurutera dan Ahli Sains (Buku Terjemahan). UNSPECIFIED.


IBRAHIM, ABD AZIZ BIN (1995) Motivasi dan Kemahiran Belajar (MKB 050). UNSPECIFIED.

ISLAM, MOHAMMED NASIMUL (1995) Leave Methamphetamine to be alive - Part II. Legal Medicine (3).

ISLAM, MOHAMMED NASIMUL (1995) The Relation Between Traffic accident and Cardiac Disease on The Etiology of Death. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ISMAIL, NOR HADIANI BTE (1995) Chemical Constituents and Biological Activities of Extracts from Roots of Morinda elliptica (Rubiaceae). In: UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED.


JANIN, ZURIATI BINTI (1995) MATLAB Approach Using Spectrophotometric Analysis of Treated and Untreated Water.


KAMARUDDIN, KARTINI BINTI HAJI (1995) Teknologi Binaan Tingkatan 4 dan 5.


KASSIM, ROSNI BINTI ABU (1995) Development of a General Purpose Data Acquisition and Process package. In: UNSPECIFIED.


LATIP, MOHD FUAD BIN ABDUL (1995) Genetic algorithm based optimal on load transformer tap setting for loss minimization in power transmission system.

LATIP, SITI NOOR HAJJAR BINTI MD (1995) Genetic Diversity in Cultivated Tea (Camellia sinensis) at Boh Plantations using RAPD Markers.

LATIP, SITI NOOR HAJJAR BINTI MD (1995) Glossary for Entomology.

LING, IRIS SYAWE SEH (1995) Peluang-Peluang Perniagaan Untuk Usahawan Bumiputera Di Bahagian Kuching. UNSPECIFIED.

LING, KOH SOO (1995) Professions that inspire awe. ISSN 0142 0461


MAHAMOOD, MULIYADI BIN (1995) Seni Lukis dalam Peristiwa. UNSPECIFIED.

MAHMUD, ABDUL MANAP BIN (1995) Sains dan Budaya Sejagat. UNSPECIFIED.

MAJEED, ABU BAKAR BIN ABDUL (1995) Alpha-2 adrenoceptor antagonists as new antidepressant drugs. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MAJEED, ABU BAKAR BIN ABDUL (1995) Studies of brain monoaminergic modulation of urethane anesthesia. Progress in Anesthetic Mechanism. pp. 342-348. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MAJEED, ABU BAKAR BIN ABDUL (1995) The antidepressant activity of the central -agonist, clenbuterol. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MAJEED, ABU BAKAR BIN ABDUL (1995) The antidepressant-like activity of idazoxan, yohimbine and clenbuterol. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MALEK, MOHD RIDZUAN BIN ABDUL (1995) Tarima unta berbonggol satu. UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMAD, FAIZAH BINTI (1995) Sayang itu dilepaskan pergi. UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMED, NORHAYATI BINTI (1995) Towards Consumer Attitude Index for Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMED, SYAZILAWATI BINTI (1995) Intelligent Voice-based Door Access Control System for Building Security.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Advertisements and consumerism. UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Adverts & children (Iklan & kanak-kanak). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Back to study time management (Kembali mengurus masa belajar). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Business and market opportunities for Bumiputera entrepreneurs in Kuching Division (Translation). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Business opportunities in Kuching (Peluang perniagaan di Kuching). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Creativity (Kreativiti). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Current media: Where are they heading? (Ke arah mana media masa kini?). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Development needs to be re-evaluated (Pembangunan perlu dinilai semula). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Educating for the future (Mendidik untuk masa depan). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Educating juveniles thoughts (Mengasuh pemikiran remaja). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Education & computer (Komputer & pendidikan). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Enriching entrepreneurship (Mwenghidupkan semangat keusahawanan). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Ethics in corporate practices (Etika dalam amalan korporat). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Evaluating the concept of juvenile (Menilai konsep diri remaja). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Foreign aids & national development (Bantuan luar dan pembangunan negara). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Foreign aids dominates the nation's politics (Bantuan luar menguasai politik negara). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Happy women's day! (Selamat hari wanita). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Inculcating self trust (Mendidik kepercayaan dalam diri). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Islam - the platform for development (Islam wahana pembangunan). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Juvenile & guidance (Bimbingan dan remaja). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Juvenile & intelligence (Remaja & kecerdasan). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Juvenile & learning (Remaja & pembelajaran). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Juvenile & parents (Remaja & Ibubapa). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Juvenile & peers (Remaja & rakan sebaya). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Juvenile & personality (Remaja & personality). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Juvenile & self building (Remaja & pembentukan diri). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Juvenile, motivation & excellence (Remaja, motivasi & kecemerlangan). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Juvenile, motivation & learning (Remaja, motivasi & pembelajaran). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Juvenile: taking care of emotions (Remaja & pemeliharaan emosi). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Juveniles & conflict (Renmaja & konflik). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Juveniles thinking orientations (Orientasi pemikiran remaja). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Managing study time (mengurus masa belajar). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Mastering information age (Menguasai teknologi maklumat). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Millions of challenges for the Bumiputera entrepreneurs (Sejuta cabaran usahawan Bumiputera). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Moulding juveniles' confidence (Membentuk keyakinan remaja). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Negative efffects of leadership crises (Kesan negatif krisis kepemimpinan). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) New orientation for public sector management (hala tuju baru pengurusan sektor awam). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Nourishing memory (Mengasuh daya ingatan). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Nurturing entrepreneurship (Menyuburkan keusahawanan). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Politics as the mould for cities development (Politik wahana pembangunan bandar). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Politics with glaring ethics (Politik sirna etika). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Practicing accountability (Mempraktikkan akauntabiliti). ISSN 0126-8589

