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Number of items: 57.

ISHAK, ABDUL AZIZ BIN (1996) Temperature control algorithm behavior using several tuning rules.

KADIR, ABDUL RAZAK BIN ABDUL (1996) Sejarah Awal Perkembangan akat di Negeri Sarawak 1956-1985. Jurnal Majlis Islam Sarawak, 15 (1).

YAHYA, AHMAD KAMAL HAYATI BIN (1996) Effects of Al and Cr substitution for Cu on superconductivity and structure of EuBaSrCu3O7-d Ceramics. Materials Research Innovation (impact 0.540) (Scopus, ISI Thompson). ISSN 0128-2635

RAHMAN, AHMAD TAUFEK BIN ABDUL (1996) Creation of sophisticated test objects for quality assurance of optical computed tomography scanners. Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS) (doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/250/1/012046). ISSN 0128-2635

OTHMAN, AKMAL AINI BINTI (1996) The Development In Marketing Thought And Concept: Evolution Of Marketing Channels. ISSN 000469060

AHMAD, AMINUDDIN BIN (1996) Pattern of clinical presentation and gastroduodenal diseases in H. pylori infection and its association with host immunity and bacterial virulence factors. ISSN 0127-9092

AHMAD, AMINUDDIN BIN (1996) PBL 3: Puan Norahmar Suffers 'Angin Ahmar'. ISSN 02640473

(DR), ANUAR BIN TALIB (1996) The Kutai Perak Malay House: Preserving the Family Home, in Harmony with Environment.

AMINUDDIN, AZMI BT. (1996) Gerak Kerja Unit Pengurusan Kualiti 2007.

MANAF, BADRON BIN HJ ABDUL (1996) The Effectiveness of the Micro-Credit Programme in Eradicating Poverty in Sabah and Sarawak,.

KAMARUDDIN, BADRUL HISHAM BIN (1996) Wealth Mobilization by Islamic Banks: The Malaysian Case.

(DR.), CHANG LI YEN (1996) Human neuronal cell protein responses to Nipah virus infection. Virology Journal.

ENG, CH'NG PEI (1996) Piawaian Kompetensi ICT untuk Pendidik- Sorotan Literatur.

SHARIFF, DAHLIA BINTI MOHD (1996) Membelai 7 Kecerdikan Anak. ISSN 0128-2635

MOHAMAD, FAIZAH BINTI (1996) ICT in the Curriculum: Democracy in the Classroom. ISSN 0128-6730

SOON, GOH YING (1996) Use good method to train good students In Special Matter.

DR.), GURURAJ AITHALA KODAVOORU(PROF. (1996) A child with Neisseria meningitidis endocarditis and Staphylococcus aureus septicaemia. Journal of Tropical Pedicatircs.

ABDULLAH, HAZMAN SHAH VIJAYAN BIN (1996) E-Government: Inside of the Public Agencies in Malaysia. Management Challenges in Times of Global Change and Uncertainty, 1 (1).

(DR.), HUANG CHING CHOO (1996) Financial Reporting Standards for MalaysiaSecond Edition.

DR.), JAMALUDIN BIN KASIM (PROF. (1996) Universiti teknologi MARA Pahang Forest reserve : A Potrait An Expression of Natural Heritage campus.

JAAFAR, JASMEE BIN (1996) Laser Scanning: State-of-the-art mapping technology for various applications, accepted for presentation and publication at 2nd Intenational conference on disaster management.

JAAFAR, JASMEE BIN (1996) The effect of scanning resolution towards the construction of digital surface model.

AHMAD, JASMINE BINTI (1996) An Application of TAM Model: Public Perception on e-Filing. Journal of Administrative Science, 21 (1).

(DR), JAVAD KHADEMSAMENI (1996) The effect of surface modification on the morphology and thermal properties of kenaf/TPNR composites. Institute of materials Malaysia, 4 (2). ISSN 0128-7680

(DR), JOANNE VATHANA A/P A. RAJADURAI (1996) Revisiting the concentric circles: conceptual and sociolinguistic concerns. The Journal of English as an International Language, 3 (2). ISSN 0127-9092

NORDIN, KAMARULZAMAN BIN (1996) Effect of high frequency pressing method (hfpm) on springback behaviour of bent laminated bamboo strips lumber (blbsl).