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Psychological element drives the entrepreneura (Unsur psikologi penggerak usahawan). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Re-assessing development (Pembangunan perlu dinilai semula). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Readers are getting critical (Pembaca semakin kritis). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Reading culture of the society (Budaya membaca masyarakat). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Reading culture: Whose role? (Budaya membaca: Peranan siapa?). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Rejuvenating the service sector (Merancakkan sektor perkhidmatan). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Sarawak: Green in development (Sarawak: Menghijau dalam pembangunan). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Sarawak: Reaching for the dream (Sarawak menggapai impian). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Should pupils severly punished? (Perlukan pelajar dihukum keras?). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Speaking before an audience (Berucap di khalayk ramai). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Strategic development (Pembangunan strategik). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Student, school & examination (Pelajar, sekolah & pemperiksaan). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Study Skills (Kemahiran Belajar). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) A Study of the Bumiputera Entrepreneurs in Sarawak: The Role of DUBS (Trans). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) A Study on the effectiveness of the Yayasan Sarawak student exchange programme. UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Sustainable development in Sarawak (Pembangunan berterusan di Sarawak). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Taking care of spastic kids (Membela anak-anak spastik). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Towns in the future (bandaraya masa depan). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Understanding the meaning of juvenile (Memahami maksud remaja). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) United Nations: Where art thou heading? (Ke mana haluan PBB?). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) When an international body is turned into a puppet (apabila badan dunia jadi kuda tunggangan). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) When the international body is made trojan horse (Apabila badan dunia jadi kuda tunggangan). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Work & motivation (Motivasi & pekerjaan). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Writing for the mass media workshop. UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Youth & parental education (Remaja & didikan ibubapa). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Youth & the practice of education (Remaja & amalan pendidikan). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) Youths & conflicts (Remaja & konflik). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) The commercial War (Perang Dagang). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) The corporatisation of administration (Pengkorporatan pentadbiran). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) The corporatisation of education (Korporatisme pendidikan). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) The demise of ethics (Kebobrokan etika). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) The development dilemma (Dilema pembangunan). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) The dilemma of modern cities (Dilema bandar moden). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) The ethics of Business (Etika Perniagaan). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) facing the challenges of education (Menghadapi cabaran pendidikan). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) heading for excellence, nourishing creativity (Menuju kecemerlangan mengasah kreativiti). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) The influence of personality towards career (Pengaruh personaliti dalam pekerjaan). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) The management orientation in public sector (Hala tuju pengurusan sektor awam). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) memorising in learning (Proses mengingat dalam pembelajaran). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) The mental block (Tembok mental). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) The peoples' sacred voice (Suara keramat rakyat). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) The politics of mass media in handling issues (Politik suratkhabar menangani isu). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) The practices of civilised politics (amalan politik beradab). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) The seasoned faces of Kuchingites (Wajah kumal warga Kuching). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) The sufferings of teachers (Pahit getir profesion guru). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) The trick behind protectionism (Muslihat dasar perlindungan). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) The warfare of politics & political war (Perang politik & politik perang). UNSPECIFIED.

MOHAMMED, NASRUDIN BIN (1995) The wave of change & ethics (Gelombang perubahan & etika). UNSPECIFIED.

MUIS, MUJIBU BIN ABD (1995) Politik Permuafakatan: Satu Analisa Terhadap Amalan Politik di Negara-negara Bermasyarakat Majmuk. Voice of Academia, 14 (1).

MUSIRIN, ISMAIL BIN (1995) Generation of High Voltage Using Solid State Inverter Technique. In: UNSPECIFIED.

MUSIRIN, ISMAIL BIN (1995) Resoanace-Cockcroft Technique in High DC Generation. In: UNSPECIFIED.


NASIR, NORAINI BT MOHD (1995) Continuous Professional Development In Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

NAWI, ABDOL SAMAD BIN (1995) The impact of international trade on price mark-up in Malaysian manufacturing industries. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, ISI/SCOPUS, 7 (1). ISSN 0128-6455

NOOR, NOORZAN BINTI HAJI MOHD (1995) Etike Telefon: Cara Terbaik Mengguna Telefon. UNSPECIFIED.

NOOR, NOORZAN BINTI HAJI MOHD (1995) Hallmarks of Excellent Lecturers. In: UNSPECIFIED.

NOOR, NOORZAN BINTI HAJI MOHD (1995) Kita Bekerja Secara Korporat. UNSPECIFIED.

NOOR, NOORZAN BINTI HAJI MOHD (1995) New Trends and Revisions for TOEFL. In: UNSPECIFIED.

NORDIN, KAMARULZAMAN BIN (1995) Adhesives for the wood-based industry - An Overview. UNSPECIFIED.



OMAR, AHMAD MALIKI BIN (1995) A Comparative Study of PID and Fuzzy Logic controller for Improved Performance in a Ward Leonard System. In: UNSPECIFIED.

OMAR, AHMAD MALIKI BIN (1995) The Photovoltaic Monitoring Centre Portal: From Inception to Development and Maintenance.

OMAR, DASIMAH BT HAJI (1995) Designing Neighbourhood Green Spaces to Encourage Urban Wildlife: A Landscape Ecology Approach.

OMAR, DASIMAH BT HAJI (1995) Urbanisation and the Well Being of Female Headed in Malaysia: The Case Study of Lower Income Single Mothers in Five Urban Centres.

OMAR, MEGAWATI BINTI (1995) Glossary for Engineering Students. UNSPECIFIED.

OMAR, NORMAH BT HAJI (1995) Accounting in Organization Undergoing Change: Should We Emulate the Japanese? In: UNSPECIFIED.

OMAR, NORMAH BT HAJI (1995) The Role of Accounting in a Privatised Organisation: A Case Study of One Malaysian Company.

OMAR, NORMAH BT HAJI (1995) The Role of Accounting in a Privatised Organisation: A Case Study of One Malaysian Company. In: UNSPECIFIED.

OTHMAN, ZAINAB BT (1995) Efficient Record Management via SSMSS : The concpet, Development and Future Planning. ISSN 0128-3545


PUTIT, LENNORA BINTI (1995) Consumer�s Adoption of Technology: A Case of Internet Retail Transactions across Micro-ethnic Culture.


RAHMAN, MOHD KAMIL BIN ABD. (1995) �Monolithic Passive Mode-Locking In Single Contact Tapered Lasers�. In: UNSPECIFIED.


RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1995) Establisment of an in vitro fertilization procedure using oocytes of Katjang goats matured in vitro.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1995) Fisiologi Perubatan Semasa, Jilid 1. UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1995) Pengenalan Sistem Tubuh dan Penyakitnya (Intriduction to body system and its disease). UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1995) The effect of hyperthyroidism on motoneurons of extraocular muscle. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAJIKIN, MOHD HAMIM BIN (1995) The role of goat oviductal epithelial cells on thr in vitro fertilazation of oocytes and subsequent culture of embryos in goats. In: UNSPECIFIED.

RAMLAN, MOHD NOOR BIN (1995) Properties of Three-Layer Particleboard from Bamboo.