KAMARUDDIN, KARTINI BINTI HAJI (1996) Bulletin FCE -July December 2008, Issue No.10., bil. 2/2008.

LING, KOH SOO (1996) Chinese Zeal in learning English. ISSN 00221 9460

YUSOFF, MOHAMED NADZRI BIN MOHD (1996) Multimodality Imaging Approach in Cerebral Aneurysm.

RAHMAN, MOHD KAMIL BIN ABD. (1996) Integration of Scientific and Technological-Based Photonics Courses. ISSN 0128-8822

PATAH, MOHD ONN RASHDI BIN ABDUL (1996) Sexual Harassment Experiences and Its influence on Hospitality Students� Career Entry Decisions.

ABDULLAH, NADIAH DIYANA TAN BINTI (1996) Assessing Exercise Behavior of Malaysian College Students. Journal of Sports Science and Technology, 15 (1).

@ SAID, NADZIR BIN AWANG AHMAD (1996) Desak PBB tegak keadilan untuk Palestin.

BONNIA, NOOR NAJMI BINTI (1996) The Effect of Woven and Non-Woven Fiber Structure on Mechanical Properties Polyester Composite Reinforced Kenaf. AIP Conf. Proc., 15 (1).

ADNAN, NOR AIZAM BINTI (1996) Utilizing Neural Network in Oil Palm Yield Prediction.

HARUN, NORAZMAN BIN (1996) socio-economic Impact Study of the Proposed Hydroelectric Power Station In Sungai Tembat and Sungai Puah Hulu Terengganu.

HASAN, NURHASLINA BINTI (1996) Hyperthermic effects of Durio zibethinus and its interaction with paracetamol. Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol, 3 (2). ISSN 0127-9092

LEH, OLIVER LING HOON (1996) Public Participation Programme in the Development Plan Preparation Process (Case Studies of Sabak Bernam District Local Plan and Kuala Lumpur Structure Plan).

(DR), RASHID AMEER (1996) Market risk disclosure: evidence from Malaysian listed firms. Journal of Finanical Regulation and Compliance, 2. ISSN 0128-5599

SUBBAN, RI HANUM YAHAYA (1996) College matriculation physics, Semester 1.

RAHIM, ROSLI B ABDUL (1996) Enthusiasm For Work Among Universiti Teknologi MARA Lecturers In Shah Alam: An Investigation Into The Level Of Burnout.


(PROF.DR.), RUHAYA BINTI ATAN (1996) The Relationship Between Board Composition And Characteristics And The Level Of Segment Disclosure.

ABDULLAH, SAIFOLLAH BIN (1996) FTIR Study on Hydrogen Related Group (HRG) of Porous Silicon Nanostructure. Journal of Solid State Science and Technology Letters.

ZAINON, SAUNAH BINTI (1996) Corporate Attention to Ethical Issues: A Study of Malaysian Corporations.

PARAMASIVAM, SHEELA A/P (1996) Metaphors, Symbols and Perception Across Languages.


@ SOON CHIN LOONG, SON TAN SING (1996) Front - Runner Mathematics for Science Semester 2. ISSN ISBN 1394-5866


MAT, TENGKU MUHAINI BINTI TUAN (1996) Tahap Pembudayaan ICT (Information & Communication Technology) di Kalangan Pensyarah UiTM Pulau Pinang dan UiTM Perlis.

HOON, TEOH SIAN (1996) Model Exam Paper for Matriculation Mathematics 2.

(DR.), YIN CHUN YANG (1996) An investigation into physicochemical characteristics of ash produced from combustion of oil palm biomass waste in a boiler. Fuel Processing Technology, 19 (2). ISSN 0126-6128

AWANG, ZAIKI BIN (1996) Design and fabrication of microwave filters.

(DR), ZAINAL BIN SAMICHO (1996) Optimising the Cholesterol Content Reduction in Prawn by Lactobacillus acidophilus Yoghurt Using Response Surface Method.

ZAKARIA, ZUHAINA BT HAJI (1996) Real Time Internet Instrumentation.

ZAABA, ZURAIDAH BINTI (1996) Illegal Immigrants Entry into Sabah: Policy Statements and Practices. Journal of Administrative Science.

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Molecular Phylogeny of genomic islands of Haemophilus spp.

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