ROSLIN, ROSMIMAH BT MOHD (1995) Attaining Competitive Advantage through Effective SCM of SMEs in Malaysia. International Journal of Arts and Sciences, 14 (2).


SAAD, NOR HAYATI BINTI (1995) Development of A Fibre Optic Anemometer.


SAAID, SHAHNIL ASMAR BINTI (1995) Kesenian dan Hiburan Tradisional. UNSPECIFIED.


SAAT, AHMAD BIN (1995) Pengenalan Ilmu Fizik Nukleus (Terjemahan). UNSPECIFIED.

SABAN, GLUMA ANAK (1995) Business and Market Opportunities for Bumiputera Entrepreneurs in Kuching Division. UNSPECIFIED.

SABAN, GLUMA ANAK (1995) Strategic Industrialization Programmes and Database for Small and Medium Industries (SMIs) in Sarawak (Volume 2). UNSPECIFIED.

SALIN, AHMAD SAIFUL AZLIN BIN PUTEH (1995) Global Corporate Governance Practices in Malaysia - Evidence from Directors' Remuneration.

SALLEH, WAN ANISABANUM BINTI (1995) Maternal Sacrifice. ISSN 0127-1172


SAYIN, BAHARUDDIN BIN (1995) Pengajaran Pendidikan Islam Kepada Pelajar Islam di ITM. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SHAARI, SULAIMAN BIN (1995) Energy research activities of UiTM (1990-2000). In: UNSPECIFIED.

SHAARI, SULAIMAN BIN (1995) Installation and commissioning of a PC-linked remote hybrid PV system at Bukit Ladang Teh, Lenggong, Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SHAARI, SULAIMAN BIN (1995) PV applications survey in Malaysian energy overview. In: UNSPECIFIED.

SHAARI, SULAIMAN BIN (1995) Performances characteristics of an amorphous-based solar photovoltaic system in Malaysian field conditions.

SHAARI, SULAIMAN BIN (1995) Simulation of heat transfer through building materials. In: UNSPECIFIED.



SHAZALI, NURLIYANA BINTI MOHD (1995) Ethics in Public Administration: A Reference To Efforts Made by UK and Malaysian Government.

SUDIN, SITI FATIMAH BINTI (1995) Panduan Pembelajaran Pendidikan Islam Asas 11. UNSPECIFIED.

SULAIMAN, SHAHAROM BIN (1995) Pesona Pencipta Buku. ISSN 0025-1348


TERNG, HOE FOO (1995) Strategi Pengajaran Aspek Sebutan Bahasa Mandarin Di Kalangan Pelajar Universiti Teknologi MARA Shah Alam. ISSN 0128-8822


WAHAB, IBTISAM BINTI ABDUL (1995) Enhancing the Understanding of Halal Issues in Pharmacy Curriculum. ISSN 02179687

WISNOE, WIRACHMAN (1995) Contribution of Electronics in Aerospace. In: UNSPECIFIED.



YAMIN, MD ARRIS BIN ABU (1995) Sains KBSR Tahun 4 (Buku Panduan Guru). UNSPECIFIED.


YUSOF, JAMALUDIN MD (1995) Pembinaan Perisian Transliterasi Rumi ke Jawi: Cadangan dan Cabaran. In: UNSPECIFIED.

YUSOF, JAMALUDIN MD (1995) Robotics Industry: PC Based Simulation. In: UNSPECIFIED.


ZAILANI, RAMLAN BIN (1995) Fluidised Bed Pyrolysis of Organic Solid Waste. UNSPECIFIED.

ZAILANI, RAMLAN BIN (1995) Fluidised Bed Pyrolysis of Scrap Tyre. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ZAILANI, RAMLAN BIN (1995) Liquid Fuel from Fast Pyrolysis of Scrap Tyres. In: UNSPECIFIED.

ZAIN, WAN NOR I'ZZAH BINTI WAN MOHAMAD (1995) Antioxidant and Antiproliferative Activities of Essential Oil from Murraya koenigii Leaves.

ZAIN, ZAINI BINTI MOHD (1995) Mycoplasma gallisepticum Isolation: To dip or not to dip? In: UNSPECIFIED.

ZAINUDDIN, AZIZAN BINTI (1995) Organizational Commitment among Employees in Food Manufacturing Industries in SMIs, Kedah. ISSN 0127-0699

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